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Author Topic: Anxiety: say if you have it, despite taking HRT or anti-anxiety medications.  (Read 31047 times)


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« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 03:23:38 AM by Menomale »


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I have anxiety, improved since starting HRT last December, but still have episodes of anxiety and overthinking everything.
Never tried any other medication, only Kalms (valerian) or Roseola extract
Which I think slightly takes edge off things, but hate anxiety, at its worst I was also having jitters and occasional panic at tacks. 😟


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Hrt didnt solve my anxiety unfortunately but AD did  :)


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About 18months,at first alongside hrt,but stopped hrt last Nov,no noticeable side effects.  ;)


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No all my life I have been a strong,confident,outgoing person,responsible job etc.etc hit 49 and it all went to pot !


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For now anyway !  ;)


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I've been on Citalopram for over 5 months now and I'm still struggling every single day. I'm also on HRT (been on that for 7 months) and I have no idea what is doing what, all I know is that I'm suffering terribly and can't seem to shift the anxiety/depression. I've had 12 weeks of CBT which didn't really do anything at all and I'm about to start counselling (person centred) to see if that might help.

Like you Menomale, mornings are absolutely my worst time, evenings are better and some evenings I feel virtually "back to normal" only to have that feeling cruelly ripped away upon waking the next day. Every morning I spend at least 20 minutes dry heaving because I feel so sick, my mind is going 10 to the dozen, I'm sweaty and shaky and can just about manage a cup of tea. I've lost well over 2st in weight since this first started back in November last year and I would give anything to be rid of this awful thing.


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I've only just realised during puberty I had a brief spell of depersonalisation (I had no idea what it was only I floated out of my body, I thought I was crazy and my mum took me to the doc who said its not unusual for teenage girls to experience it but I was in a minority that told my mum), that all ended and I thought no more of it

Hysterectomy at 32 and hrt soon after - no problems

Peri at 45 - slight nervousness at social gatherings

Post 48/49 - shying away from anything with the words social or gatherings in.  I feel faint and weak and verge on this depersonalisation malarkey - have never had meds for it and still on hrt , have started to have cognitive hypnotherapy in the hope of combatting it

You ladies are the only ones I've shared this with in depth

Annie X

walking the dog

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Well done for sharing annie 0710 and for recognising the depersonalization.
I suffer from extreme anxiety which though I have always been slightly anxious I managed a life   but since peri menopause its got out of control I struggle to do lots of things others take for granted I can't go places I haven't been to before without my husband taking me on a dummy run ! I avoid people if I can and I think constantly about how anxious I feel
I have had the depersonalization experience many times irs like I'm.sitting in a chair but I feel like I'm over the other side of the room I think I'm used to it now !
I was on ADs for a few years but they didn't help much after the first year so I stopped in may this year and in a way I feel better off them even though my anxiety's just as bad I feel more in touch with my emotions and able to cope slightly more !
I wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone,I'm nearly seven years into my menopause journey so I just hope the ends nearly in sight and the anxiety will go with it.
I wish all you ladies suffering from it well xx


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I never knew what it was until I was looking up anxiety, it was a relief that other people experience it as I had always assumed they were just out of body experiences, they scared the life out of me as a young girl

My hypnotherapist wanted to induce one on me but I refused, I said I never want to go through again on purpose

I get close to having them sometimes :-(

Annie x


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Re: Anxiety: say if you have it, despite taking HRT or anti-anxiety medications.
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2016, 11:27:47 PM »

I think its important to recognise the cause of the anxiety in order to try to treat it. You tend to have the initial cause (physical or emotional), the main symptoms (adrenal rushes, palpitations, sweating, etc.) and, in some cases, a secondary set of different or worsening physical symptoms caused by meta emotions (e.g. anxiety about the anxiety).

If the cause is hormonal (clue if started at puberty or peri/menopause) then rebalancing of hormones with HRT or ADs can help - or you can ride out the episodes if they're manageable. Beta Blockers can also be used to block the adrenaline and can be taken as and when. If its emotional, through trauma or the secondary type, then cognitive therapy to change what we are saying to ourselves (e.g. 'everything will be ok' instead of 'OH NO IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!!!') will do the trick. However, the latter cannot help purely hormonal physical adrenal anxiety, it can just stop it becoming much worse. Both types of anxiety feel the same, as the symptoms are the same where they all result in adrenal over-activity.

I'd always recommend therapy (self or assisted) either way as you will learn good coping strategies and a healthier way of looking at the situation, rather than feeling out of control and attacked by our own nervous system! I practice a blend of CBT and hypnotherapy but other types of therapy can help if there are underlying psychological issues at play.

In perimenopause we may have oestrogen surges that either come from out of the blue or hit when adrenaline is naturally high, at 5am for example. The dry heaving nausea was definitely oestrogen surges for me, caused by over-stimulation from the high oestrogen to low progesterone ratio. HRT can make things worse at such times unless you use it to over-ride the cycle like with the pill, as the more oestrogen you take in, the less your own ovaries will pump out.

Depression, where you feel numb and without feeling, a sort of 'what's the point' comes from either an emotional loss (including control, once you feel there are no more options) or from too high progesterone, which is the sedating hormone. Again, the symptoms are the same so you have to assess and back-track what was going on first. If you were sitting happily watching TV and were suddenly hit with an adrenal rush or a deep depression, then its likely to be purely hormonal.

Remember also that the physical nature of anxiety is exactly the same as excitement, so you can choose the latter to mentally adopt to help you through the worst peaks!


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Re: Anxiety: say if you have it, despite taking HRT or anti-anxiety medications.
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2016, 08:00:59 AM »

What an absolute godsend this forum is - I have it too. I cant seem to rally myself out of it - whatever I try. Its exacerbated by being diagnosed with Type2 diabetes in July, so i'm trying to lose weight and then feel really shocked if i have and am convinced its due to something else and not the fact its due to my sparse diet.........................

I'm on Gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy which is supposed to help anxiety and take three at night and then 20mg of citalopram in the morning so I'm not sure if they are contradicting each other...............

I really wish it would end as i'm avoiding seeing people, dont go out and am wearing the same clothes every day.


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Re: Anxiety: say if you have it, despite taking HRT or anti-anxiety medications.
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2016, 09:29:55 AM »

Was outgoing confident woman. Menopause hit and I turned into a shaking wreck almost overnight. Kept under control eventually by hrt and ad. Stopped hrt a few years back- anxiety so so. Stopped the ad 6 months ago. Shaking wreck. Now on pregabalin, sister drug to gabapentin, so see how that goes. Early days. Have tried everything over the years, courses, counselling, books, reiki, massages, cbt, eat - you name it I have tried it. Medication seems to be the only way.
The last ten years have been the pits. I have absolutely no confidence to do anything. Makes it so much worse living on my own.



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Re: Anxiety: say if you have it, despite taking HRT or anti-anxiety medications.
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2016, 09:44:24 AM »

Oh - Huge Hug Bramble
I keep telling myself it WILL get better and hopefully the same will be for the other ladies on here


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Re: Anxiety: say if you have it, despite taking HRT or anti-anxiety medications.
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2016, 11:56:52 AM »

How long have you go to listen  :sigh:

I had my first panic attack at age 3, became anorexic at 5, ate enough to keep me upright for years.  Fear of eating kept me continually anxious until my GP prescribed betablockas in 2002.  Plus an emergency pill plus ADs ……… if it attacks I"m grounded and I get black thoughts. :'(
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