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Author Topic: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?  (Read 17072 times)


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Re: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2017, 11:44:18 PM »

Demands of  older parents being ill,  ElizabethRose, plus the usual crap of working full time!
Been very demanding  of my time for past few months.
Not sure my posts and SOH was always appreciated by some on MM, but hey ho!
Certainly well and happy due to Studd's regime of HRT! Still think his regime is life changing- well, was for me! 
I was in bad place before that due to my crap GP and lack of adequate HRT, so  anything I recommend for women to make an informed decision I hope is helpful.
I found the whole subject  of HRT, the variations of attitudes, opinions  in the NHS and on this website site initially confusing.
So for any newbies here read around this site and get as much information/views  as possible,  and Google  too..
Information is key and not from reliable as recited from "official sources"  like the NHS, etc.
Will post when I can.  xx


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Re: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2017, 05:06:50 PM »

Sorry to hear about your folks Freckles but so pleased to hear all is still going really well for you HRT wise. Mary G was such a wonderful support, she seems also to be thriving on her regime. Gives hope to lots of other ladies out there!

Stay well and do pop in and post when you can. You are a valuable contributor and we miss your tell it as it is attitude - so refreshing!! xx


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Re: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2017, 10:22:08 PM »

Folks are slowly improving thanks Elizabethrose, but still have long term health problems, which is time consuming.

I'm doing really well on Studd's regime, compared to what I was offered on the NHS (Femoston, which was worked for two years when I was peri menopausal but was ineffective for me when I hit the menopause,  then offered anti-depressants as an alternative, which I refused). 

On a positive note, I gave all my house plants my left over Femoston tablets and they really perked up! So Femoston has some effective uses not previously considered!

I don't get a chance to post often on MM but I am always willing to provide information on Studd and/or his treatment regime.
If only to dispel possible misinformation out there about his costs, his treatment regime, etc.
Not only does the Estrogel gel  and Testim gel really work (for me) but I thank God he prescribes progesterone at half the amount for half the time compared with current  NHS guidelines (he prescribes 100mg for 7 days a month, which works).  I'm progesterone intolerant and feel a bit of a dip in mood on the progesterone aspect- goodness knows how's I'd feel on the NHS dose.
No wonder lots of women give up HRT because of the side effects of progesterone the NHS recommend.

Moan over!
Hope to be back posting soon.
Freckles x


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Re: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2017, 09:27:39 AM »

On a positive note, I gave all my house plants my left over Femoston tablets and they really perked up! So Femoston has some effective uses not previously considered!
;D ;D ;D Maybe I should stick my patches on some of mine.

Glad you're doing well on your new regime.



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Re: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2017, 11:21:35 AM »

Hi there
I don't have advice for all your issues but I do sympathise greatly. Some of your symptoms matched mine - exhaustion etc. I wonder if you too might be suffering from a vitamin D deficiency? Getting that corrected has helped me avoid afternoon naps and definitely helped boost my energy and pleasantness.
Sounds like you have a lot on your hands - and if you can maybe try to adopt the fake it til you make it with your nearest and dearest. Just being kind and saying something loving (even if you are stretching the truth about how you feel at that moment) can go a long way to keeping the relationships sweet.
Take care  :)



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Re: Advice for a newbie please - Professor Studd?
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2017, 01:42:50 PM »

I saw a menopause specialist from this site and she recommended mega Vita D capsules daily - I take about 5000mg.  It does help with fatigue although I am actually very fond of "the power nap" and will have one at weekends as I work full time in the week (so no chance of snoozing under the desk).  An hour max and it doesn't stop me sleeping at night either.

Hang in there xxxx
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