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Author Topic: Testosterone levels  (Read 6629 times)


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Re: Testosterone levels
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2016, 07:54:03 AM »

Thanks Nina, well here's my story ....

Ovarian failure age 32 after hystetectomy so put on oestrogen hrt, went for scan last week as GP was worried about ovarian cancer (I went in with a UTI) and sonographer couldn't find my ovaries ! She said she reckons they shrivelled up and disappeared not long after they failed .  So what's given me a level of 0.9 ? Adrenals ?

It's left me soooo confused

Annie x
« Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 09:15:39 AM by Annie0710 »

Chi chi

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Re: Testosterone levels
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2016, 08:46:35 AM »

It actually went up to 8.5! I know this level is really high out of range but I felt great! Sadly didn't help too much with my aches and pains but they didn't bother me as much because overall I felt better mentally.


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Re: Testosterone levels
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2016, 09:17:00 AM »

I think sometimes if youre generally feeling better you can comd with other niggles x

Chi chi

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Re: Testosterone levels
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2016, 10:10:54 AM »



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Re: Testosterone levels
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2016, 04:07:29 PM »

The gynae I went to see about T (since retired) said she never tested for T but went on symptoms. I have said this before but she explained that testing for T in women is difficult because the test is not sensitive enough to pick out differences at the lower end of the scale because it is the same test as for men who have much higher levels.

So I would not get hung up about these levels at all and your doc should not refuse to give you T on this basis when you are demonstrating those symptoms.

Annie0710 - if everything else has been tested - and vitamin, iron levels etc are fine, and especially your oestrogen levels too - and you have no libido, poor sexual response, and feeling tired and get muscle aches and pains especially after exercise - then testosterone deficiency could be the cause.

The doctor who thought it could be a problem and agreed to test it is already half-way there. Can't remember who you;re seeing and where you are but you need to persuade them to try you on Testosterone off licence. I agree you should not be left to suffer. Although dazned says it may not be the answer - it has to be worth a try - and you need to persist for 4-5 months. I only use a tiny amount (pea-sized blob) but it's made a huge difference to my energy levels and especially the muscle pain and fatigue after exercise. It may not necessarily improve libido but should improve response.

Btw I presume your diet is good, you are healthy weight and get plenty of exercise/fresh air - all very important to energy levels too, as well as sleep.

Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone levels
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2016, 04:37:00 PM »

Thank you Hurdity, I saw you'd responded about levels today or yesterday on another thread

Yes everything else has come back acceptable levels these past few months

BMI is still healthy although I feel sad about the 10-12lb weight gain, it sits around my tummy and thighs (I've had to buy bigger sizes)

It was the well woman nurse who 'reluctantly' did the test saying the GPs had told her they do not prescribe testosterone for women as there isn't anything on licence (I did fight my corner quoting NICE guidelines etc etc), I get the impression they won't keep her long as they won't like her approach and after she speaks to them each time she then takes their reasoning

The dr who signed the result is the one who put me back on Vagifem and noted VA in my notes, when I went to see her about my UTI

It was also her who ordered the scan, which the sonographer could not find my ovaries and thinks they shrunk and disappeared after they failed

I guess that bit of fact could help me in my fight got T

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