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Author Topic: How do you tell if you need HRT....  (Read 5653 times)


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How do you tell if you need HRT....
« on: June 18, 2016, 06:32:21 PM »

Sorry if that sounds a bit dim.  Apologies to those who have kindly been following my other war and peace thread - a short recap....
Last period in 2010 - had hysterectomy plus ovary removal 2015 ( disaster as bowel perforated ).  The hysterectomy I suppose was a success and everything removed.  Because of the perforation the hysterectomy packed into insignificance.  I've always been prone to depression and when my bowel went I plunged into the deepest despair.  It's now 18 months since that op and I'm still having problems but am wondering if the fact I had my ovaries out is in somehow contributing to my very low mood and anxiety.  Is there a blood test that can be done to see if I am completely deficient of hormones - obviously having had my ovaries out I know my oestrogen is low but I thought other organs made small amounts of hormones so can I check if this is happening.  I dont have flushes but I am very depressed,  no libido,  mojo completely gone, weight gain and look crap!  But could that be because of everything else that's going on.  I don't want to take HRT unnecessarily,  I can't have sex because the bowel perforation damaged that area too and I just feel ruined as a woman and wonder if HRT would give me a boost?  I am on anti depressants that don't seem to be doing much.
Any thoughts ladies?


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2016, 06:36:56 PM »

Good question/s!

Blood tests can be taken, I'm sure someone will be along with more info on this.  Did your Surgeon not discuss HRT prior to the operation?  Seems that Consultants are lacking in this respect as many ladies don't get offered info B4 they sign the Consent Form!

Could you send an e-mail to Dr Currie on here or even ring/write to Professor Studd?


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 03:26:09 AM »

Hi @groundhog
Dont feel dim.
Sorry to hear bowel perforated. 
Low mood and anxiety definitely increased when I went into perimenopause. 
There is a blood test that can be done but my doc said theyre inaccurate, so I dunno y they bother.

I got my GP to feel my wet neck and told her my bra was soaking but my knickers bone dry.

Some women dont get flushes, I got them really bad, so much so that it took 100mcg oestrogen to get rid of them.
Oestrogen ensures strong bones and reduces risk of heart probs. The cancer risk got blew up out of proportion and I hope GPs have moved on from that now.

We were not meant, by nature to live longer than peri, yet we are living decades beyond and quality of life is vital.
I don't agree with AD's but each to their own. none worked for me despite giving them a chance, too many side efffects, plus I got dependent on them and had a hard time coming off them. Tried a fwe types. hth


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2016, 07:53:12 AM »

If you are taking anti-depressants (depends which ones) this might explain why you are not experiencing flushes - but lack of oestrogen ( and testosterone) could well be contributing to your low mood and lack of libido. If there is no medical contra-indication why you should not take HRT then why not try a low dose to start with eg a 25 mcg patch (changed twice weekly), or gel (applied every day) if you prefer this method, and see how you feel. As well as the major operation your body will also have gone into hormonal shock from removal of ovaries and uterus as well - even if you were post-menopausal.

Hurdity x

Ju Ju

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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2016, 09:19:09 AM »

If there is no medical reason not to take HRT, is it not worth trying? I know my symptoms were different, but I do have a better quality of life. And I was told oestrogen helps with healing. If your cervix was removed as well, you won't have to take progesterone, which some women are sensitive to.


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2016, 10:16:43 AM »

Give it a go Groundhog, even if it's just for a while until your body is stronger. Your low mood and feelings won't be helping your body to heal. You've had a lot of stress recently so you're rock bottom and that also depletes whatever oestrogen you body is making by other means. I never realised what a significant role it plays in all functions until I read this site!

You've been through a much worse op than I but I've have a rough couple of weeks with anxiety and panic which I think is low hormones or being run down and then everything escalates. Eveyone keeps saying to me don't under estimate the effect an op has on you for sometime and mine was pretty simple!

I recently had it explained to me that when you are run down then you aren't getting certain nutrients converted to make the pathways needed for neurotransmitters to function properly, thereby making us vulnerable to anxiety and stress which then fuels the breakdown of the chain of function. So basically it's a vicious circle! Look up GABA on Google which explains it and then it all made sense!

I've been put on a heap of supplements to strengthen the pathways hopefully leading to being a bit calmer and therefore build me up again.

Also this naturopath said long term use of hormones can deplete us of these nutrients/minerals so it's a good idea for everyone to top up.

Magnesium seems to be a key mineral along with a good Vit B tablet and CQ10. I've also got some herbs as well for calming.

As long as you have no risks then it might just help you you in more ways than one.



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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2016, 03:30:31 PM »

Thank you for posting this Groundhog - I too had a full hysterectomy & everything was taken - I hoped the feelings of anx/dep may decrease but they seem to have got worse... I never had any advice post op re the possibility of Hrt, and it was never suggested so really don't know it if would help me either... I take a low dose Ad which I don't really like taking - & sometimes am confused as to whether all these feelings are directly linked to meno or and lots of other stresses too .. Sure feels like a tough time of life .. Hope you find something that helps..


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2016, 03:44:11 PM »

Who is supposed to offer this advice to ladies contemplating hysterectomy etc.?  :bang: :bang: :bang:  Do these Consultants not realise the horrors that sudden removal of female organs can put onto our bodies  :cuss:.  I wish someone would suggest to GP Trainees to look at the Menopause as a speciality so that they can begin to carry the news from Prof Studd, Nick Paney etc..  So that any new research can reach surgeries promptly!  sorry, meandering  :-\

It's like GPs refer ladies to Consultants, therefore passing what will be the most important conversation she will have for many years, the Consultant avoids the issues and hands the lady back to her GP ………..  :-\

Mary G

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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2016, 04:38:29 PM »

CLKD, well said.  It does beg the question, why are these women not being offered HRT as a matter of course?

groundhog, I would not hesitate to start HRT in your position and I would recommend the Oestrogel because it is flexible and you can adjust the dose to suit your needs.  I have found it to be the most effective form of HRT by far. 

I think you should consider the positive effects of HRT and the huge improvement to your quality of life not to mention the long term health benefits of oestrogen replacement.  You are fortunate in that you will not have to take progesterone which is so often the cause of problems with HRT preparations.  You may also want to consider using testosterone.


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2016, 06:46:09 PM »

Cant help but think if men has wombs and all that's associated with them - there would be more advice,help and support available ....I had a hysterectomy and have been left totally uninformed ..


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2016, 07:12:12 PM »

Thanks ladies.  My gynae said I wouldn't need HRT as I wa already 5 years post meno.  I know it's hard to judge what is causing what but I feel dead in so many ways.  I'm seeing him tomorrow and I'm going to tell him exactly how I'm feeling.  He encouraged me to have this op ( I put of off for years owing to fears surrounding surgery as I had had so much ).  Now that everything has gone wrong I feel abandoned in a way.  No ne is interested in how I'm feeling as the focus is on the bowel problem.  It's a vicious circle though as I have no motivation to do anything as in exercise as I just feel so low. 
I'll let you know what he says tomorrow,  I am nervous of HRT but I'm nervous of everything at the moment so nothing new there. 
Yes agree booboo - I ask my husband how he would feel if they had cut his testicles off and left him with a damaged bladder and two stoma bags - he can't answer that one,  I feel angry and ruined and yet I just now th consultant is going to play it all down and normalise it 😡😡😡
Thanks all xx

Ju Ju

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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2016, 07:36:10 PM »

For some of us, the symptoms carry on post menopausal. It is uninformed and cruel to assume that things settle for all women. It's like saying you can't possibly be going through the menopause if you are under 50, as my Mum was. For me things got worse as l got older. I count myself very fortunate that l took things into my own hands and sought help privately at age 60, despite being told originally that I was too old and was suffering from CFS and all they could offer was CBT.


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2016, 11:26:46 AM »

Groundhog - the Gynae hasn't moved out of the cave yet?

Make a list of symptoms to take with you.


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2016, 11:40:45 AM »

"My gynae said I wouldn't need HRT as I was already 5 years post meno"   Although you were post-meno groundhog the ovaries continue to secrete a small amount of oestrogen for the rest of your life so their removal would have an effect on your body.  I kept mine when I had my hysterectomy but my lovely surgeon did explain that even when ovaries are retained they are usually "shocked" into giving up production of oestrogen within five years of the op - some women experience meno symptoms within a year of a hysterectomy apparently.

Taz x


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Re: How do you tell if you need HRT....
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2016, 02:32:58 PM »

Taz2 I was told the same.  I kept my ovaries but was advised that they could stop working withing one to 5 years.  I don't think they stopped working totally but there was certainly a reduction and after an internal scan one was found to have disappeared!!  Nevertheless I did not have many symptoms of oestrogen deprivation so the remaining one was clearly still working to a degree.
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