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Author Topic: So I'm Now On Premarin........  (Read 4145 times)


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Re: So I'm Now On Premarin........
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2016, 04:08:22 PM »

I see what you mean about the implants - difficult to reverse quickly if you had a bad reaction.

The other positive thing about Premarin and your taking it - is that all the adverse effects were with older women and who had been taking it for some time. At your age - well under 50 - even though it may not be ideal ie doesn't exactly replace your own oestrogen, nevertheless you are under the natural average age of menopause of 51/52 so according to the literature anyway you should be able to take what you like without ill effect in temrs of health risk :) .

Hope you're still feeling better today

Hurdity x


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Re: So I'm Now On Premarin........
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2016, 07:14:46 PM »

Hurdity, thank you! You are so kind. :)

I have been worrying about it today (and trying not to Google all the negativity out there about Premarin).

I think Dr Perera has been quite thoughtful about my case. I received a nice, detailed letter from him today that detailed our lengthy discussion and what the plan at present is, and what we plan to review when I return to the clinic.

I'm trying to take it steady, just one day at a time at the moment and the good news is that I have Hubby for company for 2 weeks! Yay!!! If I could just get a little improvement in my flushes (which got so much worse after stopping the Estrogel than they were before I started it, strangely), then I'm hoping we can get out and about and enjoy some nice days with strolls and lunches. I think this is what I need right now, it's been nothing but doctors and hospitals for weeks!


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Re: So I'm Now On Premarin........
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2016, 11:01:18 AM »

Hi Tempest,

I'm sorry to hear about all the problems you're having at the moment. To offer you some reassurance about Premarin - I was on 1.25mgs for at least 20 years following a full hysterectomy, including my ovaries, in my 30s. I never had any problems with it and felt fine on it for years. The only reason I've recently changed to Estrogel is because of my age and my GP pressurising me to come off it etc.

I'm sure the jitters that you describe are just your body getting used to something new and will calm down with time. I never experienced these, but some people are obviously much more sensitive than others.

Good luck  :)


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Re: So I'm Now On Premarin........
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2016, 09:09:24 PM »

Elliebean, thank you for your kind and encouraging words! Yes, I think I'm just trying to adjust to hormones (it's pretty tough I can tell you. I'd been without HRT for over a year post oopherectomy. I also had a hysterectomy when I was 36. I'm 47 now).

Are you doing well on the Estrogel? I don't get to meet many surgical ladies here on the forum, so it's always nice to connect with someone who has travelled the same path. I'm hoping that the medical profession changes its thinking on HRT for us surgical ladies, as I believe we will need hormonal support for life and should receive it. GP's definitely need to be better informed in this area; so much distress has been caused by bullying ladies off their HRT even when they are fit and well on it.


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Re: So I'm Now On Premarin........
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2016, 04:28:43 PM »

Tempest, I hope you're doing a little better today?

I completely agree with your comments. I was put on Premarin after my oopherectomy at 34 and pretty much left to get on with it. Which I did quite well for a long time. It's only in the last few years as my GP was pressurising me into coming off the Premarin that I decided to take some control myself and went to see Prof Studd.

He was shocked to find that I had only been given oestrogen all these years but never any testosterone. My blood test showed that I had barely a trace of testosterone in my blood.

Anyway, to answer your question I have been getting on fine with both the Estrogel and the Testim, apart from a little extra hair growth at the site of the Testim application.

So, have you had any testosterone since your oopherectomy? I have to say my libido has been much improved since I started on it! ;)

As you say, hopefully the medical profession is changing and will continue to change its stance on HRT as time goes on. I've been told there's no reason I can't be on it until I'm 70. I had a hard job previously getting my GP to let me stay on it past 50! I know I've been on it a long time but I've researched the potential problems myself and know about the risks etc. When I was younger I would avoid medicines of any kind if I could help it, but I think as I get older my priorities are changing and quality of life is now much more important to me.

Do you know that a hysterectomy and later an oopherectomy were the right choices for you at the time Tempest? With hindsight I think I was rushed into a total hysterectomy too quickly and too young. I was not really prepared for how I'd feel afterwards and felt I was left very much on my own, apart from a voluntary telephone support group I managed to find. Again, hopefully the medical profession are open to trying every possible alternative first and only use a hysterectomy/oopherectomy as a last resort.
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