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Author Topic: Taken Off Vagifem  (Read 22287 times)


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2016, 06:00:01 PM »

That shouldn't become the Patients' problem!!!!  as for SORNing the car, may I giggle?

What do you intend to do.
;D ;D ;D I did my hubby didn't find it that funny! I have to wait 5 working days and then re-tax it! Good we are going away on Thursday cause we can't move the car from the driveway! If I try to pay it today they will charge us the whole month that we already paid for.


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2016, 07:40:02 PM »

Is there another GP in the same practice that you can go to Lynne888? I really would go back asap and get this situation reversed - if necessary taking printouts of all the info. If you don't have enough Vagifem left to last you, you should not have to wait to write to Dr Currie as the info is all out there - that we have all linked to - so no excuse for GPs to be ignorant I'm afraid.

Try to imagine we militant lot are all sitting with you at the appointment - I wish we could all be virtual advocates in situations like this, and be called upon to argue with GPs that don't play ball!!

Hurdity x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2016, 08:25:07 AM »

I am going to go back. I have to anyway. There are other GP's there so I could always try someone else! It's a great idea! I'll keep you informed!


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2016, 05:46:42 PM »

Or the Practice Nurse - might be more helpful.


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2016, 09:17:55 AM »

Yes I really like the nurse she is very approachable but she has nothing to do with medication at our practice at all. Added to everything I've had some blood in my poo. I went to my GP in April about it. At the appointment she said she didn't think it was anything and wouldn't be sending me anywhere but the following day I got a letter saying she had thought about it and felt it needed checking. That was 5 months ago and I still haven't had an appointment come through. I DID go back after 3 months and she said it can take a while!  I rang the hospital this week when it got to 5 months to be told it's at least a 12 month wait  :-\ The blood in my poo is now worse and I'm worried sick.  Made an appointment to go back to see GP. I'm terrified of having a colonoscopy after reading the horror stories online but it has to be done I guess.  So along with the usual menopause issues, I now have my backside to worry about to  ;)


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2016, 10:56:54 AM »

Hi Lynne888

Surely that can't be right? I thought that unexplained rectal bleeding would be referred to check for and hopefully rule out cancer, under the 2 week rule? Are you over 50?

I would absolutely insist on being seen within 2 weeks. There is no way I would let blood in stools go unchecked for that long ( however I am over 60...).

I hope you have more success this time - and please look up if you can - I had a look at the NICE Guidelines (not wanting to alarm you - but just to check protocols) and you can see for yourself here:

The NHS website gives all the different explanations of rectal bleeding and a summary of the referral guidance.

As you can see there are many different causes but you should be checked out as soon as possible. I hope you asked for a quick appointment?

I hope it goes well with the doc and do try not to worry :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2016, 02:14:16 PM »

It could be a polyp or a small tear in the tender skin but your GP should be taking note!  I do a poo sample kit every 3 years …

Our Practice Nurse doesn't prescribe although we do have Prescribing Nurses in the main Surgery, but will suggest to the GP protocol - then the GP usually leaves out a prescription.



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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2016, 09:31:04 PM »

I can't see GP until next Wednesday. I'm going to pay if I can get to see a specialist quicker because I don't want it to drag on any longer.  I have read loads of stuff online about the possibilities of bowel cancer so I am more than a bit scared I can tell you.  I was less worried when I first went with the bleeding because I suffer from IBS and I can have really severe bouts and I honestly just thought it was that.  I didn't see any blood for months afterwards so I didn't chase it up but I just happened to see it in the loo the other day and realised I hadn't been checking so I've no idea how long it's been going on :(  I'm terrified. Who wouldn't be. 
p.s  Yes i'm over 50.. I'm 58.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 09:33:00 PM by Lynne888 »


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2016, 09:34:03 PM »

Try to calm down.  There are very thin blood vessels in the back passage which can leak - is the blood in the bowl or mixed in with the pooh, is it bright red, fresh blood?  Could it be from a polyp in the vagina?

Have you been constipated or eaten more roughage in recent weeks?  Piles can cause blood loss.

Blood looks a lot as it is very fluid being mixed with lymph ……… (I think it's called).  Add toilet bowl water to the mix and it may seem a lot!!

What ever - next Wed. isn't long to wait as far as getting treatment but it doesn't do your head any good does it  :bighug:


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2016, 10:13:20 PM »

The blood is bright red.. the other day when I first noticed it again, it had coated the whole of the poo (the blood is not in the water in the bowl). When I initially went to my GP I'd had a bad bout of IBS and I really thought the constant trips to the loo had irritated my piles.. I DO have them! I was shocked when the whole poo was covered though.  It's not always there but I've been checking every time now and it's rare there isn't a small amount.. it's generally very red and it can be a little spot or a bigger amount. When there was none on the poo a few days ago I investigated further (sorry for gross info) and found the blood on the inside of the poo which I've read is not good. It's definitely not vaginal.  Wednesday is not too far away, I'm just worried about how long it will be before I get seen by a specialist.  It's dragged on far too long already
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 10:48:39 PM by Lynne888 »


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2016, 10:34:21 PM »

Your doctor should refer you under the two week rule.


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2016, 10:47:49 PM »

I know they should but it's already been 5 months so that ship has sailed!!


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2016, 07:47:17 AM »

From what you've said - you must insist that you are referred within the two weeks especially at your age. If it has never been investigated then they have to do so. If necessary mention the C word. I am shocked that they let you go that long. I also do the faecal occult blood test but this is for over 60's and comes in the post, and tests for cancer even when blood is not visible in the faeces but only microscopically. The fact that it is visible in your case demands an investigation. Your GP is wrong not to give you an urgent referral. I can't imagine under what circumstances one needs to wait for a year  :-\

Hurdity x


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2016, 08:09:24 AM »

Thanks Hurdity. I intend to insist on an immediate appointment due to the long wait.  I'll update here once I've been. 


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Re: Taken Off Vagifem
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2016, 08:56:26 AM »

A friend of mine had this and was seen in a week - no need to use her private medical insurance.  GP said it would be quick.  Maybe GP has marked it non-urgent?  >:( I hope they sort this out for you.

Friends turned out to be piles, but they removed a couple of polyps whilst they were about it.

I have found out recently that people over 55 will be called for a 'bowel scope' which is a camera up the nethers, but only up to the Sigmoid colon (the sharp bend on the LHS)
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