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Author Topic: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query  (Read 6157 times)


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Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« on: June 23, 2016, 10:52:54 AM »

Hello ladies, i am newish on here  :o and need some advice... I am 49 and after suffering with lack of sleep, anxiety, ridiculous amount of hot sweats...was put on evorel conti 3 months ago. It worked brilliantly and i felt like my old self again. However, after no bleeding for about 11 months my periods restarted and were lasting 7 days with only a week or so break each time. Saw my GP on Monday and she said i had to stop using Evorel Conti and i can start Evorel Sequi but i must have a 6 week break to see if bleeding stops. Does this sound right? i am already suffering without HRT and am dreading 6 weeks of being without it  :P


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2016, 11:26:36 AM »

Hi dizzydo

I was put on a continuous HRT when I hadn't gone a full year without a period and although the effects were great for the first month, then the bleeding started and apart from a couple of weeks break, continued for the next 3 months. 

I spoke to my doctor about changing to a sequential and she said that I needed to have a break of about a month with no HRT before starting this.  Like you, I was full of fear about the flushes etc returning, so being impatient after I'd been off it for a week and the bleeding had stopped, I started the sequential and the dreaded bleeding started again after one tablet.  I then had a whole month off of HRT and the flushes did come back along with the aches and pains but I believe now that my body needed the time to readjust.  I have almost finished my first month of sequential and feeling a lot better.

Hope your new sequential works out OK for you.



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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2016, 07:57:01 AM »

Thanks DollyD!
That is really useful as i had been contemplating doing the same as you did and start the sequential without the break as advised by my GP. I am trying several herbal remedies to tide me over but they are not working as well as HRT did for me.
Thanks again for your advice...will do as i have been told and wait the 6 weeks before re-starting....counting down the days lol  ::)
Dizzydoo  :)


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2016, 04:42:40 PM »

Hi dizzydoo66


You didn't say what your periods had been doing before you started the Evorel conti initially? As Dollydream said, if you were not post-menopausal ie had not been without a period for at least 12 months - then your own cycle can start again and breakthrough bleeding due to your own hormonal surges etc can occur. Sometimes they can re-start even after longer than 12 months in a small proportion of women.

I expect you have been asked to stop HRT to determine whether it is HRT that is the cause of your bleeding, because if it is, then you can try a different method, but if the bleeding does not stop it would be investigated. Bleeding while on HRT is never such a problem usually - it is post-menopausal bleeding in the absence of HRT that needs prompt investigation to rule out endometrial cancer.

Hurdity x


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2016, 04:53:01 PM »

I tried the herbal remedies too with little success Dizzy, fortunately the month off HRT went fairly quickly and the best thing was that the continuous bleeding stopped.   I've now completed a trouble free month on sequential (Femoston 1/10) and my scheduled bleed arrived bang on time today.  Hope it goes well for you too. :)



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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2016, 02:33:30 PM »

Hi again,

I hadn't had any periods for about 10/11 months before starting conti.
My GP has given me a prescription already for evorel sequi which i can collect and use after 6 weeks if the bleeding stops. So far it has...yippee!!!
I have noticed however that the prescription says that sequi is a 2 charge item! don't understand that!
Thanks again ladies  :)


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2016, 10:22:54 AM »

Yes, very annoying you have to pay a double prescription charge for the sequi as it includes 2 medicines  >:(


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2016, 03:18:57 PM »

Hello dizzydoo66, I was in a similar situation to you. At 48 I'd had 2 periods in 21 months and was originally prescribed Conti. 6 weeks after starting I had break through bleeding that went on for a month and following advice from this forum, I went back to the GP who immediately changed me to Sequi.
In contrast to you, I was told to start sequi immediately and after 4 days, my bleeding stopped. I'm now in my 3rd month but my periods seem irregular - my next bleed was 2 days after starting Everol50 the second time around and so far, I haven't had a period this month and am nearly at the end of my 3rd Everol50 stage. I'm hoping that things will settle down for me in time but in hindsight maybe my GP should have given the same advice as yours?  ??? I hope it all works out for you xx
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 03:24:05 PM by Indigojo »


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2016, 09:40:36 AM »

Hi Indigojo,
Hope everything works out for you too.
Do you mind me asking if your GP gives you a month at a time on prescription or can you collect a few months at a time? If sequi works for me i am wondering whether to get a prepaid annual NHS prescriptions certificate or just ask my GP to give me 3/6 months at a time.
Best Wishes Dizzydoo  :)


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Re: Evorel Conti change to Evorel Sequi query
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2016, 05:42:31 PM »

Hi dizzydoo,
Yes, at the moment it's one month at a time which is a bit of a pain but I've been told that will change once they are happy it suits me. In the meantime I've pre-paid for a 12 month NHS card as it could work out to be rather pricey.
Hope all is going well with you.
Best wishes