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Author Topic: New on here - 46 and going thru it!  (Read 3701 times)


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New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« on: June 29, 2016, 12:49:03 PM »

Hi Everyone

I hope I'm posting in the right topic area (New Members) and apologise if not  :)

I'm 46 (ok nearly 47) and like a lot of you quite frankly having an awful time of it.  In retrospect I've had peri symptoms at least 2 years but the past few months have been so hard.  My female gp put me on Evorel Conti 50 and also recommended the mirena (still need contraception, though no sex drive which is probably the most effective contraception ever  :)). After some thought I have decided to have the mirena fitted (in a couple of weeks) and my hrt will then be changed to just estrogen only as progesterone will be delivered locally via mirena.  My gp gave me a Menopause Matters card saying it was really good and very helpful - and it certainly is, so after a month of reading other posts from you lovely lot have decided to post something myself.

The first thing I will say is that I didnt expect or understand peri\meno could be this bad and I apologise in advance for the long list of things Im about to put - I just need to write it all down somewhere. I'm having physical symptoms - Extreme exhaustion that comes on very suddenly. I ache everywhere, especially in a morning. Feet, legs, back, hips, elbows, shoulders hurt. Very itchy skin, headaches, nausea (especially in a morning), become allergic/sensitive to things I never used to be (get hay fever now), dizziness, tingling, facial pain/pressure, loss of labido, vaginal dryness, hair on head gone "weird" and growing very slowly (unlike the rest of my new hairs, all growing places I don't want and like they are on some time lapse clip on youtube they grow that fast  :( ). Pelvic/ovarian area pain, sore painful boobs. I think I'll stop there! The only thing, and I am so grateful for this, is that I do not experience many hot flushes -  I did go through a time of these a couple years back but didn't make any connection that it could be peri. I do get some and when they happen they are awful so I take my hat off to all you poor ladies out there who suffer badly and regularly with them. Genuinely feel lucky this isn't much of an issue for me  :)

My worst symptoms and the ones I find the hardest are the psychological/mood problems. I am experiencing extreme anxiety and panic attacks along with very low mood. Very tearful - it comes out of nowhere and have no control over it. Feelings of extreme irritation and anger and Im on a very short fuse. Forgetfullness, cant concentrate or retain information,I don't want to leave the house or see anybody (Im ok with hubby) this is very unlike me previously I was a very sociable person. I want to hide away and never be seen again. I actually feel like I want to run away, but dont know where to go and havent got the energy to do it. I feel old, ugly, unattractive and irrelevant. I don't have any children and I'd got ok with this and wasnt an issue. Recently however it is upsetting me greatly, I feel like Ive lost something even though I never had it, like a grief almost. I don't want to have a child now but I cant stop crying about it. It has got to the point where Im currently on sick leave from work with anxiety/panic attacks. I work in reception of an nhs walk-in clinic that is extremely busy. I really like my job and feel very settled and great colleagues and normally enjoy the face to face aspect of the job with the public. However when Im feeling anxious and particulary when I dont want to see anyone (or anyone see me) its very hard to have to sit there as first point of contact and my anxiety and distress really rise.  Summing it all up Id put it like its having severe PMS All the time and like an alien has invaded my head and body. I hate feeling like this and I hate what I have become. My hubby is very understanding and Im very fortunate in this way as I seriously dont know what I do if he wasnt. I feel sorry for him, cause at times Im a total nightmare and my suffering is causing him suffering too - I also worry about us splitting up - but then I worry about everything and there is actually no indication/signs of this.

Along with hrt and mirena I have taken some steps to help myself - I have been eating healthy for 3 weeks and have lost 8 lbs - although I need to lose weight this is a bonus as I am mainly eating to help my symptoms and not for weight loss). I have started some yoga which I am enjoying - trying to get the oomph/confidence to attend a class at some point. Basically anything I can do to help myself feel better as I feel so dreadful.  Reading posts on here is a great help, glad that Im not alone (esp with mood problems) and seeing that things can get better is a comfort.  I'm sorry for the long post, I just had to get it out of my system and if you've still made it up to here reading my rantings - thank you very much  :)

Its a very hard journey and I wish you all well and great to have a forum like this.

Thank you lovelies



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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 01:01:44 PM »



I see from your post that you are on evorel conti so I assume you haven't had a period for 18months i.e. post meno if not you shouldn't be on a conti regime   :-\

Mirena plus estrogen sounds like a plan,for contraception etc ,although if you post meno you wouldn't need contraception,sorry Im a bit confused there.

Hrt I have found in my own experiences very good controlling the physical issues,flushes,aches,pains,etc but not very good at doing much for moods,anxiety etc. Hope you start to feel better soon. Sure others will be along soon with more advice.

walking the dog

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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 01:09:28 PM »

Welcome to the forum kimevo and have a huge hug from me . Its awful when it hits you out of the blue like that but be reassured your not the only one who feels the way you do lots of ladies o here have physical and psychological symptoms and both. You will learn ways to manage the various bits and once you get the correct hrt which in itself can take awhile trial and error you should notice an improvement in your physical symptos . Lots of ladies find it helps with their mood to (sadly I'm not one of them) but you may be one of them.keep posting you will get lots of support xx


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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2016, 01:50:05 PM »

Hello kimevo and welcome to the forum.

Your post rings many bells with me.

My physical symptoms have never been too troublesome but I could've written your account of the psychological problems. We only differ in that sometimes I don't even want to be near my hubby!

I like your idea of lifestyle changes and a healthy diet will bring benefits to your mental as well as physical health.

As far as I can see you are doing everything right and hopefully your journey will become easier very soon.

 We are an army of women who  truly understand and are willing and able to help.

Take care and keep posting.




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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2016, 03:52:02 PM »

Hi Kimevo - welcome from me too  :)

I am feeling just like you. I don't want to leave the house etc due to anxiety and panic attacks. Although I am older 57 only had physical symptoms to begin with until anxiety floored  me.

It may be you need a review of your HRT??? I am of the opinion if we get our hormones balanced things will improve. If you work in NHS walk in centre how about informal chat with one of the Doctors?? nursed do I all the time...... you could always say your asking for a friend

Hope your feeling better soon



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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2016, 05:53:41 PM »

Hello Kimevo,  :bighug:.   I have experienced many of the symptoms you describe, although I have always been a fairly anxious person but this is something else!  What does stand out, though, is that you are taking positive steps to help alleviate some of those symptoms by changing your diet, hrt regime and by taking up yoga.  I know how hard it is to get motivated to go out but, if you can do it, it will be worth it.  I started going to a weekly exercise class two months ago after 2 1/2 years of hiding away & I always feel so much better afterwards - even if I do not feel like going beforehand  :)

The support from the ladies on here has been invaluable - you have come to the right place! 
Hoping the new hrt regime will help you to feel a lot better xx


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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2016, 08:44:01 AM »

Thank you all so much for you lovely helpful replies - it does help to hear from others who are/have experienced similar  :)

I got my HRT name wrong - its Evorel Sequi not Conti so apologies for the confusion. Walk in Clinic I work in is for sexual health and contraception so although they are very knowledgable and experienced in those areas unfortunately it doesn't extend to menopause and hrt (though maybe it should :)).

I do feel better today, yesterday was a very bad day and I ended up asking my hubby if he wanted to leave me - he said he didnt but it was all a bit strained but all ok now - just in my head I think. Plus when you feel so bad and you dont want to be "near" yourself its quite difficult to accept that someone else does.

Im gonna go out of the house today, nothing fancy, just a trip to a small retail outlet - will have a look round and hopefully buy things for my garden.  Really into my garden at the mo - it helps me relax plus I feel I've "gone out" without leaving the house. 

Also going to try and get the courage to email a local running group (Im not a natural runner - built for comfort not speed!) - its a free group and they have a beginners that is walk/run.  I used to do some running a while ago and really helped with weight loss - I just hated anybody seeing me and hated running past people for fear of ridicule - hoping I may benefit from the safety in numbers. 

I hope everybody else's day is good too and you all do something to look after and enjoy yourself with - we all deserve it,

Take care ladies

Kim x


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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2016, 09:44:26 AM »

Hello again kimvo.

I am pleased to see you are feeling a bit better today.

They say gardening is good therapy and I hope your trip out is a success.

Take care.



Mary G

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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2016, 03:02:21 PM »

kimevo, welcome to MM,

I do hope you feel better soon and hope the Mirena coil works out for you.  Having had two Mirena coils myself, I would highly recommend you use Oestrogel with it and not the patches or pills.  I had a 50mcg patch with a Mirena coil and it was so ineffectual, I might as well not have bothered using it at all. 

Although the progesterone in the Mirena coil is mainly confined to the womb, enough of it gets into your overall system to suppress the oestrogen so you might need a fairly high dose of oestrogen to get good results.  Therefore, I would suggest the Oestrogel for two reasons, firstly, from my personal experience, it is far more effective and secondly, it is flexible because you can adjust the dose to suit your needs and you cannot do this is with any type of HRT.



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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2016, 09:49:13 PM »

Hi Kimevo
I'm new on here too.  I was diagnose as peri at 36; 43 now and only just accepted hrt.  Sorry I don't have and words of advice for you, but wanted to let you know that everything you wrote is exactly how I feel (you are not alone).  This hrt lark seems to be a mine field.  How do we know when it's right or wrong???  Anxiety is an awful thing, I can talk about how irrational I am being, but it doesn't stop your brain going out of control.
I hope you feel better and things are on the up!  Big hugs xxx :foryou:


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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2016, 11:42:05 PM »

I would highly recommend you use
Mary G - I do wish you would stop hijacking every thread by doing this.  There is more than one offering of HRT recipe and no doubt this is because different ones suit different ladies.

Kimevo has only just started out, on a perfectly good, well tolerated regime.  She hasn't reported any problems, so why are you advising her to change?  We are all different! What suits one, doesn't suit another.

Kim, sorry to but in on your thread.  I really hope your HRT journey goes well and you feel better soon.


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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2016, 05:40:33 PM »

Thank you for all your support - it really does help to share experiences.  I am having mirena fitted in a couple of days - also my thyroid levels were low (long time issues with low thyroid) so medication has been upped - which I'm kind of glad of as it should also help with some symptoms or at the least my overall wellbeing.  I also joined the running club last week - I was soo nervous - did nearly 5k with mixture of run/walk. Lovely bunch of people and I felt (and still do) really proud of myself for joining and am going to keep on attending.

Hope you have all had good weekends but if you were struggling I hope you were able to do something that helped ease it - just for you - I think we underestimate how important self care is :)

Best wishes to you all....we'll get through this  :)

Kim x


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Re: New on here - 46 and going thru it!
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2016, 07:33:04 PM »

Well done kimevo - running!!!

And I'm not sure if I've said   :welcomemm:

I agree with the others that the Mirena + Oestrogen is a very effective way to take HRT and have contraception as well. I presume you will be given Evorel patches as you are used to Evorel? Just thought I'd mention that I use patches - and have done so for nearly 20 years and have found them to be very effective :). I use Estradot - a much smaller type of patch - in case you haven't heard of this type - I preferred this because it's so small and sticks well, and the marks left when you remove the patch are also so much smaller and easier to remove but if you're happy with Evorel and it's working then "stick" with it  ::)

Hurdity x