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Author Topic: New DM article and MM mentioned!  (Read 4840 times)


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2016, 01:56:52 PM »

Hello ladies.

Afraid to say that I've always found Jenni Murray to be patronising.

She clearly needed HRT so she could continue to work as many women do. She has also admitted to never bothering with mammograms and thinking of her evening bottle of sparking white as one of her five a day! Plus of course she hasn't addressed her weight issues.  For all of these reasons I will not be taking any advice, medical or otherwise from her.

I think we have a right to educate  and inform as many people as possible about the problems a difficult menopause can bring so well done Maryjane and please keep us posted.

Wishing everyone well.



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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2016, 03:11:51 PM »

Exactly - keep VA on the hush hush - thats been the "thread" throughout my path thru the twins - peri and meno.

They even renamed VA in the USA (Vaginal was to unpalatable apparently).

Perhaps one of the doc's does not like horse riding or swimming or wearing jeans or "sex" ;)
For me the "lack of sex" seemed to be the part the doc's cared least about - total lack of empathy.

So much for a new time in my life and no wonder so many divorce during this time.

The cost of broken relationships due to lack of HRT is not even close to being understood or mentioned in any of these arguments.



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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2016, 03:45:33 PM »

Amen, peegeetip!

Dare I ask........what have they renamed VA then?!? I'm kinda scared to know. I mean, please - it's not ok to say vaginal!? Maybe they should name it after one of their presidential candidates. Irritating, obnoxious and hard to get rid of. Yep, that fits the bill nicely....... ;)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 03:48:34 PM by Tempest »


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2016, 05:35:50 PM »

I stumbled across the new terminology for VA a few weeks back
It is in the link above.

Bit of a mouthfull ::)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 05:39:37 PM by Tinkerbell »


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2016, 05:48:25 PM »

I put in my email that it causes marriage breakdown , unable to remain in jobs etc.

I also that 50% of the population has a vagina, most of the population are delivered through one , so we need to start talking about them.

I also suggested instead of these constant alarmist headlines , they all put there heads together and put that time and energy into finding something they are happy with.

If I don't get a reply ( emails can go missing 😉 ) I will send them recorded delivery.

I have said to my family this needs getting " out there" and I have decided to try and get a " voice" for us.

I have three daughters and a grand daughter so I feel it's my " duty " so
to speak, as it gives me stress the thought of them being treated as I have by some " specialists " 😡

Mary G

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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2016, 06:23:10 PM »

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention dangermouse.

What an appallingly inaccurate article.  Where is the part about oestrogen only HRT not raising breast cancer risk at all?

Where does it state exactly what kind of HRT was used in this so-called study? 

So we now know (from other sources) that they used an old fashioned form of HRT that contains horse urine and synthetic progesterone (and not widely used anymore) and yet they are making a blanket statement like "the original risk was underestimated" without clearly stating what type of HRT was used in the study and without pointing out that other forms of HRT and micronised progesterone carry far lower risks.

Why didn't anyone mention the fact that bio-identical, transdermal forms of HRT that are widely used now, and the extensive use of Utrogestan, a micronised progesterone that can be used vaginally and does not have to be processed via the liver, has fewer risks?

I hope women listen to Dr. Currie's version and not the others who were about as much good as a chocolate teapot. 

I wonder, will GPs still refuse women the safe, more effective, bio identical forms of HRT and insist on prescribing the outdated cheapo stuff which carries more risks and then tell them that HRT is risky? 

The cynical side of me thinks they are using the trip wire technique to frighten women and keep them off HRT altogether because they think it costs too much.  How shortsighted can you get. 

My verdict: this study is a load of pants and should be filed in the nearest bin.


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2016, 06:42:04 PM »

VA or VVA is now known as Genitourinary syndrome of menopause, or GSM in the States.

Talk about trying brush things under the rug!



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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2016, 06:57:21 PM »

the way things are going menopausal ladies will end up being sectioned like they were in the olden days.  My mother's sister had terrible trouble with her 'nerves' for a long time and developed pre-senile dementia when she was 58.  Extreme I know, but I wonder if it was triggered hormonally, although my mother was physically and mentally strong as an ox until the year before she died.


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2016, 08:13:00 PM »

I have just sent an email ( long ) to Professoer Kilm in the article , all about the state of my bits , and the " other side " of menopause that is hush hushed . Vaginal flipping atrophy. 😡😡😡😡😡

They are all going to get one.

I have Marion's natural menopause book , it says in her book of you have VA then only oestrogen can sort that out , doesn't in the article though . Unless I missed it .

But she's getting one also.

Well done!   :thankyou:  I am SOOOOOOO tired of being told an improved diet/exercise/moisturising cream/willpower will cure my VA.  Thankfully, my GP doesn't agree and is happy to keep prescribing Ovestin!


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2016, 08:34:25 PM »

Babyjane, it is happening RIGHT NOW. If you read my story, you will see that I ended up in a psychiatric hospital and was discharged again as the psychiatrist was thorough enough to realise my 'mental symptoms' were due to my surgically induced menopause and total lack of hormones from not receiving any HRT following my surgery and for a prolonged period thereafter.

It got so bad that the Psychiatrist my GP insisted on me seeing phoned an ambulance just a few weeks ago and had me sent to A & E as he said 'enough is enough . He was alarmed by my deteriorating physical condition and felt wholeheartedly that  I clearly needed treatment for my hormone deficiency, and that I DO NOT have any mental problems. He has written a stiff follow up letter to my GP to reiterate this. Funnily enough, things regarding my commencing HRT are now moving (almost 18 months post operatively) but it's not great. The GP and I have not spoken about the 'A & E incident' yet, nor the stiff letter from the Psychiatrist, but funnily enough I'm seeing her tomorrow regarding my cardiology results, so it should be rather interesting.

If I get even an iota of 'mental problems ' spiel from her again during this appointment, I will be phoning the Consultant Psychiatrist immediately (he is totally on my side and refreshingly, one of the 'good guys'). And I'll be changing my GP practice.

I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow.



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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2016, 10:16:30 PM »

"Irritating, obnoxious and hard to get rid of ……. "   :rofl:

But across the pond it's OK to say 'fanny'  :-\  :-X


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2016, 11:15:19 PM »

Different meaning....  ;D

Although it is a mouthful (so to speak!) it does address the fact that it isn't just the vagina which is involved in menopausal loss of oestrogen. It's the whole of the urinary system.

Taz x


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Re: New DM article and MM mentioned!
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2016, 08:19:22 AM »

My mother suffered a complete breakdown due to Menopause and I myself ended up in A&E with a panic attack when my Meno started so yes indeed we very much need to remember the mental health issues caused by menopause.
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