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Author Topic: Testosterone only?  (Read 2236 times)

Chi chi

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Testosterone only?
« on: September 18, 2016, 08:44:25 AM »

Just wondered what everyone's thoughts on this were? I don't think the oestrogel is doing anything for me and I just can't bear to have to take progesterone because of taking the oestrogel!
I'm already using testim and I really feel this has been beneficial to me, I believe this is what's revved up my libido.
I was originally put on HRT due to low moods/anxiety (out of nowhere)! The usual peri symptoms except flushes which I haven't had yet.
Im really tempted to stop the oestrogel and just carry on with the testim and see how I feel? I'd also like to know what my periods/cycle is like without, unsure if the testim would affect this though?

Thanks as always  :)


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Re: Testosterone only?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2016, 09:21:17 AM »

I'm not sure if I'm right here as I'm in early stages trying to fight for Testim but I thought you had to either be on oestrogen hrt (and if you have a uterus then you'd need prog too) or at least have good natural levels of oestrogen to be given testosterone . As I say I may be wrong but sure I've read/heard that

You're doing right by asking though

Annie x



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Re: Testosterone only?
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2016, 09:48:54 AM »

You're absolutely correct, Annie! Testosterone without sufficient estrogen to balance would be an absolute disaster!!

I had a very in depth conversation with the Menopause Consultant I saw a few weeks ago about TRT and he was emphatic that you need to have a stable, sustained level of estrogen before it should be prescribed in any case.

Chi chi, what you could end up with is Androgen dominance, and that isn't pretty. Mentally, it causes increased anxiety and rage. Physically, unwanted body and facial hair, male pattern baldness, enlarged clitoris and deepening of the voice which could be irreversible.

It's all about BALANCE.

What were you hoping HRT would do for you, Chi Chi? Sometimes people's expectations of what HRT can do can be a little unrealistic. It isn't a cure all for everything (how wonderful if it were)!

I'm sure one of our more knowledgeable ladies will be along shortly to explain why balance is difficult during peri as your own hormones are fluctuating. This could be a large part of why you are struggling at the moment. xx
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 09:52:24 AM by Tempest »

Chi chi

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Re: Testosterone only?
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2016, 10:19:48 AM »

Thank you both  :)
I've been on my current regime pretty much for the last 2.5 years, 4 pumps of oestrogel, tube of testim per week although Proff Studd increased this to a tube per 5 days and utrogestan every month. There's no way I can take it every month so I've been taking it more like every 3.
Oddly I felt the best when my testosterone was at its highest at 8.5 (when I started HRT it was only 0.4)! I had a massive decrease between May and oct last year when it dropped from 8.5 to 2.2 and then again in March this year when it was only 0.7. Since then it rose to 1.9 but had dropped again at my last test in June this year where it was 1.5. My estradiol has been fairly stable between 300-500.
I still have all the same symptoms as when I started except my libido had improved but just recently that has also been on the decline.
I've had absolutely no bad side effects from the testim I'm taking and I understand I'm on slightly more than what is usually prescribed for women  ???
I'm supposed to be taking my utrogestan at the moment but after only 2 nights I had to stop as I felt so so awful, more so than usual when on it, I can normally just about manage 5 nights but this time things felt different and much worse  :-\
I realise the importance of having to take some form of prog to protect my womb when on HRT but as I feel the oestrogel isn't really doing much I just feel like what's the point in being on it? I do like the testim though  :-\

So bloody annoying


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Re: Testosterone only?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2016, 10:31:24 AM »

There simply is not enough information on dosage and effects of testosterone in women -  because there have only been very limited licensed products specifically for women and most prescriptions (apart from implants - are these still available?) are off licence.

I'm not sure of the wisdom of monitoring T levels so closely - as I understood all blood tests to be inaccurate and especially T which is usually measured at the ranges for men so inaccurate at the lower end of the range where women's levels usually are. Also I'm not sure whether it is free T which is measured? Don't know much about this I'm afraid as I haven't looked into it and haven't had my levels measured. I just use the stuff and it has made me feel better so I've just left it at that.

Just also to agree you don't want to end up with relative T dominance although if you are still having a normal cycle with your own oestrogen peaking as usual at ovulation then this could be less of a problem - but you are using a huge amount of T gel compared to many!

Personally I would not take the testim on its own without the oestrogen though - and especially that much.

Sorry I can't help any more.

Hurdity x

Chi chi

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Re: Testosterone only?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2016, 10:11:55 AM »

Thanks Hurduty x