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Author Topic: Biochemical reaction  (Read 4338 times)


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Re: Biochemical reaction
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2016, 09:59:40 PM »

Wow I'm overcome ladies. When I wrote this post I honestly thought no one would comment or if they did just tell me i was over reacting! You honestly don't know how much it means to me to know I'm not the only one. I've spent most of today on you tube looking for help and advice to deal with the panic I'm feeling, thought I'd found the pot of gold only for it to link to a 'pay us $1 now and $99 next week'. Talk about praying on the vulnerable and when I tried to find reviews on it there was nothing!
I've downloaded some relaxation apps and I've contacted a local counceller. To be honest I will do anything to stop this feeling of panic, nausea and sick feeling.

I'm on 20mg of citalapram and I do have some diazepam though I try to only take it at bedtime so I don't have a panic filled night like I had last week.
I'm just hoping that the side effects from the cit start to wane off soon so I can start eating again, whilst I can afford to lose weight this isn't a good way and I'd rather be a fat hippo than feel like this
Thank you so much all of you


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Re: Biochemical reaction
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2016, 10:17:51 PM »

I can't help wondering if your case with your consultant, if it's clinical negligence. From what I remember, are you 47/48? What right does he have to deprive you of oestrogen before the age of 52, the average age of the menopause?
On what grounds would he state that you don't need it?
Yes your psychiatrist does sound great and he's stopping, thinking and weighing up the facts and taking action, rather than handing you a presciption from AD's.


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Re: Biochemical reaction
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2016, 10:32:07 PM »

You're not overreacting at all and you're not alone. Anxiety is very real and awful.
AD's do help but you they do say you get worse before better.
I also was like you in terms of weight loss, lost a stone in a monrh. It would have been great if I had been dieting, but this weight loss was out of control. I couldn't eat if you paid me.
Take care and hope you have a peaceful nights sleep xx


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Re: Biochemical reaction
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2016, 07:59:06 AM »

Riley04 - I am just amazed that your doc so readily gave up on HRT at your young age - this is why I asked how old you were.. She is actually putting your health at greater risk by not prescribing HRT. You gave had an early menopause and you need HRT to protect your heart and bones. No wonder you have such anxiety - low oestrogen  is most likely to be the cause of this (if there is no other pyschological reason for it or something in your life causing it) and to pump you full of ADs, not to mention giving you the highly addictive diazepam, when you need oestrogen is irresponsible. I appreciate you are in a difficult place at the moment but as Mary G said you really should be trying different types of HRT.

As you are still young, although you have stopped having periods - the best course of action - at least initially - would be to try an HRT type that gives a withdrawal bleed like periods - ie sequential HRT, not the continuous  combined one.  I did suggest Femoston as a well tolerated one and I still think this might work for you - but you do need to have a higher dose of oestrogen eventually than 1/10.

As soon as possible I would go back to the doc and ask to try this - you may well not be sensitive to this progestogen in Femoston (dydrogesterone) as it is very close to progesterone and you will have the benefits of oestrogen.  There is less likely to be a reaction if you start on a low dose, take sequential HRT (ie only the oestrogen to start with) and use a different progestogen.

Good luck and hope you manage to sort this out very soon - remember we are here to support you! :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Biochemical reaction
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2016, 05:57:59 PM »

Hi  I thought I'd stop by and give an update how things are.  The last week or so has been truly awful.  The side effects from the citalopram are terrible.  I've got constant nausea (some days it does subside in the evening, other days its with me constantly).  I've got diazepam for emergencies, but the anxiety seems to be a lot better, I've also got beta blockers now.  Mornings are the worst, I'm still waking up every morning in panic, but now take a bb straight away, unfortunately this seems to set the day off to a bad start and once I've taken the citalopram I feel sick as a dog for hours.
I'm really hoping that the side effects start to subside soon, I've been on the citalopram for 18 days now and I just want to feel 'normal' again. 
Once I've got all this under control I will look in more detail about hrt etc, but at the moment I can't do anything than try to get through each day.

Anyone got any experience of citalopram? 



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Re: Biochemical reaction
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2016, 10:43:10 PM »

Hi it's been a while since I checked in.  26 days on the citalopram and not sure if it's helping. Side effects seem to have subsided but I still wake every morning with anxiety which then makes me sick. Still not eating so surviving on protein shakes. I do get some relief later in the day. I just need to feel like this is working. Anxiety comes and goes during the day. Had appointment with a counsellor and an acupuncture session
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