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Author Topic: missed beats in pulse and palpitations  (Read 5890 times)


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missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« on: July 29, 2016, 07:25:45 PM »

hi,the palpitations are getting worse as I have got them most of the time now. Can tell there is a missed bat-a gap when i feel my pulse. I am 8 years now post meno. Aged 55. A couple of years ago I mentioned them to a GP and he listened to my heart and said it was ectopic beat. Nurse did ecg but was very uick and she said a 24 hour one is best and unless you get one whilst its on its useless. However local hospital don't do that one! Is it necessary or just a part of the meno? Do get a lot of dizziness though still. Do any of you fee the pulse and find it does this?
thanks again


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2016, 10:47:30 PM »

Hi Nigela,
For years since starting this meno journey I have experienced missed heart beats, it use to worry me but I have got use to it now.
Of course I had it checked out & results were clear.

Why not have a chat with your docs about your concerns, just to put your mind at rest?

Cazi x


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2016, 07:43:16 AM »

Good advice Cazikins. Mine are back now that I am off HRT. I'm getting used to them again but they can feel very disconcerting.

Taz x


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 08:48:42 AM »

Can you both actually feel the missed beat when feeling your pulse too?
Thnaks both


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2016, 09:15:39 AM »

Can you both actually feel the missed beat when feeling your pulse too?
Thnaks both

I get this on and off- and yes if I take pulse at the right time I can feel what feels like a missed beat- it isn't actually a skipped beat but a slight pause in the timing and then a more forceful beat to empty the chambers. I was sent to hospital years ago with mine and put on 24hr monitor and had thousands of them and cardiologist said it was just anxiety. Still get runs of them now when I am anxious or hormonal.


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2016, 11:06:04 AM »

Hi Nigela
This is my most concerning symptom of all, but I am slowly learning to ignore them! It's very hard but they have been driving me bonkers....
I have had flare-ups of them many times over the last few years where I can have them more or less permanently for a month or two. I (of course) have had them checked by GPs, A & E doctors and a consultant, and they've all told me the same thing, they're benign, nothing to worry about, learn to ignore them, etc etc. That is easier said than done, I get so hung up about them sometimes that I can literally sit all day taking my pulse and getting worked up about them!
I challenge them now when they're really bad by going for a quick walk or run and they fizzle out....
I found some videos on YouTube really helpful. If you search York Cardiologist on there, Dr Sanjay Gupta, (a consultant cardiologist) has made a range of videos for people exactly like us who panic about our heartbeats. He is so reassuring and explains everything. I found them so helpful.
Please try not to worry about them, they are a classic symptom of peri/menopause and the accompanying anxiety.
(I feel quite proud of myself offering advice! I'm normally the one panicking and asking for help 😳)
Amber xx


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2016, 01:42:25 PM »

Mine seems to be missing one every 3 or 4


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2016, 07:51:30 PM »

Thanks for the video links


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2016, 04:35:06 AM »

The videos really are so helpful. I used to watch one when I felt particularly panicky and was having a really bad run of beats. They really did calm me down and reassure me that it was ok, I wasn't dying, and my fear and anxiety were simply feeding them even more.
If the skipped beats are still really bothering you, perhaps make another appointment with your GP and tell them how much they are concerning you. They can help with medication to calm you down and make you less aware of them, and in doing that, the skipped beats will settle in time.
Amber xx


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2016, 09:14:53 AM »

Thanks Amber
think I would feel better if they did a 24 hour check to see if they are just benign ectopics! because if the dizziness and tiredness but hope that is just meno related. I have had palpitations all my life on and off but used to just be with caffeine! Just hope there is not an underlying disorder.


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2016, 10:43:42 AM »

You and I could seriously be twins!!
I still get days where the palps catch me by surprise or I'm generally feeling a bit low, and I panic and spend the rest of the day googling, taking my pulse and not going out in case I drop dead...
But those days are getting fewer and I can talk myself out of them. Like I said before, I watch one of those videos and reassure myself, or I go for a walk/run, or I sit by myself and give myself a good talking to.
I too have been having these palps on and off for many years, I can go without them for months, but recently they have been fairly non-stop. But I reassure myself I'm not dead yet, all of the doctors I've seen over the years have told me I'm fine and healthy.
The menopause thing can make us feel so awful, it heightens our awareness of our bodies and our hormonal imbalances can cause havoc. I feel dizzy and tired a lot of the time and so many other women suffer in the same way.
Perhaps you should see your GP again and mention just how this is affecting your life. They can help with reassurance or meds to calm your anxiety. Don't let your symptoms take over and be grateful for everything you have.....
Amber xx


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2016, 11:48:41 AM »

Went to GP just getting another ordinary ecg-then they will see about a referral if needed as they don't do the holter 24 hr one.


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2016, 07:35:26 PM »

I was diagnosed with arrythmia when I was 40 then again at 45, I think they wanted to check things 2nd time when I was getting lightheaded too, both times it was the 24 HR monitor that recorded it.  I get the missed beats then the massive one to make up for it too

Also when I'm drifting off to sleep I get the weird powerful ones like tummy turning ones
I can't take BBs as I have asthma

Annie X


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2016, 04:17:46 PM »

Hi waiting now to go for the tread mill test and echocardiogram and the 24 hour holter. Been given a low dose beta blocker but afraid to take them as feel dizzy on and off anyway! Would rather wait to see after the tests. hoping they wont see anything wrong. The ECG there did pick up lots of ventricular ectopics as they told me to have a coffee first which in my case guarantees them! I feel every one!


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Re: missed beats in pulse and palpitations
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2016, 04:40:13 PM »

What betablocker and dose have you been prescribed?
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