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Author Topic: feeling really strange  (Read 4205 times)


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feeling really strange
« on: September 18, 2016, 10:31:57 AM »

Hi I stopped hrt a few weeks ago on docs advice and have to say all was well until a couple of days ago.It's hard to explain but here goes. I feel really weird inside like my body is  getting little shocks, I had a hysterectomy 4 years ago, I still have my ovaries but I feel like im going to get my period(obviously not) and I have weird sore/pain where my ovaries are, not a constant pain just now and again like a period pain. I have a prolapsed bowel and bladder and am waiting for op to repair both. Just wondering if amyone else stopped hrt and had similar experience or is this just another of the Lovely menopause  ;Dsymptoms, it's the strangest feeling ever like my nerve endings are raw, sorry if i'm not explaining myself too well buy it's very hard to describe, would appreciate any advice
Cheers Yammy


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2016, 11:03:03 AM »



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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2016, 06:03:05 PM »

Yammy1 - I would have thought this may be pain from the prolapsed bowel and bladder.  As oestrogen levels drop this may have had an effect on your bladder.  Oestrogen really helps with bladder problems so I hope once you've had your repair that they put you back on some oestrogen to help the healing process and get you back on track.  I'm interested to know why they advised you to come of the Oestrogen!!!????  DG x


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2016, 10:50:45 AM »

Hi Danginggirl, thankyou for your reply. They originally put me on hrt for anxiety and when I saw a different doc and told him I didn't feel any different anxiety wise on hrt he suggested I stopped it for a while and see how I get on, he couldn't understand why I was put on hrt for anxiety, I think you right be right about bladder because it feels really strange it that area and I feel the prolapse has worsened, so hopefully when I have repair things will get better
Yammy xxx


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2016, 11:00:42 AM »

Hi yummy it sounds the same as I get. ****ly feeling. Pins and needles  answer jittery feelings. I also get joint aches too. I'm not on hrt and determined not to, not been easy though for 3 years but I am persevering with it. Good luck with your ops. We will get through it. Big hug xx


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2016, 11:03:19 AM »

Hi Yammy1 - I had a hyster and anterior repair (bladder) two years ago. I had to come off HRT for a while and experienced similar pain to you. I believe a lot of it is the weak pelvic floor ligaments stretching due to the loss of oestrogen. Now I am back on HRT the pains have gone. You can also get scar tissue from the op itself which can take a few years to begin to cause problems.

I am 62 now and the main reason for me being represcribed HRT is because the pelvic floor specialist said it was important in order to keep my pelvic floor strong to prevent further prolapses. I am fairly sure that I will  have to have further surgery in time to shore things up!  I agree with Dancinggirl that you should really ask for your HRT back in order to stop things deteriorating further pelvic tissue-wise.

Keep doing the pelvic floor exercises every day too - most important.

Taz x



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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2016, 11:41:23 AM »

Thank you all, nice knowing i'm not alone, when you have sisters and friends telling you 'I never had to take hrt' and 'I'm fine 'it really makes me angry and sad, everybody is different and menopause affects us all differently but it's very disheartening when your made to feel less of a woman when you need a bit of help. When I have my bowel and bladder op they are also going to repair pelvic floor, I don't know what exactly this involves but as long as I feel a bit more normal down there I don't really care what they do.Doc said I should hear from hospital in September/October with op. date, I really hope it's sooner rather than later, fed up feeling crap  :'(

« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 11:43:18 AM by Yammy1 »


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2016, 11:45:45 AM »

Just make sure they are not using mesh , double check what type of prolapse surgery they will be doing .


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2016, 11:46:54 AM »

will do, but excuse my ignorance but what is mesh?


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2016, 03:14:21 PM »

It has been used by Surgeons to help hold up 'parts' but apparently doesn't have a good success rate ???  maybe do a 'search' here as I'm sure it has been discussed.


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2016, 03:55:38 PM »

I would urge you to get a full description of what's being done Yammy - surgeons/consultants are quick to reassure us that all will be fine but they tend to deal with their own particular part and don't always tell you what could be affected.

Mesh is used to reinforce tissue most often when there have been repeated prolapses. Most operations for bladder or bowel prolapse are called "pelvic floor repair" so I'm not sure quite what is meant in your case? If the top of the vagina has prolapsed (vaginal vault prolapse) then this can be hitched up to the back bone. The uterus is the support for the top of the vagina and when you have a hysterectomy it is common for it to slip down after a few years. HRT does keep things stronger to prevent this happening although it is not licensed, as far as I know, purely for this. Some surgeons do stitch it at the time of hysterectomy but you should have been told at the time that this had been done. I found the information before mine severely lacking so had to do quite a bit of digging around on the internet myself. There is also help on the Hysterectomy UK site.

Details here  and here too

Taz x


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2016, 04:24:10 PM »


It is negligent for Consultants not to explain everything that they may do at Surgery, what may be required, what might not go quite right as well as handing the patient to a specific Nurse trained to support and advise!  Sadly the NHS is now lacking this skill base  >:(

Do have a word with your GP to see what is in the letter from the Consultant as well as ringing the Secretary to find out more.  You don't have to undergo any procedure until you are absolutely sure that this is for you! 


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2016, 05:40:29 PM »

I really appreciate all the comments and advice and I will be making sure that my consultant explains exactly what is involved in my op, I had my hysterectomy 4 years ago , it was supposed to be vaginal but during surgery doctors discovered that my womb was 'stuck' to my bowel and bladder ( they said scar tissue from previous c sections caused this) so when they started procedure my bowel and bladder were pulled down, they had to do key hole surgery and I lost a lot of blood, as far as I'm concerned this is why I am having so many problems now and I am extremely nervous about surgery but I can't go on the way I am, as a result of the damage to my bowel I now have very little control and most days I have to take imodeum. I just want to be normal again


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2016, 06:05:02 PM »

Oh poor you!  Were you not offered a 'bag' ……. to give the bowel a rest?

Make notes to take with you or maybe send them in an e-mail : "I have several things that I forgot to ask so have made you a list, please put my mind at rest.  1. …… "

B4 I had a big op I phoned the Anaesthetist on the phone as well as B4 surgery to build up a relationship …..


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Re: feeling really strange
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2016, 08:15:09 PM »

Thank you a list is a very good idea that I will certainly do, I am going to ring hospital this week and try pressure them into doing op sooner rather than later, I really want to be well for Christmas and time is ticking