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Author Topic: Excessive sweating. Help ladies  (Read 8160 times)


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Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« on: September 12, 2016, 03:15:01 PM »

Hi All....  I have recently reached the end of my tether, so thought I need to ask some advice.   I have been suffering with really intensive sweating around me face, head and neck for about 5 years, but it just keeps getting worse and worse.   As soon as I exert myself, and sometimes this can be as simple as just putting my shoes on, I feel an intense heat straight to my head, and within minutes my hair is wet, sometimes to the point of dripping, and my face looks like I've just got out the shower.   This can happen anytime of day, but seems worse in the morning. It's so embarrassing. I don't get night sweats very often, but have the usual anxiety, irritability, forgetfulness etc.  I am 52, and can't bear the thought of being like this for the next who knows how many years.  I have tried HRT, which had no affect at all so I came off it.  I should mention I had a hysterectomy when I was 42, so no periods to help guide me how far through the process I am.   I also have MS, so sometimes it's hard to tell what the symptoms relate to.   Am I alone, or do others struggle with this.  Any advice great fully received. 


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2016, 03:35:20 PM »

Hello and  :welcomemm:

Have you had your thyroid checked recently,if there is a problem this can cause the same symptoms you describe. Which hrt did you try ?

Mary G

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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2016, 04:27:01 PM »

KarenAB, I have never had hot flushes or night sweats but I did have a dodgy thermostat prior to taking HRT.  My problem was breaking into a sweat far too soon, not adjusting to different temperatures and sweating in air conditioning despite not feeling hot.  My sweating was all over, particularly face, bra-line and back and it was horribly embarrassing - I used to soak through my clothes.  Since getting the right dose of oestrogen, this has completely stopped and I am now back to normal. 

I'm sorry to hear that you have MS, this is obviously a factor that has to be taken into account and I don't know what effect HRT would have on it but the fact you have had a hysterectomy does make HRT much easier because you don't need the dreaded progesterone which causes women so many problems.  To give you some peace of mind, all the risks attached to HRT are in the progesterone component so that is another bonus.
What type of HRT were you taking before?  It could be that you were not on a high enough dose or perhaps you were not absorbing it probably hence the lack of symptom control.  Depending on what your MS specialist says, you might find Oestrogel is a good place to start because it is flexible and you can easily adjust the dose.

I hope that helps. 


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2016, 09:30:21 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM KarenB
How old are you now?
I think you need oestrogen - and quickly - do discuss this with your MS specialist or a gynae.  Do try Oestrogel (as MaryG has suggested) - it's great to use and flexible. Whatever you tried before may not have been strong enough - you may need around 2 pumps per day of this gel and you should feel better within 3-4 weeks.
There have been other ladies with MS posting on this site - hopefully they will appear with support.
BTW as Dazned has said, have you had your thyroid function check recently?
DG xxx


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2016, 09:47:42 PM »


DG - KarenB tells us her age  ::)



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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2016, 09:53:21 PM »

Hi Ladies.  Thank you so much for your comments.  I am going back to my doctor and will raise the suggestions you have mentioned.  I am 52 now, and tried Estradiaol, can't remember the dose, but I will request to try something else.   I have had my thyroid tested in the past, but not for a while I don't think, so will mention that as well.   
I've never used a forum before, but so glad I put this up.  I can't tell you how helpful it's been, just to have some other advice to try.  Time to be forceful at my GPs I think.   


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2016, 09:55:23 PM »

Browse round, make notes!  Keeping a mood/food/symptom diary can be useful too.

Let us know how you get on.  Dont' be fobbed off ;-)


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2016, 05:36:52 AM »

Yes! I have been getting this  and have noticed it getting worse recently and thought it was just hot flushes but it is dreadful. I am having blood tests done today and thyroid check but not because of that but because I had mentioned crushing fatigue to my GP last week at 3 month HRT review. The thought of battling to get another GP appointment about these sweats fills me with dread but reading the responses I think I may need to see her again!
Karen AB I hope you can get some help - I also worry about smelling as a result but so far no-one has had a "quiet word" with me about that!!!!


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2016, 08:29:56 AM »

Ladies - please don't rule out the effect of the weather!!!  It has been particularly hot and especially humid over the last couple of months and this will have an awful effect on flushes - making them a lot, lot worse.  I get in the car and the heat and humidity in the vehicle makes me immediately break out a terrible sweat, particularly in my face and head - I find I get really claustrophobic, open all the windows, have the air con at full blast etc.

On a cool breezy day I barely get any flushes. 

I wouldn't worry about smelling - sweat only smells if it is stale.  Wear cotton clothes and only wear for a day.  Rather embarrassingly, I find it is my crotch that can be the worst area to get smelly - I wash my trousers a lot and use some washing soap on the crouch area before putting it in the machine on a hot wash - I'm afraid these cold washes are simply not going to deal with dried perspiration.  Dg x


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2016, 09:11:38 AM »

Hi Dancing Girl - thanks for your comments but it isn't the recent weather for me -it's definitely a "different" type of "hotness" !!


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2016, 11:18:01 AM »

Hi All, thanks for,the comments.  Fifty girl I feel your's like nothing else.   I'm going to insist on some blood tests as well.   Do,let me know how you get on.  Good luck.   I'm sure this is hormonal, but I'm not convinced it's what most would describe as a flush...I have friends and have seen them flush, but None of them seem to end up in the state that I do. The other thing that's weird is that if I spent my life sat still and didn't move, I wouldn't suffer at all.    Time will tell.

I'll keep everyone posted... Thanks again for all the comments.

Mary G

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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2016, 02:58:45 PM »

DG, I take your point about the weather but this type of sweating is a completely different kettle of fish.  What I have now is a completely normal level of sweating whereby if it's hot, I sweat at a normal level and then recover quickly and I also adjust very easily to different temperatures including air conditioning.

fiftygirl, you are right, hormonal sweating caused by low oestrogen is not the same as having a hot flush because you don't necessarily feel hot.  It is horrible because not only is it embarrassing, it is profuse sweating that comes on in seconds and it doesn't go away very quickly either.  I could not adjust to different temperatures and constantly felt uncomfortable and like I was on the verge of breaking into a really nasty, embarrassing sweat.  Cars (I sweated through my clothes and into the car seat once even though the air conditioning was on full pelt), conservatories, greenhouses, glass ceilings in shopping centres and certain light bulbs were a real problem for me and I would break into a sweat within 5 seconds whereas now, they do not bother me at all and if I do sweat, it goes away very quickly - I adjust very easily to different temperatures too just like I always used to.

Because I spend a lot of time in Spain in extremely high temperatures, I would go to the ends of the earth to ensure that I never, ever have to live with something like that again.  I didn't think I could ever feel completely normal again, particularly after being on the wrong HRT for so long, so you can imagine how overjoyed I was to get back to normal and that is why I bang on endlessly about Oestrogel, I really think it is the best invention ever!

Do have your thyroid checked out but 9 times of out 10 these symptoms are down to oestrogen deficiency.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 03:00:19 PM by Mary G »


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2016, 03:41:25 PM »

That describes it so well.   Thank you.   Will take your advice. 


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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2016, 12:06:02 PM »

I know saying I'm so happy to read this thread is a very odd thing to say - given the level of discomfort  ;D but I know you will understand what I mean.

I've been having this excessive head sweating for years now.  Long before any other meno symptoms showed up (that I noticed anyway).  I haven't been able to wear make-up for years as a result.  I would exert myself in some small way and the make-up would melt off.  If I exercised or danced my hair would drip and my face pours with sweat.  I had to take a towel with me to exercise classes just to mop my face and head all the time.  Everyone else in class just looked a bit red!  Now, when I'm pretty much exhausted all the time too (so no exercise classes), I just pour water from my head if I attempt housework.  Mopping or hoovering floors is the worst.  And if I go shopping in winter I might be OK in the street but then walk into a shopping centre or shop and just explode!

I look at people done up in winter clothes, scarves, hats, gloves and boots, and I think "how can you stand it".  I'll have a coat on, and often I take that off.  It's all the fashion to wear big draped scarves indoors now.  I just look at them and think "ha! no way".  I don't get flushes or the normal sort of hot flashes.  I'm just lastingly hot with the slightest effort.

I am so glad to hear that it's not just me.  I've never seen anyone reacting like I do.

I am on an Estroderm patch and progesterone lozenge but perhaps this means it's not enough.  I'm certainly very weary much of the time and have no damn drive or ambition left anymore.  Trouble is every time I increase my dose I bloat horribly.  And I'm not good with progesterone.

God this is so hard.   ::)

Mary G

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Re: Excessive sweating. Help ladies
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2016, 06:55:42 PM »

SueLW, what dose of patch are you on?  How much progesterone do you take each month?

You probably read my previous post on this thread but to reiterate, I found I needed a high level of oestrogen to completely combat the sweating problem and need to be somewhere in the high 800s blood wise.  The fact is, not everyone can relieve symptoms on the same dose of oestrogen and some women need more and it sounds as though you might be one of them. 

Have you considered switching from patches to gel?  You might find it easier to achieve high levels of oestrogen and it is very easy to quickly adjust the dose up or down to suit your needs.

I'm not good on progesterone either but I just about manage to struggle through on a low dose.
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