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Author Topic: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10  (Read 3642 times)


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Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« on: August 18, 2016, 05:56:18 PM »

Hi Everyone,

I posted a while ago on here about my really good experience on Qlaira for the past few years. I had major surgery to remove a dermoid cyst which was twisted round my right ovary a few years ago.  6 hours of surgery later I had one ovary left and had problems ever since with perimenopausal symptoms.  Heavy, irregular bleeding.  Stained clothes and even stained a chair at work.  So embarrassing, particular as I work in an office with a load of men. When I discovered the Qlaira pill it was the answer to my prayers.  Light regular cycles, no flooding and able to relax without any accidents. Unfortunately as I have just turned 50 this year (and can only take Qlaira up to age 50) I am now looking for another option.  Just started my last ever pack of pills and feeling a bit daunted! 

I have been looking around on here and decided to try Femoston 1/10 taken with Cerazette mini pill for contraception.  Just wondered if anyone else on here takes Femoston with mini pill and how that works out?  Also does anyone have any experience of moving from Qlaira to Femoston?

Would be really interested to hear what people think about Femoston and how it compares to Qlaira.

I'm seeing my GP on Monday to talk through my options.

Many Thanks


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 06:21:48 PM »

Femoston is a good HRT but you won't be able to take contraceptive pill with hrt, you would have to maybe get mirena coil for contraception and use oestrogel for oestrogen. I'm sure that's right but someone will be along to confirm or say otherwise X


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2016, 06:46:15 PM »

Someone I know has been successfully using evorel sequi patches and cerazette


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2016, 07:51:19 PM »

Hi Milkykin and Nina

Thanks for the help and advice.  Much appreciated. 

MILKYKIN  Don't fancy the Mirena as I believe they are really hard to insert if you never had children.  Also a friend of mine (who has had children) had one fitted and had endless problems with it.  That's really why I was looking at Cerazette as a possible alternative x

NINA  Thanks for the suggestion.  That does sound hopeful.  Really hoping I'll be able to give the Cerazette a try as don't really fancy the idea of a Mirena x


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2016, 09:08:49 PM »

Hi Angel66

You might find that this is just too much progestogen and two different types as well. I certainly would not want to take this much and especially going further into menopause. However there was a member on here a few years ago who used to take HRT (can't remember which type) and the mini pill for a while in early peri-menopause because she used to get bad progesterone withdrawal symptoms (the classic pms most of us get) - so felt better staying on it all the time. Most of us don't like the sedation and foggy headed feeling from continuous progestogen!

Hurdity x


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2016, 12:30:02 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Never thought about that.  Thanks for mentioning.  Will definitely need to have a serious think about this.  Been on Qlaira for so long I never had to think about an alternative before.

Since posting this, I had a search online and read of a couple of people taking Oestrogel or Everol patch and 3 x mini pills as progesterone part of hrt.  Not sure how that goes.  Maybe this would be a better option but going to talk it through with my GP on Monday.  Apparently 3 x Cerazette equate to 1mg of progesterone - this is what the person posting said but not sure if that's correct.  I do know 1 x mini pill gives too low a dose to be used as progesterone part of hrt and apparently both posters got to use this option through going to a specialist.

Learning so much going into these forums!

Thanks again Hurdity x


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2016, 05:21:49 PM »

Hi Angel66
Sorry to hijack your thread, but can you recommend Qlaria?  Did you get on well with it? 

Just out of interest, if something is licensed to a certain age, can an individual patient, waiver those recommendations.  For example, I know of a lady at our GP surgery who is on HRT and is in her mid 70's.  Surely HRT isn't licensed at that age but she is still prescribed it.  Surely it's about risk, and if you are prepared to take that risk, it's up to you.  It's a shame, especially when the average age for menopause in this country is 52, you aren't allowed to take the pill till that age rather than stop at 50.
I was reading that Qlaria is a much lower dose than other ccp which you also have to stop at 50, so why can't they treat qlaria more as a hrt treatment than a ccp.  Just my opinion of course!


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2016, 05:42:11 PM »

Angel66 I answered on your other thread about the Cerazette.

Mis71Mum - there is no age limit for HRT nor any age at which licensing stopped - unlike the CCP. This presumably is because most of them contain very high doses of strong synthetic oestrogens and I think have been associated with certain risks - sorry not familiar with all of them. Not sure why for Qlaira too though - I agree - as it contains estradiol.....not sure if an individual woman can opt to stay with it beyond 50? Might be worth a try?

Hurdity  x


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Re: Changing over from Qlaira to Femoston 1/10
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2016, 10:20:27 AM »

Thanks Hurdity.  Just seen your post on my other thread and replied x

Mis71Mum no problems at all. I can honestly say I never experienced any problems at all whilst taking Qlaira.  In fact I never felt better.  Hair and skin good and no wobbly days or headaches.  But for me the best things was no more unexpected "accidents" and stained clothes, furniture and bed sheets.  That really was a nightmare and to be honest I'm not relishing giving up the Qlaira.  But in the U.K. it's only licensed for use up to age 50 as despite containing biodentical oestrogen, it is still treated as a Combined Pill with all the usual risks that go with it.  My lady GP is pretty clued up on these things and specializes in women's health.  She did tell me that they did trials to try and get Qlaira approved for use up to age 55 in U.K. but approval didn't go through.  She also told me that she could prescribe Qlaira "off-licence", however this would be difficult as it could be sometime yet before I'm through menopause and couldn't do this indefinitely. 

If you fancy trying Qlaira, I would definitely say give it a go.  But as with everything it really is trial and error.  What works for one person doesn't always work for another.  I remember when I first started Qlaira, I was a little anxious as I had read about both good and bad experiences.  Some women had been fine and some had to give it up because of constant bleeding.  Like I say it really is trial and error and the same with the different types of hrt I think.  One good thing I found with Qlaira is the longer I have been taking it, the lighter my cycles have become.  I just get a scanty bleed now that lasts about 3 days which is great.  Hope that helps.  If you need any further information, please feel free to ask or pm me if you prefer x