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Author Topic: atrophy and ache  (Read 3584 times)

Suzi Q

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atrophy and ache
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:20:15 PM »

Well its 10m every night and every 3rd night rub outer area with Ovestin
Has it worked am i back to 25m vagifem no no way better than i was but normal life no
Ive begun to think i may have a prolapse of the bladder. When i cough i can leak
I can go hours with out needing to go but when i unplug it and go its non stop going
I get up in the am and before i get to the loo sometimes i dribble yet i dont wake up
I have no feeling of fullness but if i look with a mirror i can see tissue but then ive no inner labias left so i dont know what i looked like before? I can see a opening though always
If i do keegles my lower abdomen like today feels rubbish avhing sore like bruising
Sex mostly fine then out of the blue it will crucify me all day soreness yet no pain during
I feel like ive got the biggest cystis attack but no weeing. Then hey ho 2/3wks fine.
Bobbles says i feel no different inside. Gp was happy to give me my vagi and ovestin
Said symptoms were normal no blood either end no other symptoms of anything
Just the above and age 64 no period for 22 years he said if normal id not be experiencing
This till mid 70s thanks a bunch! Panadols do nothing im lying on the sofa my lower right side aches my urethas burny im not happy bunny is this it is this it?
One thing in common is my back my pelvis is unstable so my back can just give
When it does like now the entire back right around to my lower abdomen the nerves all scream. Tell you what horse and gun come to mind. I just got up walked around and pain ache in abdo eased off back ahh. Chiropractor tomorrow see if he can ease it
Geoffrey said lets go on tne motor bike. After he pucked himself off the floor  hehe
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 12:33:02 PM by Suzi Q »


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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2016, 01:19:13 PM »

Could you see a Gynae or Urinary Consultant to check for prolapse?

Suzi Q

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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2016, 01:50:12 PM »

Probably but at this moment in time i couldn't stand it
Im sure sooner or later i will but ive got to be ready
Notnings falling out theres no lumps or bumps down there
Im not bleeding im not wetting my knickers maybe its just age ? Xxxx


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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2016, 02:00:59 PM »

Age is OK until it causes symptoms  ::)


Suzi Q

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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2016, 03:11:24 PM »

Some on the net sound ok some sound like a slight prolapse?


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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2016, 10:00:42 PM »

Hey SuziQ sorry to hear you are having a bad time . I can empathise with your plight as a fellow VA sufferer. Not had prolapse experience as such but my doctor did think I had a slight prolapse which turned out to be the start of VA, she missed that one and sent me on down the  urologist route, he  could find nothing . I too experienced that burn and pain , so I where you're coming from .
Not sure if it's any help, but wanted to offer some support
 💜💜💜💜💜Ss X

Suzi Q

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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2016, 04:37:52 AM »

Than you sweetie its m7ch appreciated.
Went to Chiropractor today he said my back was 99% causing abdo pain. With in an hour
My lower abdo ache gone. Back eased too so? But still cant hold not urge its odd
If im out i can hold myself like a camel. Come home urge run and can dribble?
Turned shower on before and sound of water dribble yet id been at ,y pals house drank 3 drinks rea water et  and coughed nothibg ij blowed heheh xxxxxx


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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2016, 01:29:09 PM »

Hi Suzi - you might find this of interest - explains how the bladder works and why your flow might be weak and dribbly

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: atrophy and ache
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2016, 01:37:12 AM »

None of those fit me but thank you xxx
Today's fine ahhhh
« Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 06:33:41 AM by Suzi Q »