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Author Topic: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain  (Read 9203 times)


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Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« on: August 22, 2016, 05:24:53 PM »

Hi, I posted a while back with a load of rather complicated questions but starting a new post as hopefully this is a bit more straight forward!  I am taking Evorel to try and get on top of severe migraines and have recently gone from 50 to 75.  I immediately noticed an increase in neck pain and all over body aches incl bad knee pain. However my migraines are better on a higher dose (so far) so I feel like I am stuck in a no win situation.  I am not yet taking progesterone (4 months in and regular periods, although longer term I will have to sort out some progesterone I know) so it's just an estrogen issue.

So wondering if others have experienced these kind of side effects and if they tend to be temporary?

thanks alot


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2016, 07:50:32 AM »

Happens to me every time I change my patch.  When I take the progesterone it goes away.  I think it is an estrogen infllammatory effect and the progesterone counterbalances it. 


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2016, 09:23:11 AM »

Thanks Andius - can I ask what progesterone you take and how often?


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2016, 11:04:19 PM »

micronized progesterone....Prometrium brand name, 100mg daily by mouth 25 days/mo


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2016, 10:00:05 AM »

thanks Andius - good to know.

More generally, I am assuming that this isn't a common problem (from the lack of posts).  Either way, for those of you who have had side effects when starting or raising dose of a patch, how long would you give it before going back to the old dose? I would do it now if it wasn't that my migraines seem (so far) to have improved on the higher dose, and I probably need to try to get to Evorel 100 to try and suppress ovulation?

thanks as always


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2016, 06:31:55 AM »

Also anyone had leg swelling when raising dose? I have had a fat knee for 2 weeks now (or rather fatter than usual!) thanks


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2016, 07:50:06 PM »

Hi Jasper - I'm having the very same side effects although they seem to be slightly better since I've changed to estradot from oestrogel and added utrogestan 100mg conti v route.

2 things- someone posted to me that there's a link between progesterone and easing joint pain and estradot and evorel are based on different ingredients, one is yam, the other is soy. So it may be that one suits you better than the other. Personally, my joint aches started when I was on oestrogel and utrogestan sequi, so I've changed the protocol and (sore) fingers crossed, it'll help. I also has more leg and general water retention on the gel. Don't know why that would be?

Hope you get more posts with helpful tips.




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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2016, 06:46:15 AM »

Thanks so much Dawncam. Having moved from sequi to conti can you tell what the estrogen alone was doing? So are you now on utrogestan every day?  I am going to have to speak to my consultant (£££) by the looks of it but I know she is going to suggest mirena which I am really unhappy about. I dropped down from 75 to 50 patch a week ago as knee pain so bad but now migraines every day so I can't ein😟. I am also not happy about the water retention.


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2016, 07:57:52 AM »

God Jasper I wish I had the answer. My difficulty seems to be absorption so I've switched from gel x4 pumps to patches estradot 75, then 100 and the joint pain worsens! Still also have sleep disturbance and night sweats. Found myself in tears last week!

Someone suggested prog helps with joint pain so I'm trying utro Conti 100 mg v route. Only a few days in so its hard to tell.

I hope you get the answer to your probs.

My waxer, who's 45, told me yesterday that she'd had a partial hysterectomy ie. Only the womb, removed in early 40's and now used E patch only. Never looked back and never felt better. It's something I'm doing research on as I don't want to come off E and really fed up with utro and bleeding etc. Certainly don't want to be doing that in my 60's and 70's!

Good luck.



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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2016, 08:06:21 AM »

HI Dawncam, sorry you are still having issues with the joint pain too.  Trouble is even on estrogen only I am still having all the cycle issues and bleeding :-( And I haven't even got into trying progesterone options and whatever problems they cause! Just so frustrating about the joint pain - I don't know if its temporary and I just have to try and stick it out (I did 75 for a month before dropping back down) - how long have you been on the higher dose? Are you in peri or menopause?


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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2016, 07:59:02 PM »

Hi Jasper - I'm 54 and prob 3 years post meno. Been switching between 4 pumps Egel and 75 patch. I doubled my patch dose this morning (I know that's radical but I'm desperate and convinced I'm low on E and going to see consultant at end of the month) and now, at 9pm after a really busy day on my feet all day and a 20 min run this evening, my pain is barely noticeable. I'm on day 5 of 100mg utro v route and also started vit d and joint supplements 5 days ago. Not sure which, if any or all of these things are helping, but I feel better all round.

I'll keep you posted on progress.



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Re: Evorel dose increases - muscle/joint pain
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2016, 04:26:12 PM »

Hi Jasper - another 'side effect' it would seem of Conti utro, is reduced water retention. Even though I've increased my E, I've not bloated up with water. It's still early days, but on this dose of E only previously, I'd be unable to get jeans on.

Also, joints getting better day by day. Hope it continues.
