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Author Topic: Possible thyroid problem?  (Read 4352 times)


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Possible thyroid problem?
« on: August 19, 2016, 07:47:08 PM »

I first went to see Prof Studd 4 months ago and after a blood test and bone scan he prescribed 3 pumps of Estrogel and 1/8 tube of Testim daily. After about 6 weeks I began to feel much better, my libido started to return and my energy levels increased. I was thrilled. I went to see Prof Studd for a review a month ago and he suggested I continue with my current hormone regime. I mentioned to him that I'd had problems with my hair falling out for a few years now and that I'd hope the hormones would help this, but in fact it had got worse. He didn't really have an answer to this. Even my daughters have now commented on how thin my hair is looking.

Over the past couple of weeks it feels like my energy levels have dropped dramatically again and I often feel very tired and sleepy a lot. Yesterday my GP surgery rang me and said that following my blood test results from Prof Studd they'd like me to have a repeat thyroid blood test in 4 weeks. I've checked my blood test results from Prof Studd and my free thyroxine level was in red and was 11.4, although my TSH was not in red and was 1.59. My previous blood test (3 months ago) showed both levels in black - free thyroxine 12.8 and TSH 1.81.

I know this is only a personal and not a medical opinion, but does anybody have any idea whether this could point to a possible thyroid problem please? Having looked at the symptoms for an underactive thyroid most of them do resonate with me. I hadn't thought anything of it until seeing these symptoms, but I've been waking up in the night for weeks with my hand and fingers numb and tingling.

I was very pleased that I'd started to feel so much better, more energetic etc a couple of months ago, but feel as though I've gone downhill again now. 



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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2016, 08:26:29 PM »

I used to be an advisor for a thyroid charity.   Each lab has its own reference range for results . My hospital free t4 is from 8-18.  I am assuming that the 11.4 free t4 is slightly outside the reference range for the lab that did the test?
Your tsh is within the normal range for all labs.
Your thyroid levels vary hugely on a day to day basis which is why they do repeat tests for anything thats just slightly odd.  So this does not mean that you have or are heading for a thyroid problem. I would have another test in 3 months and see what it is doing and in the meantime increase the foods that help your thyroid ( iodine containing foods) and decrease any goitrogen foods like broccoli/cabbage/brussel sprouts as these supress your thyroid activity although they are more or less okay once cooked but not raw.
Hormone supplementation also affects your thyroid levels quite a bit as well so if this has ony happened after you started hrt then this could be the reason but they usually settle once your body adjust to the hrt - again its wise to have repeat testing in say 3 then 6 months after starting hrt to see whats happening.
Hope this helps


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2016, 08:54:34 PM »

Many thanks for your detailed reply  countrybumpkin. That's very helpful and reassuring.


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2016, 11:48:40 AM »

Thank you for your response Stellajane. I will speak to my GP about a possible referral re my hair loss. I've tried so many different supplements over the past few years, but nothing has helped.

The tingling, numb feeling in my wrist and hand I've had for some time, so nothing new. Also, I went onto Estrogel after being on Premarin, so I wasn't completely new to HRT, just in a different form. I will try vitamin B6.


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2016, 09:38:32 PM »

Have you been tested for carpal tunnel syndrome? This can cause numbness and tingling in thumb and first two fingers but never affects the ring and little finger. I have this and wear a splint at night otherwise I wake up all night with numb thumb and two fingers.


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2016, 02:05:05 PM »

Ah the trick is to remove the metal plate from inside the sleeve. I too could not sleep with them in so took them out and this still gave enough support to stop the numbness. If I don't wear mine then I wake up about 5 times a night with numbness. You should be able to pull the metal plate out easily from its sleeve as they are meant to come out for washing the splint.


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2016, 11:58:46 AM »

If you suspect low thyroid ,take your temperature every morning on wakening, if its below normal on 10 consecutive days its likely to be a thyroid problem, called the Breda Barnes temp test, easy to do ,


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2016, 10:44:57 AM »

No countrybumpkin, I haven't been tested for carpal tunnel syndrome. The tingling and numbness is only during the night and eases off by the time I get up in the morning, so I hadn't really thought much more about it. I actually have a splint already as I had a bout of this during the mornings a few years ago. I wore the splint at night for a few weeks and it slowly resolved itself.

What has been bothering me most is my returning tiredness and lack of energy and my hair coming out so much. In the past few weeks people have commented on my hair looking thin, so I can no longer convince myself that maybe it's not as bad as I think.

I will try the temperature test that you mention, Winterose. Thank you for the suggestion.


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2016, 11:10:56 AM »

The temp test was what they used to use long ago before blood tests and is still relevant today but no modern Gp will accept it and every GP I have mentioned the old test too looks on in disbelief as they have never heard of it :o  Obviously it is never taught in med school.

Even though I take my medication and all my blood results including T3 are normal my temp if taken before getting out of bed in the morning is low- you have to take it with a mecury thermometer under your armpit before sitting up in bed if you want to do this test as any other way will give a false result. It also has to be below a certain level which you can find out if you google the test.

Tiredness and hair loss are also biggy symptoms of menopause which is why it can be so confusing and difficult to pin down the cause.


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Re: Possible thyroid problem?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2016, 11:16:45 AM »

Thanks countrybumpkin.

I did speak to Prof Studd about the hair loss and he said that he would have expected the Estrogel to have improved that by now if it was hormonal. It's actually got worse. Also, my energy levels were much better about 6-8 weeks after starting on the Estrogel and Testim, but they've suddenly nose-dived again over the past month or so.   
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 09:01:52 AM by elliebean »