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Author Topic: Reaction to oestrogel?  (Read 3595 times)


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Reaction to oestrogel?
« on: September 04, 2016, 03:27:30 PM »

Hi, has anyone had a delayed reaction to oestrogel?  I have some intolerances to certain chemicals in toiletries & have developed allergies to two groups of antibiotics over recent years along with food intolerances.  Just recently, I had an extreme flushing reaction to a drink on holiday (it looked like bad sunburn)so I am unsure whether this sort of thing is worsening.  Recently I started oestrogel  and, within a couple of days, noticed a couple of bumps on my face but thought that maybe it was due to eating a piece of chocolate.   My cheeks also appeared to be flushed.  This normally occurs if I eat the 'wrong' foods.  However, this has rapidly worsened with many more appearing on my back with a few odd ones on the rest of my body and itching and tingling all over.  In the meantime,  my eyes are getting drier, itchy & sore with my vision being affected.  The itching starts off milder and worsens as the day wears on (last night it was unbearable).   I apply the gel in the morning.   As these symptoms are identical to what I had when I developed the intolerances, I am concerned.  I had to stop taking my old antidepressants because of this (my eyes were so sore that eye drops only gave brief relief).  Other medicines that I have taken recently such as my vitamin pills have not caused this problem as I started them before the gel.  Could the symptoms be worsening as the oestrogel builds up in my system? I know we are supposed to give hrt time to settle but does anyone think I should stop & wait until my appointment with the gynae GP eventually comes through & see what she says?


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2016, 05:24:48 PM »

Thank you, both of you - it is tricky because, if it is an allergy, the reaction hasn't been instant & I haven't experienced any swelling so didn't feel it was serious but, as you said, Stellajane', why carry on putting something in my body that doesn't appear to agree with me?   I certainly haven't been feeling any better since I started using it - if anything, I feel worse (just generally unwell) & as I type, my scalp, in particular,  is itching like mad.  This is so frustrating as I tried it earlier in the year, gained weight rapidly & had some other symptoms which put me off but I didn't have this reaction.  As a recent blood test showed quite a low oestrogen reading (73) & an FSH of 18.2 , I thought I would give it another go to try and calm the mood swings, anxiety & insomnia.  I am also still in the process of 'loading'Vagifem as I was getting intermittent dryness.

I really wanted to try & stick it out this time as I know you are normally meant to give it three months but I think I will have to reluctantly stop & see what the results are in a few days.  So many ladies do well on oestrogel but I am obviously not one of them!
Thanks again  :)


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2016, 06:38:04 PM »

I get an itchy scalp during quite a few reactions

Have you tried antihistamines ?
My allergies have really increased since meno

It might be worth trying a few days without and see if there's a difference and if it calms down, then unfortunately it's back to the drawing board to find an alternative

I hope things settle and you start to feel better

Annie x


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2016, 07:23:24 PM »

Hi Menomale and Annie0710,  I think I will be ok as the reaction is the same as when I took my old antidepressants and I didn't go on to develop any more adverse reactions but I wouldn't take them again just in case.  It is frustrating more than anything else because I really want to try and get the perimenopausal symptoms under control.  I just want to feel like 'me' again & get some of my energy back instead of being a shadow of myself.
I am currently waiting for an appointment with a meno GP after my own GP referred me as he wouldn't prescribe me hrt.  When I finally see the meno GP, I will ask her about Femoston tablets as many people seem to have had success with them and the progestogen is meant to be better than the other oral types.  A patch would also be a good alternative but I will ask her advice first. 
Annie0710, thanks for the advice about the antihistamines - funnily enough, I took some a couple of hours ago as the itching was driving me mad and remembered I had an unopened bottle of liquid in the cupboard (which I bought to take on holiday & forgot - wish I hadn't!).  The itching has subsided a bit now, thank goodness.  Am I right in thinking that you have a lot of allergies?  It is unbelievable what hormonal fluctuations do to our bodies & all we were ever told in the past was that we would get hot flushes & night sweats!
Menomale - please don't think that your advice isn't helpful - it IS helpful and it is greatly appreciated!  :)  :thankyou: :) xx


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2016, 07:33:26 PM »


Glad you've got some relief, I developed allergies when I was 21, and in the early years I was getting lots as I was learning/adjusting to what I could/couldn't touch or eat

Everything calmed down although never vanished

Peri and post - whoah ! I'm getting them almost daily and cannot pinpoint the majority of them, some are really bizarre and some are only in the evenings, it's soooo confusing

Oestrogel is something I'm considering as I want the freedom to trial dosage, I'm on estradot patch at present (love the tiny size and stick ability) but not sure whether my cutting them is working

Can't you try utrogestan vaginally for progesterone ? Many ladies here do it that way

I'm post meno and although I probably am more human than since peri I'm definitely wanting to be even better, nowhere near the old Annie yet, hoping she resurfaces in the near future

Antihistames and my epipens and asthma pump (yes forgot to say developed allergy induced asthma too just before peri was diagnosed) are my handbag lifesavers

Annie x


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2016, 09:07:03 AM »

Hello Annie, I was reading some of your posts a little while ago & could see what a horrendous time you have had - thank you for taking the time to reply to me.  I have also just read the post by a lady in Belgium who said she has developed food and histamine intolerances & wondered if whether what happened to me on holiday was a histamine intolerance because I had an extreme flushing reaction (my 23 year old daughter has some allergies and had two extreme flushing reactions to different brands of beer & wine).  You are doing extremely well to cope with the awful meno symptoms that you have been going through on top of coping with ever developing allergies which are obviously serious. 
I also want to look into getting a testosterone test as my energy levels & libido have dropped recently but, as we know, it is not always easy to get this done on the NHS!

I know we cannot expect to feel exactly as we did when we were younger but getting some of our old selves back would be a start!   I felt strange within a couple of days of starting the gel, very anxious first thing then 'flat' as the day wore on & generally unwell.  This was different from how I felt when I tried it before so I really need to wait & see the meno GP to get advice (I will chase that up this morning). However, I wouldn't want to put anyone off trying it as many, many ladies have found success with it & it is easy to alter the dosage. 
I still have the packs of utrogestan to use - it's just I have never got going with it properly as I was never on the gel long enough to use utrogestan for the full 14 days (it's a long story).  I would definitely want to try the option of using it with a patch if the meno GP advises it (I think my only other option will be Femoston).  I definitely need to avoid norihisterone & levorgestrogel!  This morning, my eyes feel sore but I am not itching yet - it will interesting  to see if it is calmer tonight after missing a dose (& as it gradually passes out of my system over the next few days).  I will also take your advice about carrying the antihistamines with me (as I should have done on holiday).
Thank you so much xx  :foryou:


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2016, 10:30:32 AM »

That's interesting, Hoodiam, have you found success with a different hrt since you tried oestrogel?
Thanks x


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2016, 11:43:01 AM »

Hoodiam !......... ;D. Predictive text


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2016, 12:42:00 PM »

What happened to 'Hoodlam'?  I have finally turned off my predictive text as it was driving me mad!  X


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2016, 04:54:27 PM »

Every time I go away it seems another member joins and leaves in my absence - I've never heard of Hoodlam!!!  ;D

Hurdity x

Edit by Emma
A bit late in noticing this - Hoodiam was a spammer and was deleted.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 03:57:21 PM by Emma »


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2016, 08:07:15 AM »

Hello Annie, I was reading some of your posts a little while ago & could see what a horrendous time you have had - thank you for taking the time to reply to me.  I have also just read the post by a lady in Belgium who said she has developed food and histamine intolerances & wondered if whether what happened to me on holiday was a histamine intolerance because I had an extreme flushing reaction (my 23 year old daughter has some allergies and had two extreme flushing reactions to different brands of beer & wine).  You are doing extremely well to cope with the awful meno symptoms that you have been going through on top of coping with ever developing allergies which are obviously serious. 
I also want to look into getting a testosterone test as my energy levels & libido have dropped recently but, as we know, it is not always easy to get this done on the NHS!

I know we cannot expect to feel exactly as we did when we were younger but getting some of our old selves back would be a start!   I felt strange within a couple of days of starting the gel, very anxious first thing then 'flat' as the day wore on & generally unwell.  This was different from how I felt when I tried it before so I really need to wait & see the meno GP to get advice (I will chase that up this morning). However, I wouldn't want to put anyone off trying it as many, many ladies have found success with it & it is easy to alter the dosage. 
I still have the packs of utrogestan to use - it's just I have never got going with it properly as I was never on the gel long enough to use utrogestan for the full 14 days (it's a long story).  I would definitely want to try the option of using it with a patch if the meno GP advises it (I think my only other option will be Femoston).  I definitely need to avoid norihisterone & levorgestrogel!  This morning, my eyes feel sore but I am not itching yet - it will interesting  to see if it is calmer tonight after missing a dose (& as it gradually passes out of my system over the next few days).  I will also take your advice about carrying the antihistamines with me (as I should have done on holiday).
Thank you so much xx  :foryou:


I called the surgery today as no one is returning my requests at the surgery for the nurse to book me the testosterone test , I feel like in June they gave me a glimmer of hope about testosterone now they're messing me about (they booked me in for the test in July then when I got there she said the docs said I must wait til sept) so I'm booked now for wed 14th

I'm really coping they give me a trial, if it works hallelujah if it doesn't then I'm back to researching

Good luck xx


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2016, 08:16:52 PM »

Hi Annie,  thanks for your message - I'm pleased to hear that you have finally got a date for the blood test  - I hope it all goes well next week & that you will be able to get Testim.  Other ladies on here have spoken about how much it has helped them.   I am still waiting for my appointment with the meno GP (going to try & find out waiting time tomorrow) & I am hoping that I can persuade her to let me have a testosterone test.
The itching has subsided so using the Oestrogel definitely set it off - very frustrating.  My mood dropped dramatically a couple of days ago - the oestrogel problem definitely didnt help.   Yesterday, I took a Venlafaxine AD in desperation (I have had them sitting in the cupboard for ages but was too scared to try them) - I wish I hadn't as it made me feel horrendous - I felt dizzy & nauseous & later on, panicky.  My face also started tingling later on & I still keep coming over very hot - apparently it takes up to 36 hours to get out of your system.  Unfortunately, the tablets contain lactose and I am intolerant to cow's milk.  I had about three hours broken sleep - I never want to take that again!  I think I will have to try and muddle through with the occasional Amitriptyline for sleeping (they make me so lethargic next day, though!). 
Wishing you all the best for next week  :) xx


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Re: Reaction to oestrogel?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2016, 10:10:19 PM »

Aw bless you Madbloss you really are reacting to these prescriptions aren't you ?

I really hope you get something sorted

Annie x