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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Acid reflux sore throat  (Read 12707 times)


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Acid reflux sore throat
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:32:57 PM »

Hi ladies, I'm looking for some help again please if that's ok?

I had a bout of tonsilitis at the end of May which cleared with antibiotics. But my throat hasn't been the same since. This morning my husband took me off to doctors, he's quite distressed seeing how badly this has affected me. After a very thorough examination, my GP has diagnosed acid reflux, explaining this is what has caused my really sore throat. He's prescribed Omeprazole so I'm hoping to feel some relief soon.

My question is, could anyone recommend something to soothe my throat while I'm waiting for these tablets to work? My throat feels just like I'm on the verge of a nasty cold all the time. Is this normal for reflux?

Thank you in advance xxx



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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2016, 03:00:24 PM »

Hi Sparkle, I did think of you when I left the doctors  ::)

The GP didn't advise about Gaviscon and I forgot to blooming ask  >:(

I'm on 20mg of Omeprazole once daily, GP did say they wouldn't work immediately???

I've just ordered my wedge pillow online, I've heard you say before how much it's helped.

The only thing bothering me is this incredibly sore throat,mits almost like tonsilitis???

Thanks again for replying Sparkle, it's great having people out there that know and understand and I do appreciate bit xxx


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2016, 03:29:41 PM »

Claireylou the advice on my Omoprozole is not to take Gaviston in conjunction with Omorozole......
   You could try putting blocks under the top end of your bed until you get your pillow sorted out.
Honey is good for soothing the throat.


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2016, 03:34:46 PM »

Hi Ellie, thanks for replying.

I'm going to pop along and have a word with the pharmacist in the morning, see if he can suggest anything.

I didn't think of honey! I've got pots of local honey here. Wouldn't it make my acid reflux worse though? Oh it's all so confusing, I feel exhausted with it all. Broke down in front of doctor, floods of tears, felt like a right narna!

Hey the blocks idea is great, I shall send hubby out to our wood store to see if he can improvise. Thank you  :thankyou:


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2016, 04:28:17 PM »

Gosh Sparkle, that is so helpful!

Will double check with the pharmacist tomorrow. Was thinking of taking Omeprazole in the morning and Gaviscon at night.

Oh yes my ears feel all achy and kinda swollen at the base?? And my nose feels like it's coming down with a cold or sinus infection??and don't mention the gakky stuff running down my throat.

I do have one question if you don't mind? My throat is almost constantly sore, is that what you get? It doesn't really come and go which is why I started to panic  :-\


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2016, 04:36:53 PM »

My friend has this, she was silly in not seeing a Gp for 20 years with a constant sore throat and heartburn and she has ended up with barratts oesphagus so its good to hear you are doing everything you can.
She is taking lansoprazole but does have quite strong side effects of huge bloating and very sore mouth but she had to take them.
If she forgets one or sometimes she stops them for a day to get the side effects to settle she immediately gets a cough and very sore throat.
Her sore throat settled down after 4 weeks on lansoprazole initially so its early day for you.
She also uses gaviscon advance ( not within 2 hours of lansoprazole).
If your sore throat is no better after a few weeks on the tablets then it would be sensible to go back to Gp but hopefully like my friend it will calm down once its not being washed all day in stomach acid!  It does take time to heal.


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2016, 05:07:13 PM »

Hi Countrybumpkin and thank you for replying  :)

Thanks for the reassurance. I know my throat will take time to heal, I'm just incredibly impatient  :)

I hope your friend is ok now?


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2016, 05:34:58 PM »

Gosh Sparkle that does sound really scary, I hope you've recovered?

I know what you mean bout it getting you down. I was at the end of my rope with it. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning it's there :-\

My husband was really concerned about my mental state bless him.

I will give it four weeks I think. If no better I will push for further testing.

My mum developed a small hiatus hernia at this age. I wonder if I'm going down the same road  :-\


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2016, 06:10:36 PM »

Try taking the gaviscon just before you lie down at night, I do this every night.


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2016, 06:16:00 PM »

Thanks Ellie and Sparkle.

I've got everything crossed that it's going to improve  :-\


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2016, 07:26:00 PM »

Oh Sparkle, you're so kind. I was given a long course of antibiotics in May for tonsilitis. These throat problems started soon after so I wonder if there is a connection there? Gosh I didn't think of that!

We eat a lot of garlic in this house, never bothered me before but .. Who knows??

I must say, I don't feel so alone with it any more. I've got terrible health anxiety and I'd just about convinced myself that it was something terminal  :(

Hubby said I'd started to look "haunted"  :'(

You really are very kind for helping xxx


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2016, 08:27:14 PM »

My friend is fine as long as she takes the lansoprazole as she should but the side effects get bad for her and this is when she had a day or so off and bingo the sore throat and cough is straight back again.

It clears up again once she takes the tablets again. I can always tell if she is having a day off because of her constant throat clearing and tell her off ;D


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2016, 08:42:19 PM »

Thanks Countrybumpkin,

The throat clearing is very annoying but I'm hoping for improvement as time goes on xxx


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2016, 06:23:34 AM »

I will do Sparkle and I'm glad to hear you're ok.

Just taken my second tablet, no effects so far.

Thank you again xxx


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Re: Acid reflux sore throat
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2016, 06:45:40 AM »

I do get occasional heartburn Sparkle. It tends to get sore in the middle between my ribs. It got a bit sore last night but I'd only taken the one tablet.

It's mostly the acid in my throat that bothers me xxx
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