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Author Topic: A norethisterone question  (Read 7216 times)


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A norethisterone question
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:12:15 PM »

Hi all, I won't bore you all with my story so far, as I have recently posted under new members, but I was wondering if any of you could tell me if and how soon you started to bleed again after stopping the 10 day course for heavy bleeding? I finish the course tomorrow, it took six days for the bleeding to stop, so I'm hoping I'll be able to go a few days before it starts again. Thanks a lot xxx


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Re: A norethisterone question
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2016, 04:55:05 AM »

I only took norethisterone a couple of times as a trial. I normally take provera, which I prefer. From memory the bleed took a bit longer to start than with the provera, but it think it maybe took about 5 days or so. Provera usually takes about 2-3 days for the bleed to start.


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Re: A norethisterone question
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2016, 04:14:28 PM »

Thanks Dana for your reply.  I'd be reluctant to take them again as the side effects are pretty yucky - nausea and queaziness akin to morning sickness (not something I wished to experience again at 51 lol : ;D), fuzzy, weird headache and a weight gain of 8lbs in just over a week :o. I suffer with seronegative arthritis, fibromyalgia and polymyalgia rheumatica, so any increase in weight really tells on my joints. Does provera cause weight gain?


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Re: A norethisterone question
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2016, 05:35:04 AM »

I personally don't think any of these meds really cause actual weight gain, even though we often blame them for it. When I take my course of provera I do tend to "gain weight", but it's not real weight because I will lose it again once I stop taking it. It's just probably a bit of bloating or water weight.

I used to say I couldn't lose weight because of menopause/HRT, and I thought that was true because I thought I was eating and doing everything right, but my weight wouldn't shift. However, since joining Weight Watchers about 8 months ago I have now lost almost 9kg (almost 20 pounds), so that proves that you can lose weight, as long as you know the right proportions to eat and you don't cheat by eating that piece of cake because you think no one will know. ;)


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Re: A norethisterone question
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2016, 08:56:39 AM »

I think you're right about it being water weight and bloating. I've put on 7lbs in the 10 days I've been on them - my face and fingers are puffy and my belly.....well, let's not go there ;D! About 20 years ago I had the Norplant put in, thinking I'd have an easy 5 years of no worries re:  contraception. I went from roughly 9.5 stone to just under 12 -  not a good look when you're 5'2"! It all fell off within a matter of weeks when I had the things removed after 8 months.

Congratulations on your fantastic weightloss :) I admire anyone with such determination



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Re: A norethisterone question
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2016, 10:31:59 AM »

Everyone is different and may need a diet to suit individual needs. Some programs work for one person but not another.

I struggled to lose weight in the last few years, it reached a certain point and wouldn't budge. However, the gallstone saga proved otherwise! Having to go on a very low-fat diet for 6 months and I've lost 12kg. In fact the minute I started the diet it started dropping off! I think it was combination of a lot less calories, low-fat and therefore low sugar (no cakes, biscuits etc) and eating smaller meals. Maybe it just suited me and I found my perfect diet!

What I have discovered is knowing how much fat is in food and people are probably eating way over what they should be. Even though avocado is good for you there must be 40-50 gms in half a one and they way they pile it up on toast here is probably a days fat allowance for a normal person. I was on 5-6gms per meal! I know eating fat is the latest fad but you still have to be careful!

One thing I have ate tons of as they were good for the liver is grapes...apparently there is a compound in them to help with weight so maybe this is the secret weapon!

Although it is much easier to stick to a diet when you have to for health reasons, it's not so easy any other times! Now the gb is out I'm still being careful but have the odd lapse!