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Author Topic: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member  (Read 3515 times)


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Hello all  :)
I am so glad that I found this site!
As the subject field states, I am very depressed & am emotional mess. This is putting it mildly :'(
I already have pre existing mental health issues, which are, chronic and severe anxiety plus depression and PTSD. Going through the menopause has made me feel so much worse, and it is driving me insane, literally. I feel like asking to be sectioned. This may sound flippant but I am acting so out of character that I am wondering if I am becoming psychotic.
I have been taking Venafalaxine for several years and it used to help me, but since I started the menopause a few months ago, it does not seem strong enough to help the worsening symptoms and yet I take a high dose.
My GP gave me HRT  but I am worried about the cancer risks, so I have not taken any.
I used to suffer with PMT very badly until last year, and I also had severe Post Natal Depression years ago. I read earlier on another site that if a woman suffers badly with PMT and PND then she is also likely to be very affected by the menopause.
Oh to be a man!!!
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 10:45:23 PM by Rose7 »


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2016, 10:42:22 PM »

Hi Rose7 - you wont feel so alone now that you have found this wonderful site.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 10:43:15 PM »

First of all, welcome & a huge hug - so sorry things are horrible for you at the moment.

What stage are you at?  Still getting periods?  Are you taking anything to help? There are loads of very knowledgeable ladies on here, so someone is sure to have some ideas that might help you.


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2016, 10:51:07 PM »

Thank you both for the friendly replies. :)
I am taking nothing for the menopause, but I do take an anti depressant, Venfalaxine, which I have been taking for the past 4 years due to pre existing anxiety,depression, plus some other issues.
My GP gave me HRT, but I have not taken any, because I am so worried about the cancer risks.
I am 49 years old, and have not had a period in 6 months. I was tested and the test showed I was most likely in the menopause, due to the hormone levels.


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2016, 11:14:32 PM »

Hi Rose7
Sorry to read how horrible things are for you at the moment.
I had a horrible time re psychological symptoms arising from hormonal imbalances, compounded by crap HRT and wholly inadequate HRT medication from my GP.
I was a bit overwhelmed at first when I first started researching HRT as there is so much information.
However, after much reading many formal clinical articles and research, I learnt some  things relevant to how you are feeling right now:
a) the cancer risks reported a few years ago were based on a flawed study and the risks are now considered to be significantly lower than originally cited;
b) emotional problems, including depression & anxiety disorders, are often due to hormonal imbalances, especially if you have experienced PMS and PND in the past, and frequently misdiagnosed and/or overlooked regarding assessment and treatment options (Prof Studd wrote a great paper on this for psychiatrists, arguing that many women are misdiagnosed with depression, bi-polar, anxiety etc., but the hormonal cause is generally ignored, whether pre, peri or post menopausal);
c) often women seeking help on the NHS are not given the right HRT treatment and/or in the right dosage and generally given cheaper and often more harmful prescriptions causing problems in their physical and mental health, or else they are fobbed off with anti-depressants.

I am far from being an expert or as knowledgeable compared to some posters on here, such as Mary G, but I've learnt a lot and this forum has been so helpful.
After being on a regime of bio-identical HRT by Studd I can say I feel better after 8 weeks than I have for years regarding psychological problems.
Do a search for key terms and I am sure experienced posters will also be along to post and offer advice.
Welcome and you are not alone!
 re me


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2016, 06:48:41 AM »

Your GP would not have prescribed HRT if he/she thought it was not safe for you - unless your medical history says otherwise, HRT is very low risk.  I know some women still choose not to take it, but it would be worth weighing up life quality v the very small health risk. 

I know that for me, it is a risk worth taking.  I am taking the birth control pill & I feel absolutely terrible every time I have to have a break from it...either feel like I am going round the bend or just feel like a zombie.  Then I go back on it, and suddenly feel much better!  No way would I want to not take it.



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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2016, 08:51:00 AM »

Hello to you this morning Rose7 and  :welcomemm:  I am sorry you have such struggles as you have outlined but I do hope that the support of the forum will make you feel less isolated.

Whether is is psychological, emotional or physical issues surrounding the menopause there is always someone who can empathise and it really helps to be able to lay things down that are bothering you. 

I do not have any experience of HRT but I am treated for anxiety and depression and offer you a gentle cyber hug this morning.


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2016, 11:18:11 AM »


Your GP should have explained the lack of risk with HRT.  NICE has sent up-dated information as previous studies have been found to have been mis-interpreted.

Have you explained that the AD isn't helping as much as it did?  You may need a boost in dose or another AD.  I find that after 6-10 years on an AD my brain becomes used to what ever is in the mix, so I either up the dosage or change.  Maybe your GP should arrange for Community Psychiatric support until you get some relief?  MIND have walk-in days too, you could send
 an e-mail to your local group to see when they are open.  Knowing that there is somewhere to sit can be useful.

There are short-term medications for acute anxiety, i.e. Valium, I take one as necessary [can't remember what it is without the packet beside me  ::)].  Because I know it works within about 40 mins., I don't need to become 'reliant' on it.

Are you able to tell us why you were given HRT, did you present with specific menopausal symptoms? 


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2016, 11:47:06 AM »

Hi Rose - I recently found this site after finding it a while back.

It's very helpful to be able to just put down I black & white how you are feeling - I've found.

I am not on HRT, but have suffered from depression for a while & in the past & have felt my mood worsen with menopause. I am waiting to see someone about this, but posting on here I have found a real real help.


Mary G

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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2016, 12:20:18 PM »

Rose7, welcome and sorry to hear about the terrible time you are having.  You really must read Professor Studd's website, he explains exactly what you are going through and it is a classic case of hormone related depression.  God knows why this has not been properly diagnosed and treated, I would have thought it was blindingly obvious.  You have had PMS, postnatal depression and now menopause issues and you desperately need oestrogen, it is the only thing that will fix your problem and let's face it, the Venafalaxine alone is not cutting it.  I think you should start taking HRT immediately. 

As Freckles so rightly points out, forget the cancer risks, there is virtually no cancer risk in using HRT.  This scaremongering was based on two useless, badly conducted pieces of junk science (I wonder who paid for them?) using very outdated forms of HRT at the wrong doses on the wrong women and they should have been consigned to the scrapheap years ago.  In fact, many experts now believe that oestrogen alone and HRT preparations that use very low levels of progesterone actually REDUCE BREAST CANCER RISK.

I wonder if we will ever know how many women's lives have been ruined by these wretched studies.  I wonder how many women will have serious health issues because of it or how much it will cost the NHS in terms of hip replacements, fractured bones and the endless health problems caused by oestrogen deprivation?  It is an absolute disgrace and somebody somewhere in the medical profession needs to be shouting from the rooftops about it before more lives are ruined.  At the moment, Professor Studd is a bit of a lone voice.

Rose 7, what type/dose of HRT have you been given?  It is important to get straight on to the right type of HRT and if you suffer with PMS, you should keep the progesterone to a minimum. 


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2016, 02:07:46 PM »

I already have pre existing mental health issues, which are, chronic and severe anxiety plus depression and PTSD. Going through the menopause has made me feel so much worse,

Mary G whilst I applaud your desire to help Rose7, may I draw your attention to her comment above.  It is my understanding that PTSD is not governed by hormones and is a mental health disorder in its own right.  There may well be a case to answer for treatment with the correct HRT alongside her current antidepressant medication but it would be dangerous to suggest this medication is not cutting it.  On its own it is probably insufficient but I would imagine, for Rose7, it is still necessary.


Mary G

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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2016, 02:19:24 PM »

babyjane, I am sorry if my point was lost somewhere there but what I meant to say was her medication ALONE was not cutting it which is clearly is not otherwise she would not be feeling the way she does.  As we know, many women on here need HRT and ADs and do very well on both.  Yes, you are right, PTSD is not caused by hormone deficiency so Rose7 needs to be treated for that with her current medication but said current medication will not help her with severe PMS or her menopausal problems.

She clearly had a problem with her hormone balance which should have been diagnosed and treated and it does seem to have been going on for some years. 

Sorry if I have offended everyone.


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2016, 02:26:44 PM »

Mary G I saw no offense at all in your post but it did major on the hormonal side of things so I just mentioned the PTSD to balance it as for some years I was involved with a woman suffering with severe chronic PTSD.

I remember when I was a newbie and clueless, I drank in everything I read before I learned to sift things and take what applied to me.  Some things, although well intended, didn't apply to me or were incorrect.

We just try to help wherever we can don't we.


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Re: Hello from a very depressed & emotional mess of a new member
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2016, 02:41:26 PM »

As an aside - it annoys me more and more when ladies are told to take various medications but the effects are not fully explained  >:(.  I know we don't always take in what a Professional might say to us which is why I have had to go back sometimes, saying "I wasn't fully awake last time, could you remind me ……. "  ::)

Making a list can help too.  I often hand my to the GP and we work through it so that he can prioritise.

I wish that Prof Studd would do the rounds of UK Surgeries  ::) so that ladies could be informed enough to discuss the whys/wherefores with their health professionals …… don't want much do I!

Rose7 - you are no longer alone.  This too will pass. Make a list of symptoms.  Perhaps keep a mood/food diary.  Browse the Forum.  Make notes ;-).  Ask, ask, ask …….. someone is usually around.