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Author Topic: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢  (Read 8764 times)


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2016, 09:39:06 PM »

Maybe Cagsy51 start a thread of your own so that you don't get 'lost'?  As hormones fluctuate ladies can get all types of 'discharge' in various colours  ::) …… probably because there isn't enough to kick in a proper period.


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2016, 08:22:01 PM »

Hi Ambert, it is natural for you to be concerned whilst investigations are ongoing, I can relate to this. As lots of ladies say there are so many symptoms of menopause that overlap with other things it does seem to be a time where investigations are done to rule things out and this of course adds to existing anxiety that is also increased during perimenopause :(  Although it might not be complete reassurance, the ultrasound did not see anything and CA125 can be raised for a number of reasons. I do understand the overlap with symptoms, I had bloating, changes to digestion and changes to my period as well, I didn't have a CT scan and not sure my ultrasound was all that conclusive as fibroids were found and obscuring imaging, but, noone raised any red flags. Its a good thing you are being checked out, that will help your anxiety in the long run. Hang on in there and wishing you well.


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2016, 08:31:29 PM »

Just want to add another voice to the 'take whatever meds you need to cope' campaign.

I have a couple of friends who made me feel guilty for taking hormones, as they think you should just be able to get through meno using just willpower.  I did feel like I was letting the side down for a bit.  But now, I think that I am actually being responsible by taking the HRT.  I am taking action to ensure that I am able to live as active, normal and useful a life as possible - so looked at that way, it would actually be irresponsible of me NOT to take them as I wouldn't be able to do so much with my life.   :)

Health anxiety is one of my issues too, and something I have found useful is to make a note of the times I think I am dying from heart attack, cancer or whatever...then I can remind myself that I didn't die last week or last month, so I am probably not dying this time doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me.


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2016, 09:15:21 PM »

Why tell anyone what you take  :-\ - do you tell them when you change your knickers?  Some things are private and I am fussy who I share personal issues with.  One reason why I never went for group therapy !

When hungry, do you not eat …….


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2016, 09:31:00 PM »

Hi everyone
This is my first post here, I've lurked for a while but never been brave enough to post!
I'm 44 and am starting to really suffer dreadful symptoms that I believe to be menopause related. My GP gives me pretty short-shrift to be honest, despite suffering very specific symptoms for a while which met all the ovarian cancer "indicators"....a locum GP finally took notice of them and referred me, so I'm currently going through the whole range of tests, have high CA125 levels, but negative ultrasound, last week I had a CT scan and am awaiting results.

Besides that (which is bad enough!) I have developed crippling anxiety 😢. This started with the fear of cancer but has now focussed in on my palpitations and dizziness which are everyday symptoms for me. I feel jerky, trembly, dizzy, utterly exhausted and horribly emotional. I panic about everything now, loud noises, car journeys, baby animals on tv (😂), absolutely everything. I've had numerous people listen to my heart and numerous ECGs, and have been told it's perfectly normal, but I can't get a grip on that. I'm convinced I'm dying. 
I take every vitamin and mineral going, have been given beta blockers to take when it's really bad, but I just feel like I want to curl up in a ball and sleep for a year. I don't have much of a support network, no close family around, so I really am facing this alone. My partner is not terribly understanding, I might get a cursory pat on the back and a "there there", but nothing like the love and reassurance I need.
Am I normal? Am I losing the plot?
I'd appreciate any kind words any of you may have to offer me. Is anyone going through a similar situation?

Amber xx
Ohhh Amber my love :( you are normal, what you are experiencing is experienced by some unfortunate women who have a make up that means their peri meno period can be difficult. Mines not too great, I had it for five years before I realised what it was, I blamed medication I was on at the time.
As soon as I got through the trial-and-errors of trying out hrt's and assessing doses, I got on the right dose and its helped loads.

I'm going through something similar to your results wait, I'm going for further tests, but I already know the outcome will be good, due to factors around my situation which have been brought to my attention by the very helpful ladies in my mammogram post.
Then there's the cysts worry, I hope that turns out normal, you know the nhs, they have to be 'belt and braces' make sure they are more than 100% sure, just like my mammo, I haven't got a cancerous cell in my body, I know it.
I wish you all the luck in the world andn I hate waiting, it can bring on panic and trigger me. I feel so fragile anyway, and waiting tenses everything up, making me feel totally angry but drained.


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2016, 09:35:11 PM »

Aw, thankyou both....
I have been given the BBs to take as and when, although I have found that if I don't take the regular 3 X a day, it takes a while for the effect to kick in again. I suppose that tells its own story, take them 3 X a day until I settle down. My trouble is I see taking meds as a failure, I was brought up to believe that you were "weak" if you had to take meds for anything, and I still can't kick that belief!
I'm currently attempting to get myself ready to get out of the house which is no easy feat when I'm just wanting to get back into bed:-( Trying to keep calm and think positive thoughts....
Amber xx
I relate to this.
Some days, I can't even face opening my eyes to the interior of my flat, so I keep sleep goggles on.
The other day I could not get out of bed, so I took into my bedroom a bottle of water and a tin of beans with sausages, thinking that if it was good enough for the military then its good enough to keep me going nutritionally, while my mental energy is too low to face tasks and even look at the interior of my flat.
I hope you were able to get out and it wasn't as bad as feared, but if you didn't never beat yourself up, the essence of recovery from anxiety and depression is being kind to ourseleves, even when we feel we have let ourselves down.


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2016, 07:30:13 AM »

I had similar experiences in that I had a series of tests which were made worse by the hospital cancelling appointments a few times and consultant not communicating what Was going on.  My anxiety skyrocketed and I thought that when the tests were out of the way that I would get back to normal. I was very wrong and it didn't go away. Got to the stage where I felt that I wasn't going to be able to go to work and as a singleton meant that I would sink, lose my house, lose everything.

Like you I felt that I should pull myself together and get on with it, but I knew I couldn't do it on my own. The doctor was brilliant and said that I would probably feel better that day because I'd done something about, and she was right. I was prescribed AD, and they have been a lifesaver.  Had a period of side effects (about a week) but each day has got better, and the change has been noticeable. Both my doctor and employer say that I'm a different person. The only person I've told is my brother who is very supportive, my parents wouldn't understand why I need HRT & AD

Now I'm not so emotional, when things go wrong it's not a disaster - no meltdowns for two months now. Still have anxious moments but they don't take over. Stupidly I'm already worrying about when I need to come off the ADs as I can't go back to how I was :-\

I would say hang in there and don't beat yourself up (we're all guilty of doing that and it's hard to stop)


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2016, 10:46:30 AM »

Thank you ladies for all the really helpful advice and responses.
Firstly, I had some good news in yesterday's post, a letter from my consultant letting me know that my CT scan results showed "no abnormalities"! Hooray! I have a follow up appointment with him next week to discuss it and any further action to be taken. Am feeling very relieved 😀
I have been managing to get myself out and about, I've given myself a harsh talking to and told myself to get a grip! I have been making myself get out of bed in the morning and put on my trainers and walk/run in the woods. As hard as it is, and as much as it takes to stop myself checking my pulse every couple of minutes (I'm soooo hung up on my heartbeats!), I do it and feel better about myself.
I've decided you're all right in telling me to go with meds if I need them 😊 I plan to use the appointment with my gynae consultant to discuss HRT options with him. I had a gazillion bloods done a couple of months ago so I'm presuming he can see my hormone levels from those and let me know if he sees me as a worthwhile candidate?
I am still having periods, although they are becoming much more irregular. I certainly fit the profile of a peri/menopausal woman! I am guessing I'm fortunate to get to see him without having to go through the GP again!
Thank you again all, I'm finding it so comforting that I'm not alone in all this and I'm not bonkers!
Amber xx


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Re: Terrified, don't know where to begin 😢
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2016, 12:28:44 PM »

Let us know how you get on!  Make that list to take with you  ;)

Well done Dandelion on the can of beans idea!  Some days I was unable to consider even a cup of Bovril ……. but eventually once the meds kicked in, I began to improve.  I was very scared during those months (1990s)
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