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Author Topic: Weird feelings  (Read 15843 times)


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Weird feelings
« on: August 12, 2016, 06:33:24 PM »

Lately have been getting some strange head whooshes, don't last long but freak me out a bit but on top of that, sometimes get a 'wave' of something that seems to work right up body up to head and makes me feel like I will pass out, then disappears....sometimes I then need to go to loo. Just had a bad one which really unnerved me. Was just leaning here on the settee on here reading posts so not sure if it's the fact that it's giving me anxiety reading everything. Yesterday spent most of the day reading up medical stuff which I was so mad with myself for. It's just since my breakdown, I can't recover any stamina and energy. Every day is a huge effort physically so I'm now really thinking something serious is going on with heart or brain tumour or something as dizzy weird head is something totally new. How can I stop myself from all this worry? I really can't see that this is anxiety now and I'm sick of people assuming that is what it is. Yet, I know I am not helping myself as my head is just totally concentrated on illness either thinking I have one or have caused heart disease with all the terrible anxiety I have put my body through. I can't see a way out if this at the moment, too scared if tests yet so scared of just dropping. When I felt the weird sensation before, I though "oh God, this is it' so just let it was over me but now I will be worrying all night what it is. Anyone else had anything similar?


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2016, 06:46:58 PM »

I sometimes feel like this, I put a thread on here as I thought it may of been the menopause but I think it's low blood sugar with me.  It's like a wave going right from your feet to your head.  Do you eat regularly JustJules?


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2016, 06:50:56 PM »

Some medications can cause what I describe as head 'zaps'  ::) and instantly it's over.


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2016, 07:00:20 PM »

Yes, Linda was just reading yours before! I've been on a work training day today all day.... Have eaten loads as we had food and refreshments all day but didn't want tea as I'm not hungry. Yes, it's just like a weird deep wave from bottom to top or vice versa and then feels like it might carry on to a faint but then goes....


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2016, 07:05:15 PM »

Oh yes! And I know you really don't want this to be anxiety related, but this sounds very much like a panic attack to me (and trust me, I had them a plenty in peri menopause)! I didn't know I was peri at the time, and actually ended up in A&E twice. Yep. That bad, and totally scared me.

If you want to pop over to one of my favourite websites ever at Anxiety, the amazing Paul Dooley over there does brilliant posts and pod casts about all this stuff.

Oh, and also there are the nasty adrenal surges you get in Meno. too. There are posts about this here, so go check these out, along with 'feelings of doom'. Go ahead and type these into the search facility, have a read and I betcha you will find something to relate to and you will be feeling a lot more reassured.

Meno sure is one hell of a rollercoaster ride! And it could also be low blood sugar, which many of us ladies suffer from too in Meno. so be sure to take good care of yourself and make sure you eat regularly with healthy snacks between meals. Your body is going through some major changes, so you need to be kind to you! It's not going to kill you or do major damage no matter how bad you may feel (and I get severe symptoms as I'm in surgical meno. and am not on HRT at the moment, so I can tell you I have experienced most of the nasties)!

Most of all......... :hug:


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2016, 07:11:31 PM »

Thanks Tempest, I will have a look.  I used to get panic attacks but they just consisted of typical racing heart and agitation and shaking...this is different but I know they can change.  I've really tried to stop looking at anxiety stuff as I know it's just feeding it. I am post meno by about 7 years! Nearly 60 and just want to be well for once  :(


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2016, 07:39:57 PM »

Hello Justjules.

I can certainly relate to wanting to feel well for once! I am also nearly sixty and haven't had a period for six years.

I have surges that involve internal shaking and quivering. My heart thumps and my bowels rumble and there is usually ahem, wind!  I also feel very worried and panicky about everything, really want to cry but can't and I lose my appetite. This fun state of affairs usually lasts a few hours,  most often occurs in the evening but can then disappear about 9pm.
I am using Evorel 50 mcg patch but how much difference it's making I wouldn't like to say.

The only suggestion I have is that tiredness and tension may conttribute to these awful sensations and I treat myself to an early night when necessary. I wonder if your funny turn was brought on by tiredness, or at least exacerbated by it?

I wish I had the answers but I do understand how horrible and frustrating it is and I wish you well.

Take care and sending hugs.




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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2016, 07:45:20 PM »

Oh my goodness, please excuse me for not realising you are well on your meno. journey!! Here's me prattling on like you're a newcomer to all this!

I can absolutely vouch for the fact that panic attacks can do this. But, if it helps, over at anxiety guru Paul Dooley does advise in his posts/podcasts on health anxiety (im not saying you are suffering from this, but I do to a degree since all this menopause business started and I found this helpful), that if you're at all worried, DO get yourself checked out. It's totally ok to do this, and can give you peace of mind.

He really is a smashing fella, and not at all 'doom and gloom' or preaching because before he became a qualified  psychologist, he was a 10 year severe anxiety sufferer himself. The only reason I'm banging on about this is because the tips I've learned there have helped me with so many things that I am just generally worried about too - and boy, can I worry!! Things like booking a GP appointment, getting test results, am I really ill? All that kind of stuff that just churns away and makes you feel rotten on top of feeling rotten, if you get what I'm saying?

Go and have a wee chat with your GP if you can. It won't hurt, and they can hopefully reassure you and give you a check over. Hope this helps in a small way. :hug:


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2016, 07:49:36 PM »

Kathleen, it could be. I've had a long day. I am usually fine in the evenings, best part of the day for me.  I've also had a lot of sweet stuff today as well which won't be good.  I can't cry anymore at the moment due to the ADs and I've never taken HRT. I am so weary with it all. It makes me want to become a recluse! X


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2016, 08:12:15 PM »

Hello again Justjules.

Yep, I recognise the weariness too and becoming a recluse appeals to me as well. Just being with 'normal' people can be so difficult at times. I remember reading posts on this site where ladies talked about wanting to hide under a rock until all the horrible feelings go away.

Hopefully we will all come through this one day!

Take care.



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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2016, 08:32:32 PM »

I hope so Kathleen! I'd really love to know why some people suffer so much whilst others don't. I hope I get to sample normality before my old age  :-\



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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2016, 08:59:58 PM »

Hi justjules, gentle hugs

I wrote a thread about social anxiety caused by menopause, it's stopped me socialising , shopping, even being amongst family at times, I couldn't work out if the faintness/racing heart when standing was causing anxiety or vice versa

I started seeing a cognitive hypnotherapist as I didn't want to talk to GP about this as my belief is I need to replace whatever is causing this (be it a different hormone or something that is causing the faintness) but I needed to know how to cope with the feelings too

Yesterday was my 3rd visit, she put me into deep relaxation and got me thinking to healthier/more confident days, and to use my index finger and squeeze it in times of anxiety/faintness.  She also wants me to see doc to explain the faintness in case my arrythmia is getting worse or I have a BP problem when upright

Today my fiancé took me shopping, I happily went off in shops without him (something that I'm not always comfortable with) and if I felt any wobble I squeezed my finger and immediately smiled at the pictures I had remembered in my relaxation state yesterday

I ate in a restaurant, usually I want to get out straight after eating but today I waited until OH suggested it

All in all, anxiety-wise it was successful, I doubt I'm cured, a pub night will be the test, my only dampener on the day (no pun intended) was my inability to empty my bladder properly when pee'ing so I think I ended up in most Loos that Cambridge city has

Don't suffer, get help, wherever that may be

Annie x


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2016, 09:17:10 PM »

Thanks Annie. I too see a therapist, NLP and hypnotherapist and I get to experience the deep relaxation state. It all helps but I need to find some way to cope with these constant feelings of terrible fear of illness. I know it all but can't put it into practice and believe it. It's almost like this awful constant worry is more preferable to facing up to getting it sorted out so my head is constantly whirring between the two options and I wonder why I'm worn out! x


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2016, 09:37:50 PM »

I often get head whooshes, weird rushes etc. In fact I ended up being taken to hospital last week by a lovely off duty nurse as I just about keeled over with one in Neros. I suspect it's a combination of adrenal rushes , anxiety and BP fluctuations. I had yet another ECG and tests and best guess is that sometimes my BP drops too low when I stand up after sitting a long time. Years ago when my anxiety was also bad, i neraky took down two shelving units in the library with a funny turn and again I suspect BP just went haywire. I know there's a thing called POTS that can cause similar feelings and my mum experiences very similar things with her benign postural vertigo. That said, I do think a lot of it is just bog standard anxiety - you are agitated and have all this adrenaline racing round with no place to go except whoosh.
Try and hold onto what you have been taught by your therapists. What I used to do when something new and scary came along was book an appointment with GP for few weeks hence and the see how I went on. 9 times out of ten by the time it came round I'd moved onto some new ailment so would just cancel and rebook and so on. Weird but it helped to calm me and to learn to cope a bit on own x


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Re: Weird feelings
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2016, 06:25:03 PM »

Thanks Coldethyl. This damn anxiety will just not diminish. Apart from the dreaded exercise, I do deep breathing, relaxation, read, try to say positive affirmations etc. and do take on board everything my therapist says.....until about two hours after I leave  :-\.  Like I say, I know it all, just have trouble putting it into practice. I'm getting a new car soon and even that is giving me anxiety! Just having to go to the showroom and sort stuff out, feels so stressful and yet it's something lovely, an early birthday present from my Mum.  I think I'm just illness phobic, which is no good as not going to get through life now at this age without something nasty cropping up. I never used to bother going to the dr but now it's like a dog going to the vets! Terrifying. I hope you're feeling a bit better, that must have been horrible at the time. x
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