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Author Topic: Bowel habits.  (Read 42029 times)

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2016, 10:41:58 AM »

I've  just received mine.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2016, 01:58:35 PM »

We always do ours.   


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2016, 03:27:46 PM »

how often are we sent them once we are 60 CLKD?


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2016, 04:02:39 PM »

every 3 years?


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2016, 04:04:41 PM »



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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2016, 04:10:11 PM »



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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2016, 09:44:44 AM »

Hi all,

I am glad you have brought this subject out into the open, lol  ;D It's actually the source of one of my biggest meno problems - anxiety. In short, terrified of having public accident, have hinted at this before. It had become so bad that I was too scared to leave the house, even though usually nothing happened if I stayed at home. IBS symptoms from time to time, nothing regular, gurgling on the left of stomach and lots of wind, cannot pinpoint a cause, no other health issues. A few months ago I told the Dr everything and this triggered diagnosis of anxiety/ depression and ADs. She also checked the 'gurgling' and said it was normal for 'ladies of my age' and likely to be early hiatal hernia or similar.

I've been doing really well on the e-cit, been away on hols, into a few towns (with precautionary Imodium as advised by Dr) and out to restaurant even (would never eat out). Doing so good that even told Dr that I was much better at last review. Almost the next day I was worse. Stupid anxiety back, wind, gurgling, IBS - culminating in a couple of urgent near-misses. I don't know what to do, I read somewhere (damn google) that IBS does not start in later life but it seems that it has for several ladies on here and this is a common problem. One of you mentioned it being 'somatic' - I looked that up, it seems to suggest it can be caused by stress/ anxiety and not a physical gut issue. I know I am really stressed at the moment because of this referendum (we live abroad). I am getting so fed up. The IBS 'events' seem to be preceded by what I can only describe as adrenaline surge - a sort of rush like butterflies and panic in stomach area and feelings of a flush, hot/ cold sweat type of thing.

Does any of this make sense?  :-\

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2016, 01:18:50 PM »

Somatic is not the same as psychosomatic. I was told that asthma is also a somatic illness if that gives you an idea. It is real and physical, but bouts can be triggered by stress. I have had IBS since I was 14, following a gastroenteritis at a time of trauma. This is not unusual apparently, though they don't understand why people develop IBS after gastric illnesses if they are also depressed, stressed etc and may not if emotionally stable. A few years ago, I had a serious bout of food poisoning and my GP was very concerned I would have worsening IBS issues, but I didn't. I went back to my normal. I was not under stress. IBS worsened for me with the onset of the menopause, which is not unusual. Hormonal? Or lack of?

Like Bettyboo, I am afraid if having accidents. Because I have in the past......on the way to an interview for eg! I cope by taking a clean up kit, knickers and if I feel really unsafe, I wear a sanity towel. There you go..... ;D now you know what's in my handbag! I try to not let it stop me doing things and I try not to have early starts, so I can take my time. I'm lucky that I left depression behind gradually after leaving the situation that caused it!



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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2016, 01:50:12 PM »

I couldn't have written the post any better Bettyboo or Juju .  I am exactly the same, never went abroad for over 12 years , just in case !  I find if I am in control and can plan everything , then Im fine, knowing where toilets are etc helps enormously.  I find imodium excellent and use it as a preventative if Im travelling so I know I will be ok until I reach my destination.  Ive managed two holidays this year, and felt so happy I could do it.  Its a dreadful thing to have.  A real taboo subject.  I was investigated thoroughly but no reason found.  Its definitely linked to stress on my part.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2016, 02:05:26 PM »

Thank you so much for replying Ju Ju and Evelyn.

It is so good to know you are not alone with this. You are right it is a taboo subject - my OH won't discuss it, just talks in riddles if I try to explain why I don't want to go out and accuses me of being in a mood. I never intended to tell my Dr as I was too embarrassed, but I was so upset when I was talking about the not going out and depression symptoms it all came out (no pun intended). My fear stems from an incident a year ago when I was ill in a restaurant when we were out for a meal with friends. Everyone was really kind, but I have never been out for a meal with other people since, and always try to avoid going out if I can. I got to the stage of not being able to go to a supermarket but I can do this now. Strangely, I am better if I go on my own.

Yes, Ju Ju I have a kit in my handbag and I take preventative Imodium - Dr suggested it, says it is OK and my second line of defence is Tena pants - OH has no idea about them, keep them hidden.

I don't know whether to go back to Dr again, but only a couple of weeks ago I told her I was getting better, and she said my stomach was 'normal'. I'm trying to work out what the trigger is. Hot weather makes it worse, I can't tolerate anything over about 25, and I'm sure it's got something to do with the virtually non-existent cycle  ???

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2016, 02:53:46 PM »

The problem I have now is getting the stool out, regardless of consistency. The IBS was a contribution to this problem, but is not what is causing this problem now. I realised that there was was physical problem after following good advice from the bowel consultant. It was thought that the rectocele was the cause, which made sense, but now repaired and healed, the problem continues. It is being taken seriously. I am awaiting the results of the MRI.

At least these days there is more help in managing IBS symptoms. Years back, it was check there was no sinister reason for symptoms, then being sent on my way with no advice, just that it is 'only' IBS.

I am fortunate to have a DH who is very understanding and accommodating, particularly since I put embarrassment aside and explained what was going on. But travelling was a worry this year, as going to the loo can take ages and sometimes, I have to go back and forth. We did a lot of driving, 2000 miles, staying in hotels and booking ahead. DH left that to me so I made sure my needs were met. But I did it and coped. I do find saying I have IBS issues if need be, without going into any details, helps. It is surprising how many people have approached me with similar problems. We are not alone!

Oh by the way, when I had the accident, I went home, sorted myself out and rang to say I had had problems on the way. I arranged a new time and got the job!


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2016, 06:03:12 PM »

Hello ladies.

I also have gut issues and anxiety certainly plays its part for me. Since eating a high fibre diet with lots of nuts and seeds, fruit and veg etc I've noticed that any gas is gentler and does not always lead to a toilet visit.

Bettyboo - you mention e-cit, is that a typo or do you smoke electronic cigarettes? I ask because tobacco smoking is known to have a calming effect on the gut so if you have recently given up regular cigarettes that may be a change of circumstances that you are reacting to. Obviously cigarettes are generally injurious to the health and it's thought that the benefit may come from the nicotine present in the tobacco leaf. I think I'm right in saying that other dark green leafy vegetables also provide nicotine with the benefit of other nutrients as well. Maybe eating lots of spinach is the  healthy way to go.

Wishing you well and sending hugs.



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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2016, 06:16:13 PM »

I also have a radar key, and a " can't wait" card.  Haven't had to use either but again, knowing I have them!  Mornings are my worst time, sometimes I would have three visits to loo within an hour of getting up.  My husband is very  understanding, and so patient which helps enormously , manys a journey I've had to get him to pull in urgently at the most random of places so I can use the loo !   Some big cities are notoriously lacking in facilities and I've had to use hotels and department stores.  Edinburgh and Oxford being some of the worst offenders.  I remember urgently needing to go in Waterstones in Edinburgh but the toilet was only accessed via a key pad and the number was only available via a receipt after purchase.  Luckily another customer was just leaving and let me in.

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2016, 06:36:46 PM »

I remember desperately hunting for the loo in selfridges, Oxford St, London. Talk about poor signing, even though I asked for directions. Perhaps we should start a campaign for more (clean) public loos nationwide and clear signing! Big shops have no excuse. I was impressed with the quantity and cleanilness of loos in the USA this last trip. Apart from when we were in the middle of nowhere and when they were closed for cleaning in one store! The cleaner did let me in though. Must have looked desperate. Maybe she didn't want to clean up after me if I had an accident!  ::) I did look at portable loos you could fit in a suitcase, but decided that was over the top and I needed to keep space for shopping!  :D


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2016, 08:37:29 PM »

e-cit is usually ecitalopram, an anti-depressant ;-).

As for the bowel working 'better' after exercise, I thinkt he medical term is 'tenesmus'?  If I'm slow in the morning when my bowel feels full, I find that gardening, going for a walk can trigger the mechanism required to 'empty'.  This was true of my dog, after exercise she would go properly, also, the more exercise she had, the less pooh she would pass.  Probably because the body was using up her food intake correctly.

I've been this evening  :bounce: now if I could find out what I ate 2/3 days ago  ::)
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