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Author Topic: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?  (Read 15447 times)


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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms? Update
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2016, 07:01:26 PM »

Thought I would update everyone. I am still off work, as I have not managed to resolve my insomnia/fatigue, although I think it is slowly improving.

 I have a final meeting with work on Thursday where we see if there are options to facilitate my return to work. if not, then my employment is likely to be terminated on the grounds of medical capability. I do have mixed feelings about it - relief that I can stop having to justify that I am not well enough for work, but sad that my career will end in such a way.

On a different note, I had an appointment with an older lady GP last week, who suggested that menopause is a natural process that people should be able to work through, and that she was going to do a depression test. She absolutely did not believe in menopause fatigue and was pretty much suggesting it was in my mind because I didn't want to go back to work. She has referred me to a chronic fatigue clinic though. I shan't be going back to her - it makes you doubt yourself when a GP questions whether you really are ill.

Anyway, onwards and upwards. Hopefully things will work out for the best, and I will look back, and think that it was all for the best.


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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2016, 08:40:42 PM »

Gosh, reading so many people's experiences on here is heart breaking.

I am fortunate in that I work for myself from home, so when I am whacked in the face with exhaustion completely out of nowhere, I can stop what I am doing, lay down and sleep.
There is no way I could manage going out to work, the insomnia, the foggy brain, the waves of exhaustion, the tears that come from no where, plus the fact that I hate leaving the house unless it's for a GP or Hospital appointment.

I don't know how you all manage.

Don't be hard on yourselves, I think you are all amazing!


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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2016, 09:36:34 PM »

Hi Sparkle

Yes, I am fairly philosophical about things. I can't change how the menopause is affecting me, so just trying to go along with it. I usually like things planned out in the future to the nth degree, so a new way of thinking for me - something positive the menopause has brought me!

I am hoping to do some work at home, so that I can work around the fatigue. It seems to work for a lot of ladies here - good to hear how you deal with it, MabelBabel.



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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2016, 02:26:42 AM »

I often wonder how on earth women like Hilary Clinton and T May cope with their jobs.  There is no way on God's earth that I could be in their positions.  It often feels so unfair that some women are either getting the help they need or are not suffering as many others do.  How women can be expected to carry on working until 66 is just bonkers.  I feel as if I have had two lives, one where I was a fairly confident well woman and the life I have had since my periods finished which was when all of the horrendous symptoms began; the sweating, anxiety, nausea, irritable bowels, insomnia, loss of concentration, crying etc.  I am like so many who have lost out financially to this crap and it makes me feel so angry and upset.  My sympathy goes out to all in the same boat, I totally understand the despair that those who are plunged into this can feel.  If you are in difficulties financially because of the severity of symptoms it is very hard and the extra stress only exacerbates things!




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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2016, 07:44:00 AM »

This is such an interesting post, and makes me feel I'm not alone.   I have started a new job with less responsibility than before, but still finding it too much!

I just want to work in a calm and quiet environment and unfortunately a school is exactly not that!  ;D

Maybe I need to work in a library!    I wish I could win the lottery then I would be able to do I job that I want to do and not because of the money!

But until then I shall plough on and keep looking for that ideal job I have in my head, am going to put some plans into action to achieve this.

Keep going everyone we are doing a fab job.



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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2016, 07:10:22 PM »

I often wonder how on earth women like Hilary Clinton and T May cope with their jobs.  There is no way on God's earth that I could be in their positions. 

I quite agree - I wondered that last night looking at HC at yet another rally! What is she on for goodness sake? I only work part-time ( in my 60's) and need lots of energy for it, but would never be able to do all of that!

Hurdity x


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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2016, 07:31:41 PM »

This is an excellent post; I posted myself earlier this week on a new thread and said I was currently off sick due to exhaustion caused by insomnia and was worrying that I would be sacked; I was watching Hillary Clinton on the news and also wondered how the hell she manages but pots of money and access to the best specialists and treatment... I'm surprised the menopause hasn't been brought up during the campaign ..... I now have a stinking cold no doubt due to being run down due to lack of I desperately want to give up my job but can't afford to....would love a part time job in the local library...


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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2016, 08:06:08 PM »

Hello ladies.

I just wanted to add my admiration for all of you who are working whilst  experiencing the worst that meno can throw at us.

Talking of amazing women I've just seen a television item featuring Felicity Kendall and thought that she must be on more medication than you could shake  a stick at lol!

 Incidentally Mrs Thatcher was known to be visited every six weeks by a woman who gave her injections.  People were told they were vitamins but who knows, Mrs T did study chemistry after all.

Take care all.



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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2016, 08:14:59 PM »

I find myself looking at every woman who I encounter who is working and looks as though they are of an age to be menopausal and wonder how they can do it. I think some people struggle with menopause and some people have an easier time.

Fiftygirl, I feel your pain with the insomnia. I hope it settles soon for you. I always go off to sleep OK, but then wake every hour or two throughout the night. I woke this morning at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep worrying about my work meeting. Then, because I am tired, I have been irritable with the kids, which I feel bad about.

I am lucky in that we can just afford for me to not work. I am doing lots of food budgeting, and am probably spending 1/2 to 2/3rds less on food now. I do feel guilty to put all the pressure of earning on to my husband though, and feel mortified that I am likely to be sacked - I feel a bit like I have done something wrong sometimes - usually at 5 in the morning when I am less rational!

Nikki180515, sorry to hear that your change in job hasn't helped. I don't know how you manage full time. I hope you manage to get that ideal job


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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2016, 03:26:50 PM »

This makes me sooooo angry! Another example of unfairness to women. This is interesting:



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Re: Anyone lost their job becuase of menopause symptoms?
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2016, 08:00:30 PM »

An interesting article. Unfortunately, employers are able to dismiss staff with long term illness as long as they consult with occupation health and try to make reasonable adjustments.
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