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Author Topic: Help!  (Read 1468 times)


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« on: June 29, 2016, 03:46:13 PM »

My health anx has gone thru the roof and I am struggling to just get thru the days..
I feel like such a stupid fool - I have always tried to be healthy - eat healthy, exercise, keep weight down, don't smoke etc... When my husband suddenly left me 4 yrs ago - I started to have the odd glass of red wine, I was never a big or regular drinker so was never concerned.. However! over the years since he left and with living alone, I have drunk more regularly, not to get drunk but just to relax and enjoy a glass or sometime more but not every night of the week & sometimes bit more on a sat night ...This may sound naïve now, but I did not even realise how many units were in a bottle of wine ( I do now) and after reading in a newspaper paper ( which I have in the past avoided)... There was an article this week claiming that drinking even in moderate amounts can cause cancer...Now I am panicking about getting breast cancer or some other form & wishing I had realised how stupid I have been in drinking too much if atall...


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Re: Help!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 03:58:03 PM »

booboo I also read that article , and it was alarming but they all are !  Also so inconsistent   One minute we are told to drink a glass or two as it helps this that and the other, next week its the devils vomit !  If you believed all the health scares that you read, you would be eating nothing , which would have other problems.  I think everything in moderation !

Its so easy to get upset and distressed but sometimes the authenticity of these reports are also a bit suspect, they are there to fill space and make money for the paper so the more sensational the better.

Ironically my three friends who have had breast cancer, two were strictly tea total and one was a very very occasional glass of wine drinker !

Try if you can and put it in perspective.  Not as easy as it sounds I know, especially when plagued with anxiety  and its accompanying issues .  I was thinking about it last night and it cost me a nights sleep but Ive decided to try and put it out of my head, that is until the next " scare "


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Re: Help!
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 04:37:25 PM »

Evelyn - that's just it!! I can remember reading not so long ago that red wine had health benefits in moderation - now they are implying alcohol full stop is not good .. Just wish the people that report this stuff realised the potential effects on some peoples mental health, aswell as the physical when they print all this stuff..
Now I have to try and get it out of my head ..Grrrrr
Thank you for your response ..


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Re: Help!
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2016, 06:14:08 PM »

I had breast disease and I hardly touch alcohol - might have a sip if Himself opens something 'good' otherwise …….

Do you feel that you *R* drinking too much?  If I said to you open a bottle on a Friday evening and make it last until Sunday lunchtime, how would you feel ? >ducks< ?

Or do as the French do for their youngsters, half a glass topped up with mineral water?


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Re: Help!
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2016, 06:25:17 PM »

We can never undo whats done but we can change whats now so you can change things from right now if you wish. I have had lifelong health anxiety and in my 20's and 30's had a GP who sent everyone off for loads of tests if you so much as mentioned a symptom twice and because of my health anxiety I was there alot and had an awful lot of x rays over about 10 years as this was before the advent of mri scans. 
No one ever told me how bad this was for you until I was in my mid 30's when a new GP told me to now have any more radiation exposure if there was an alternative test because of how much I had had.  In context of dosage of CT scans they do now it wasn't that huge but I had still put myself at risk by having had so many standard x rays.  I can't change what has been done but since then I have always asked for alternative test if possible that has no radiation.
Another thing is that we can worry ourselves silly about a possible but unlikely problem but get run over by a bus instead!