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Author Topic: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please  (Read 5280 times)


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Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« on: July 11, 2016, 09:53:15 PM »

Hi I am quite new to this forum, have done an introduction and posted a bit about myself, and have already had some great advice.

I am 62, and seeing my GP on Thursday to talk about starting HRT, i am about 10 years period free, but having the most terrible sweats, i'm tired all the time, after blood tests she thought it was hormone relayed, and suggested i try a low dose HRT.

I also suffer from depression and anxiety, and have been on meds for 6 years, which i am reducing now mainly due to weight gain. :'(

If any of you ladies have started HRT post meno, or around 60 can you please let me know how you got on, in fact any advice would be appreciated  :) xx


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 10:08:01 PM »

As I stated I have never put on weight whilst taking ADs - since the late 1980s.  However, ladies can put on weight due to The Change.  Have you told your GP that you are reducing your medication?  Some need careful reduction, others can be stopped without problems.

If you have already started the dialogue with your GP then take a list of symptoms with you?


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2016, 10:16:47 PM »

Hi pinkdove - there are members on here who have started HRT in their sixties I believe so you wont be alone. I had to come off at 60 due to an unenlightened menopause clinic and GP but then restarted last year (I'm 62 now) for a while before being taken off due to higher blood pressure. I am waiting to get it prescribed again.

Well done on having a GP who is knowledgeable enough to give you HRT. I'm sure it will make a real difference to you. If you are given a choice then at your age patches or gel are preferable to pills. If you still have your womb then you will need a progesterone. With patches this is added in but if you are offered gel then you need a separate progesterone.

Taz x


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2016, 10:20:44 PM »



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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2016, 10:41:19 AM »

Thank you Ladies. CLKD, i will tell my GP on Thursday night when i go about reducing AD's , I know they are the cause of my weight gain, i'm on effexor, and have put on about 3 stone since taking them, they help with the anxiety and depression, but the weight issue is making me more depressed, I am reducing very slowly, and as they have a very short half life, i have to tread carefully, day 5 now and a little brain zap, but i only notice it when i first wake up, and it's quiet, nothing i cant handle at the fingers crossed.

Taz, Thank you so much, i dont feel so alone now, i still have my womb, and i am going to take the print of from this site re: HRT for post menopause, so i think i will need a continual regime, and a low dose, i have asked her on the phone last week if i can try patches, and she said that would be fine.

So heading of on Thursday night with my printout's and a list of my symptoms, just hope i can get some relief from the sweating and tiredness, need to get the old me back, feel like an old lady.....not good at 62.

Thanks again hope you are both well xxxx


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2016, 12:43:46 PM »

Thank you Ladies. CLKD, i will tell my GP on Thursday night when i go about reducing AD's , I know they are the cause of my weight gain, i'm on effexor, and have put on about 3 stone since taking them, they help with the anxiety and depression, but the weight issue is making me more depressed, I am reducing very slowly, and as they have a very short half life, i have to tread carefully, day 5 now and a little brain zap, but i only notice it when i first wake up, and it's quiet, nothing i cant handle at the fingers crossed.

Taz, Thank you so much, i dont feel so alone now, i still have my womb, and i am going to take the print of from this site re: HRT for post menopause, so i think i will need a continual regime, and a low dose, i have asked her on the phone last week if i can try patches, and she said that would be fine.

So heading of on Thursday night with my printout's and a list of my symptoms, just hope i can get some relief from the sweating and tiredness, need to get the old me back, feel like an old lady.....not good at 62.

Thanks again hope you are both well xxxx

Good luck and I hope all goes well for you, I am certain HRT will sort you out.


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2016, 12:55:00 PM »

Oh the brain Zaps  :o …….. I get those even now  ::)

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2016, 05:32:43 PM »

Hi Pinkdove, I started HRT patches at 64 and am 66 now. I started on 25mcg patch but am now on 37.5. They don't take ALL my symptoms away but I'm a lot better on than off! I still get three or four hot spells that wake me in the night but I would rather manage on this low dose as any higher seems to set my migraine off! I too still have a womb but my Gynae is cautious because of my migraine and I take progesterone only every three months for 7 days. This does unfortunately trigger a migraine but I have to have the prog to keep the lining thin. Good luck with your appointment.

Ju Ju

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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2016, 06:36:40 PM »

I started HRT at age 60. I was suffering from extreme exhaustion, as well the usual (mild) hot flushes etc, plus insomnia. As HRT was not offered to me at the time via NHS I saw a private gynaecologist, recommended by my GP, who writes my prescriptions, which are free. I did struggle with progesterone, but have since had a hysterectomy for prolapse, so able to use oestrogen only. My quality of life has much improved, though I still get exhausted. I am retired and have to pace myself and have to say no to some requests and opportunities. I've been told I can take HRT 'forever' as long there are no contraindications. I was also advised that I was insulin resistant, although I was slim-ish, but my waist was the same measurement as my narrow hips. I took this seriously as I have a very strong family history of diabetes. I cut right down on sugar and lost the required weight.


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2016, 08:00:28 PM »

Thank you Ju Ju and marass, dont feel so alone now, well i saw my GP tonight, and my blood pressure was high, so she was unhappy about starting me on HRT, she has sent me home with a blood pressure monitor to use twice a day for a week then hand it back in to the surgery,

She will be on holiday 21st july till 8th Aug, but i said i would wait till she comes back, as i like her, she takes time and seems to know her stuff.

I asked her to refer me to a dietician and she has done that for me, to help with my weight loss, and she was happy for me to reduce my AD, she knows i will do it slowly, and if things get bad i will put it up again ( im hoping not too )

So although disappointed, i have gone this long, i would rather my health was good before starting the HRT xx


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2016, 08:54:25 PM »

Don't be too disappointed, your GP seems to be 'on side' - hang onto her ……….

White Coat Syndrome is common.  Himself suffers and a calmer person you won't meet anywhere  ::). Did she suggest when to take your BP, i.e. the same time every day?   Himself bought a Boots machine and took his B4 breakfast, within 30 mins. of getting out of bed, jotting down the readings each morning.  I never registered on his BP machine  :-\  ;D.



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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2016, 09:22:42 AM »

Pink dove  please ask your GP for a 24 hour monitor as I had this issue myself a few years back.

When I went for HRT first my BP was 150 and going up to 205....(this ended up in a trip to A&E). My GP arranged for a 24 hour monitor and despite me not sleeping a wink with the blasted thing as it was hurting my arm the overall result over 24 hours was 120/75.... so without a doubt I have "White Coat Syndrome" so after that was confirmed I have had no problem with getting HRT.

At my recent doctors appointment it was 170 but again I had no problem getting HRT as she knows its just me.

I must admit I wish I could control my White Coat Syndrome but no luck so far.

Mary G

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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2016, 02:58:22 PM »

pinkdove, I think this is a bit chicken and egg i.e. did the low oestrogen cause the high blood pressure which could have been treated with the right type of HRT?  How high was it?

My mother and aunt both developed high blood pressure immediately after menopause and my blood pressure is never high but from various experiments I have carried out, the higher my blood oestrogen level, the lower my blood pressure (practically all my blood test results come out better with more oestrogen too).  I also suffer from white coat syndrome and my blood pressure does rise if I have been running but I think most people have fluctuating blood pressure levels to some extent.

Could you persuade your doctor to prescribe HRT now and then monitor your blood pressure?  You may well find it drops once you start pumping oestrogen into your system. 

I found an article in the DM on this very subject but can't find it now.


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2016, 03:29:33 PM »

Thanks ladies, I know people suffer from white coat syndrome, but i never thought i did, but ..maybe i do and am unaware of it.  my blood pressure was 170/90 and she wanted the 90 to be down to around the 80 mark, when i took it this morning it was 156/80, so there's the 0, dont know about the 156 tho'

It is disappointing Mary, but i would rather my blood pressure was right, before starting, especially at my age and the fact it will be my first time on HRT.

My GP thinks it will settle down, and has said she has no problem prescribing the patches, but not with high bp.

Ckld, she just said take it twice a day, in the morning and evening, when i tried to take it this morning, the cuff was faulty lol, just my luck, so had to have it changed, its ok now, so will keep plodding along this week xx


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Re: Ladies over 60 who have started HRT advice please
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2016, 04:41:51 PM »

Let us know how you get on!  My GP takes my BP every 6-9 months-ish or when I turn up for a review  ::)

Himself has WCS did I say already ………. probably  ;D
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