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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?  (Read 2564 times)


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How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« on: August 12, 2016, 08:22:23 PM »

I haven't posted for a long time as I've been trying to come to terms with what has happened to me.
I've been experiencing hot sweats (mostly at night nowadays and so better than a few years ago as I used to have them every half hour day and night) for six years now. I went on hrt two and a half years ago and after three months the sweats disappeared and I was delighted. Finally I could sleep again. Then two years ago my husband died very suddenly and unexpectedly. The hrt stopped working and the periods I'd been having stopped also. I assume the shock must have had such an effect on my body that any remaining oestrogen was depleted. There seemed little point in continuing the hrt and after consulting my GP I decided to stop taking it. I suppose for it to have continued to benefit me I would have had to up the dose which my GP didn't want to do and I was reluctant also. Since then I have put up with waking every 1-2 hours with a hot sweat. At first I was waking anyway due to the stress but as I'm now in a much better place mentally I feel I would sleep if only I wasn't being constantly woken by the sweats. I had a late menopause, am now 59 but when I went on hrt aged 56 I was still having periods. Has anyone else any experience of them going on for so long and can anyone advise me on what I should do. I suppose I'm just used to it but long for a good nights' sleep.


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2016, 08:47:48 PM »

Hello choc57.

So sorry about your bereavement.

  My meno was also late as my last period was in 2010 at age 54. For some reason I have never had the sweats that you describe but my anxiety issues are continuing and I will soon be sixty.

I think I read somewhere that the menopause can take seven years but I'm sure one of the expert ladies will be  along soon with more information.

Wishing you well.



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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2016, 04:09:24 PM »

Hello, I am so sorry to hear of the terrible shock you have been through, and I am not surprised your body went off balance.

For me my hot flushes started in 2010 and this year have abated somewhat.  I can go several days without one so I always get taken by surprise when one creeps up on me but on the whole I would say I am over the worst.  However I know a lady who had a terrible time, losing her husband also suddenly and shockingly and then her son only a few months later.  The shock threw her mind and body into terrible turmoil and she had her last hot flush when she was 71 but she wasn't allowed any HRT to help her.

As the others have said, would you consider trying it again now you feel a bit more stable as it helped you once before


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2016, 04:13:05 PM »

Thank you both of you. Yes I think I might think about giving it another try. I hadn't thought that now taking a low dose might work as I'm feeling better and less stressed. I can't believe I've put up with the lack of sleep for so many years now. I suppose we just get used to it. Last night I was asleep by about 10.15 and slept for 10 hours altogether but woke 5 times with a sweat. I'm only awake I guess for a couple of minutes but my sleep is being broken like this every night and I'm fed up with putting up with it. Thanks for your advice and yes I think a trip to see my GP is called for x


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2016, 04:20:38 PM »

Thank you Babyjane. How awful for your poor friend. Losing my husband was dreadful but to lose a son as well is just unimaginable. I have a friend who is 92 and has recently lost her son. She too has been having night sweats and wonders if my continuing sweats are stress related rather than menopausal. Because they are just the same as before including the accompanying feeling of dread I feel they are menopausal. I too started with them in 2010 and they are much better than they were. I now have very few during the day. Part of me feels I should ride them out in the hope that it won't be long before they disappear as I slightly worry that by taking hrt I'm just putting them off and they'll come back again when I stop taking it. Why does nobody prepare us for this horrible time of life. I had no idea the menopause would be like this. For some reason it's seen as a bit of a joke when it really isn't! x


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2016, 06:46:52 PM »

well I do find that if I am anxious or stressed my hot flushes notch up a gear until I am calmed again and back in my familiar routine.


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2016, 03:34:07 PM »

From my experience, I can say that severe shock has a huge physical impact and affects the way in which the body absorbs hormones. I'm on the birth control pill for early menopause, but earlier this year, one of our neighbours was murdered and for several weeks after, the pill had absolutely no effect whatsoever on my symptoms - it was as though my body just 'overrode' it.  So it may be that the HRT which had no effect on you following your bereavement will be more effective now that you are physically recovering from the shock.  It would be worth trying a low dose if your doctor will agree, to see if this helps. 


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2016, 02:00:25 AM »

Flushes and sweating started in earnest at 50 and I am now heading for 62.  Purgatory !


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2016, 09:19:58 AM »

choc57, Im so sorry to read about your husband, and can appreciate the effect both mentally and physically his death must have played on your body.  Its good to hear you are at least more settled mentally now, and feel you probably could sleep through apart from the dreaded night sweats.  I agree with the excellent advice given by the others, and cant see any harm in giving yourself an HRT holiday, for a few months and see how you feel afterwards.  It will become obvious quickly, if the HRT is working and easing the sweats.  I didn't take HRT,  have had night sweats for past 14 years, they are almost non existent now, only if I had a few glasses of wine would I really be aware !  However, the middle years wasn't pleasant.  Treat it almost like a controlled study !  Then depending on  if you really benefit , as I have a feeling you will, you can reconsider your next course  of action. 


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Re: How many years have your hot sweats lasted for?
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2016, 06:33:46 PM »

Thanks everyone for your advice. I think I may have another go at hrt if my GP agrees even if it's just for a 'holiday'. The thoughts of no sleeping through the night for 12 or 14 years is horrendous! x