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Author Topic: Feeling low  (Read 4381 times)


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Feeling low
« on: June 22, 2016, 11:34:06 PM »

Hi I'm a newbie just wanted to say bit about myself. I'm 51 peri menapause ( think that's what you call it I can't seem to remember ) that's one symptom of this dam menapause , memory loss . I'm so please I found this site I feel I have someone who can understand what I'm going through . My husband doesn't understand or care if I'm honest he thinks I'm being over dramatic . I feel totally at a loss my doctor not helpful I suffer with ibs too and menapause has increased all my symptoms of that now . Doctor said change your diet to be honest I've changed enough these past few months so I'm not prepared to cut out my chocolate which he suggested sorry I've changed enough and that's one change not gonna happen ha ha . I have to laugh or I'm gonna cry . Please someone tell me this gets easier because I feel like I'm cracking up . Just started the menapace supplements tonight so I'm hoping by in morning I'm cured ( only joking ) I will give them till end of week ha ha . My god that's longest I've ever let out a laugh in months probably real reason is hubby in bed so I can be my menapausal self now without him giving me that look like he's planning to have me sectioned . Thank you if any one reads this I hope you do because then I will feel loved and important that's just me being over sensitive and feeling sorry for myself ( again ) 😞😊😝😡😤😢


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2016, 12:27:37 AM »

Oh dear Bren51 you´ve got it bad haven´t you? but you´re in the right place and you´ll find lots of help and support. Unfortunately doctors do not always give the same support and yours seems like one of those. Patronising and dismissive. Do some research on here about hrt if you want to go down that route, then go back to the doctor armed with info. Lots of us have tried the natural alternatives and sometimes they work for a while but not long term . I´m almost 59 and only recently started hrt after 9 years of gradually increasing symptoms. It´s helped a lot but isn´t perfect.
Good luck and keep posting!

walking the dog

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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2016, 07:12:33 AM »

Your not alone bren51 you will find lots if us on here feel similar to yourself and you will get lots of support. How your feeling Isa normal part of perimenopause for a lot of women
Have a big hug from me xx


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2016, 07:51:28 AM »

Hello Bren51 and welcome to the forum.

You'll get lots of good advice and support from the ladies on this site. We understand exactly what you are going through and we're here to help.

Take care and keep posting.



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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2016, 08:49:00 AM »

A warm welcome from me too Bren51, as a new comer myself I would just say, you are in the right place.  The support and care from all the members is exceptional.  Its like a family, and aside from that aspect, the up to date information on every topic associated with Menopause is incredible.  My advice, for what its worth is to take your time and read through all the different topics, making notes if need be, of ones you want to go back to.  This will help you get your head round the whole Menopause/HRT aspect, and you can make decisions based on fact, and experiences of others rather than going in blind so to speak.   Once you feel confident about what you feel would benefit you, then you can go back to your GP armed with your information and have a discussion which should hopefully result in him/her at least taking on board your concerns and addressing them.  You will have done your bit, so now they do theirs.   Its a minefield, but you have made the most important step in coming here !  Stay strong.


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2016, 08:51:44 AM »



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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2016, 10:56:15 AM »

 :welcomemm:  Browse round.  Make notes!  You'll fit right in  ;)

Print off 'hints for husbands' ……..  :-\ 'advice' ……… on here somewhere - see, memory loss is common as is 'doing stupid things' - another thread here!

Ask.  No query is silly!


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2016, 06:47:22 AM »

Hi Bren 51
Glad you have found the forum I have recently joined and felt uplifted immediately knowing there were others who understood all these horrible feelings. I asked my mum how she coped and she told me she never had a bit of bother going through menopause so I haven't followed suit.
I can relate to memory loss and fuzzy thinking I honestly thought I was starting with some kind of dementia it's awful, along with low mood and awful anxiety about something awful is going to happen it was all driving me mad, and then there is the uncontrollable tears and emotions and stressing about things that happened in the past things I thought were long gone and dealt with all rearing their ugly head adding to the vulnerability and insecurity already felt.
So I totally understand and feel for you what your going through.
I gave in and went to my GP who gave me antidepressants and I must say they have made me feel more normal and able to cope I'm feeling much more chilled I know it's not what everyone wants but is working at the moment for me, if that's any help or encouragement. X


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2016, 07:08:53 AM »

Whatever works for you is great V29boo  ;)

Some on here use hrt,some Ads ,some on both ,some on nothing ! Each to there own ,we're all different,this is what makes it so hard to crack. We can easily say oh you should try this or that ,when really all we can say is what helped us !


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2016, 07:14:20 PM »

Thank you all for your wonderful replays I really do appreciate it I feel so much better . I just didn't realise that there was so many symptoms that's why I'm having really bad thoughts I'm dying all the time . Does any one else have really swollen tummy really bad aches n pains all over body and feeling that your having a really bad period like a bearing down feeling it's driving me mad are these normal symptoms or something more sinister. Sorry if I seem so miserable but I am 😞X


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2016, 07:17:21 PM »

You carry on being miserable for a while, the changes can be such a shock!  Yep.  What you describe is probably hormonal 
>:(.  I remember B4 a period the feeling that my [excuse me] bottom was falling out  :-X.  Pains down my thighs.  Bloated round my belly button.

Do you keep a diary, i.e. mood, food, period alterations?


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2016, 08:29:16 PM »

I don't keep a diary but what a great idea thank you . My periods are non excistant I've had 2 in over a yearand they were for just one day. This time last year I felt great now I feel terrible does it hit you that quick ? I'm getting to the point were I keep thinking Ive got cervical cancer stupid I know but I can't get this feeling out my head . It's the really swollen tummy bad back pain , pains in my legs especially my left calf. Constipation you name it I've got it feel like bursting into tears all the time. I got diagnosed with ibs 2010 and only had couple of episodes since but now I'm suffering terrible I went doctors 2 days ago he told me the menapause can aggravate ibs joint pain normal . I don't want to go on hrt doctor agrees because of breast cancer in family. He told me to get menapace which I've been taking now for 2 days going to see how that goes. I really want to just know that it's normal for you to feel ok then all of a sudden out the blue I have these symptoms. I only have the occasional hot flush nothing that bothers me I don't get night sweats I do suffer with mood swings . But it's the heavy aching in tummy and joint pain that's worrying me I do appreciate anything people have to say I'm new to all this and it comforts you to know that I'm not alone any advise would be really appreciated as I don't really know at what stage in menapause I'm at doctor not too helpful if I'm honest x

walking the dog

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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2016, 08:55:09 PM »

It does take awile to get used to the CHANGE bren51  I'm not there yet but reading posts on here and realising none of us Is alone has been a huge help , hope you find the reassurance on th forum your looking for xx


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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2016, 10:22:19 PM »

Thank you so much for that I agree reading posts on here has helped me. Everyone has been brilliant not dismissing me as a lunatic I am finding it so helpful to be able to just let it all out and have a rant without getting judged thank you so much ,going to bed now tomorrow is another day so I'm gonna embrace it can't guarantee its gonna be a good one but hey there's hope 😌 Thanks to you all night night x

walking the dog

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Re: Feeling low
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2016, 11:06:15 PM »

Wont say its was but knowing I'm not going mad and sharing my experience and the support I have had on here has got me through some very dark times xx
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