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Author Topic: Burning sensations  (Read 10890 times)


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2016, 12:43:11 AM »

Sparkle, Autumnlady, Urbanchick, thank you all for your kind words & sharing your experiences, advice & even complaints!  It does help knowing others can relate & understand what you are going thru. 

Wishing us all a comfortable night.  Bah to my burning chest and throat!! :P


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2016, 10:02:06 AM »

Morning Melly, Urbanchick, Sparkle and anyone looking in :)

I was much like you last night Sparkle. Managed to sleep without being woken by the reflux. I did have a little of those, I don't know if it's a burp low in the throat or acid just between waking moments. But my throat felt pain free for the first few hours. Like you I had something to eat and around half an hour to an hour later I


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2016, 10:12:12 AM »

Apologies - I accidently hit the wrong key! I began to get that bit of tender feeling in my left tonsil. Not sure what to do now, whether to take a spoon of gaviscon or see how it goes.
I have taken both dogs a walk and am now getting up mental strength to have a walk up town to Home Bargains for some craft supplies. I have in mind to do a wall painting on canvas with some cheery words to display in the lounge. See if it will get and keep my mood lifted.

I'll be back later to see how you are all getting on and report any further symptoms of mine too.



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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2016, 02:49:25 PM »

Hi Sparkle,

I had a good walk round town with a friend. I had a few sunflower and pumpkin seeds just before going. I hadn't realised how nice they are. Anyway, when I thought about it I had very slight heartburn low in my throat. When I got home I had two small slices of gf bread toasted with scrambled egg. I have a bit of that slight heartburn again. That's about two hours after eating. Also had some ginger tea and water in between. 

Later I will be having GF vegetable bakes with salad and beetroot. See how that goes ::)

I experience that throat clearing too. Thinking about it I had that before my reflux problems came to light. Things like chocolate or dairy make it worse. Nothing seems to do us much good, Sparkle!  It's ridiculous how we are cutting down on so much food and still struggling with our problem. My appointment with the nurse is 7 November but I will have to make an appointment with my doctor too as I doubt the nurse will be able to answer all my questions. Is your appointment before then?


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2016, 05:33:24 PM »

Hi Sparkle, yes I am thank you. My mood dips a little now and then but I am doing my best to pull my thoughts up instead of dragging me down. Like you, I would feel even better to be rid of these symptoms and to not keep worrying about them.

I have just eaten - a breaded vegetable burger and a breaded cauliflower cheese with salad and beetroot. I thoroughly enjoyed it  so just hoping I am not going to pay for it. You are right in your description after eating. I am burping a bit today as well.  What gets me is things which are supposed to  help us and be good for us also upset the system, like your raw veg smoothie. I'm sure it is things added to the mix that does it. Is your right sided sharp pain there all the while or is it sore and then stabs?


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2016, 09:28:29 PM »

Hello Sparkle, Autumnlady, Urbanchick & anyone else following this thread:  I have to admit today has been one of the better days (now I've gone and jinxed myself, I'm sure). 
Wobbly in the beginning as I had consumed a lot of salad & Brussel sprouts yesterday which my IBS didn't approve of, and other than more wind than usual, that was not overly painful, it's been good!  Which makes me much more cheerful.  Really it's amazing how my digestion affects my daily life!! I'm glad to read your days have been pretty enjoyable as well, ladies.

Question for you, do you ever have bouts of post nasal drip that don't coincide with colds or allergies?  I have occasions where the excess mucus drives me mad & I try taking allergy meds to dry it up.  I think I read somewhere it can be a symptom of acid reflux and reading about your throat clearing activities made me think of it.  Oh dear, I'm probably going to have another go round with it again shortly.

Continued well/bearable feelings of digestive comfort to us all!


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2016, 10:39:56 PM »

Haha Sparkle, chuckled over your volcano description.  I can relate.  How funny to think that consuming certain vegetables equates to a "daring" daily decision!  Thank goodness for laughter.

Thanks for weighing in on the PND & I'll need to check out that other thread on your recommendation.


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2016, 08:14:37 AM »

Hello ladies, sorry I didn't get back in last night. I was starting to feel a bit more relaxed as no heartburn or discomfort after that meal I told you about, Sparkle. However although I went to bed ok  I woke at around 1.30am with some reflux in my lower throat. It didn't burn but I could feel it. So then I was wide awake and worrying and daren't go back to sleep. I chewed some sugar free gum and eventually drifted off around an hour later. I did not get the any reflux afterwards but woke at around 6.30am and had that weird sensation of trapped air low in throat. Don't know if it's a burp or acid. Anyway I felt so worried I got up, had a shower and did my housework. I have been searching the net about omeprazole and how best to take it. It says it is best taken before food twice a day. My doctor told me to do this in the beginning but after around 3 months I was advised to just take at night before bed.
Apparently it works best taken on an empty stomach but to eat around 40 mins later. But how can I do this when taking at night! It also said when taking one in a morning and one at night to take both before the meal - breakfast - last meal. 
I am too afraid to speak to the dr as I daren't have the camera down. I know most people feel the same but it sends me into a panic attack. It's no use having sedation as the thought of that makes me worse, not being in any control. I am allergic to inhalant anaesthetic.  I know I will have to speak to the doc but won't have that procedure done.
I have had yakult and organic yogurt and bottled water so far this morning. Okish.

Melly when I think about pnd I have suffered that since being a child and still have it. I generally always wake with that horrid gunk in the back of the throat to some degree.
Sparkle, have you tried gently massaging that painful area in a clockwise motion and then anticlockwise? I have done that when I have had stomach pain or discomfort and sometimes it eases it. If it's a sluggish bowel it my help move it on. I read that somewhere, that's why I have done it if need be.
I hope you are both feeling easier this morning.


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2016, 12:31:46 PM »

It's a struggle to add up what does make sense Sparkle. It certainly seems to be something in the smoothie that isn't suiting you. Could well be the combination of sugars in the fruit. I think our tums have become so sensitive that the slightest wrong thing sets them off.
I wonder with your mum if it was the part of diseased intestine that was causing the irritation. I'm glad you had a good night. It makes all the difference as to how you feel when you wake up.

My tum started to feel very empty an hour before I had lunch and I felt that twinge of low heartburn. I had lunch at 12.10. The same as last night, cauliflower cheese and veggie burger with green salad and beetroot. I have some fresh made ginger tea beside me. So far, so good ::)

I ma not sure to try taking my omez 45 mins before my last meal and see if that works :-\


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2016, 02:48:45 PM »

Hope you enjoyed you dog walking Sparkle and that you feel better afterwards. It is possible, like you said, that the omeprazole has stopped working for me. I have been on it long enough tbh. Just hoping there is something else as I feel quite sure it was the lansprazole which gave me  palpatations. My doctor will need to look back on that. Hope she has the info. I remember my mum taking an acid suppressant but can I think of the name  ::) Even though I sorted her tablets out for many years. It's on the tip of my tongue! I am wondering if it is another name for either of those we are taking. Actually, I know it's not the same as mine. I know! Pariet! Do you know anything about these? Mum said they worked well for her. She had a hiatus hernia but she originally had the Pariet to counteract arthritis meds.
Wondering what to have for tonight now :-\



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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2016, 07:32:21 PM »

Glad you enjoyed your walk - it does blow away the cobwebs and refresh us. I love roast chicken, shame about the roasties though. Fingers crossed you'll be fine with the other.  Yes, my mum was fine on the Pariet, though I do remember her still having rennies. She had Gaviscon on prescription but rarely used it. I don't think hers was quite so bad but I could be wrong.

I had a scrambled egg on two slices of GF wholemeal bread. Rice Krispies with almond milk and hour later. That's my dessert lols. I have not taken my omez yet but might eat something very small 40 mins after - see how that works :-\


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2016, 12:56:24 PM »

Lols, Sparkle - I say that about my lack of drinking too. A bottle of still spring water and that'll do me!

Well, last night I had my tablet two hours after my last meal but I had one fortune cookie (Only small thing I had in and that was because hubby got it free with his takeaway) I had a few sips of water and then waited two hours for the gaviscon dose. I was okay throughout the night and had just two little hiccoughs on waking. So, I don't know if that will do the trick or if it is just a fluck.

This morning I had a yakult, then rice krispies and almond milk with a drink of warm water. I went to the shops and had noticed left tonsil a tiny bit sore so I chewed gum for longer than intended. It got rid of the soreness but gave me some spasms of indigestion pain - those tiny sharp stabs anywhere in upper body)  When I got home I found the box of salad I had bought wasn't sealed properly so I couldn't have that. I have had boiled egg sandwich sprinkled with a little grated cheese. (GF bread)  Had ginger tea afterwards. Throats not perfect but not too bad. I don't think it is ever truly perfect nowadays.

I does sound like the fresh air could have irritated your throat lining if it was still a little fragile. It doesn't take much to start mine off, I have to say.



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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2016, 03:31:41 PM »

Right: any brassicas have the ability to cause wind  :D - I LOVE Brussels and have eaten a lot of broccoli in recent weeks, raw and cooked with lots of black pepper over it.

Right: if you get that feeling of reflux in the throat chew a Rennie-type tablet for relief - sometimes I require 2!  Solves the problem for me.  Saves me worrying.

I haven't been able to eat cauliflower for years  :sigh: nor would I chew gum any more as both = lots of wind!  I can't tolerate eggs unless they are in a cake.  My gut simply can't digest eggs.  Nor baked beans.  Nor chilli con carne …… I don't have tonsils but I do get sore throats prior to a cold/cough.  Gargling with dilute TCP liquid or eating Strepsils  :sick02: can apparently help.



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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2016, 04:23:30 PM »

I am the same regarding the rennies.

It's good you will be seeing a dietician, Sparkle. I really need to do the same. My doctor has never mentioned it would be of benefit yet at one time I thought these people worked together.


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Re: Burning sensations
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2016, 02:12:19 PM »

Well, I have come to the same conclusion, Sparkle, that we have to fight and research for ourselves as the doctors seem only able to have the time to prescribe us medication. They could at least point us in the right direction. Like you I have never been advised on diet. I am sure years ago patients were advised on how to help themselves and referred to someone who could further help.

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