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Author Topic: Bowel habits.  (Read 42034 times)


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #120 on: July 19, 2016, 08:23:17 AM »

Wombat - the Ruby Wax book I read is called Sane New World. I found it helped with the anxiety, as does Headspace meditation.

I've read the Gut book now (I'm a fast reader) and found it very informative. I'm now considering ordering some pro/prebiotics from Healthspan. I used to take quite a few supplements (Vit D, magnesium) but stopped a while ago to see if they were making me worse. I reached no conclusion about that apart from that a lot of it is anxiety-related. I recently started to eat chia seeds as a friend recommended them, digestion has been more 'stable' in past few days and joint pain less.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #121 on: July 26, 2016, 08:19:07 AM »

Was away for long  weekend, unfortunately had some issues and had " an accident" when out for a walk .  Luckily I was only five minutes from hotel, but far enough away to do damage !  I'm assuming it was a reaction to something I had eaten at breakfast as I had little or no warning such was the sudeness.  I got myself sorted but the distress and embarrassment stayed with me a lot longer.  Woke the following morning with bladder discomfort which turned into rip roaring cystitis .  Luckily I had Dmanoose with me, which helped, combined with analgesia. Thankfully the worst was over by the time I was due to fly home  due to all my self help methods.   I'm home , exhausted , but had overall a great break.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #122 on: July 26, 2016, 08:29:41 AM »

so sorry you had to go through this when you were away Evelyn.  I find being out of my usual routine plus change of water and air is guaranteed to upset my IBS in a similar way.  I remember even now the horror of feeling my bowel churning during dinner in the restaurant of a posh hotel for my 25th wedding anniversary (15 years ago), the food had been rather rich all week.  I got up to leave the restaurant and had to walk the full length of the room with no control over the wind that was resulting (more like a force 10 gale) from my bowel with every step.  I was mortified as I was sure everyone could hear and I could not bring myself to go back into the restaurant.  :-[


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #123 on: July 26, 2016, 09:04:42 AM »

Well done on coping with it Evenlyn - this is one of my nightmares so I'm not sure I would have been able to deal with it at all!

In The Gut book the effect on the bowel due to change of location, time zones, diet etc. is explained really well. We really don't appreciate how our "gut brain" is affected by so many things but what we have to remember is that the gut is trying to protect us - always - it is our friend although I often think that mine is definitely an enemy!!

Taz x


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #124 on: July 26, 2016, 09:12:15 AM »

I have just received my copy of this book in the post this morning  :)


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #125 on: July 26, 2016, 09:15:25 AM »

Enjoy it babyjane!

Taz x


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #126 on: July 26, 2016, 12:37:53 PM »

Oh Evenlyn  :bighug: ……. were you alone?



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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #127 on: July 26, 2016, 04:25:46 PM »

Oh Evenlyn  :bighug: ……. were you alone?

No , my husband was with me, but once we got back to our room I encouraged him to go for a walk to let me sort myself out with some modicum of privacy .  Thankfully our room was in a separate area from main hotel, the thought of having to go through the main foyer, would have been too much.

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #128 on: July 26, 2016, 07:12:44 PM »

Oh Evelyn, that brings back memories of an accident on the way to an interview. I had to get a taxi home. My friend had an accident while flying. So mortifying! Poor you. But don't let this stop you doing what you want to do.

I had noisy wind on Sunday and my little GS thought it hilarious and copied me.... At he has some control!

I was advised to drink bottled water when travelling around, even where the water is safe. And never have drinks with ice etc. as it can so easily be contaminated.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #129 on: July 26, 2016, 10:02:33 PM »

I not only drink bottled water and avoid all ice, but I also clean my teeth using bottled water too, as I did find that even such a small amount could cause problems.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #130 on: July 26, 2016, 10:06:15 PM »

Yep.  Don't touch salads and wash any fruit skins with bottled water before peeling .  Drink water from bottles that you have opened as some Hotels re-use them taking tap water ………….


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #131 on: July 27, 2016, 06:12:44 AM »

Evelyn - well done for going away and coping with this. It was an accident such as you describe (though while we were out for a meal with friends) that virtually grounded me for a year. Anxiety took a hold and it was only recently when I fessed up to the Dr about the fact I was terrified to leave the house/ walk the dog/ go shopping that I've been able to start tackling the issue. In fact, Ju Ju's story has helped me, too.

Ladies, while we are on this delicate subject of the BMs, can I ask your thoughts on the connection with adrenaline surges? I've started to get these surges when I wake up. So, I wake up, lie in bed trying to summon up the will to get going and a surge starts in the pit of my stomach. it's like the feeling of 'butterflies' or the nerves you get when apprehensive about an event, a performance or something. Within minutes (or less) I have to dash off to the toilet, often several times. These surges are often accompanied by a sort of flush, a hot sweat all over usually starting at feet and working up. I'm also getting night sweats again at the moment.

Some days I don't get a surge and the BMs are OK, other days I do and it's like IBS-d. I've been trying to work out if it is something I eat ( I thought it was cheese, but not sure) but now wonder if it is hormonal? Not sure what I can do. I take my BB in the morning at breakfast so when the surge occurs they have 'run out' though I thought they actually stayed in your system for days. I wondered about splitting the dose like CLKD does, might that make a difference?

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #132 on: July 27, 2016, 07:46:13 AM »

I'm fortunate not to suffer from adrenaline surges, but have seen a lot of posts on this forum about this, so I would suggest it is hormonal related. And makes sense that it will affect your BMs. In my case so many things do! Dairy products are a problem for many IBS sufferers. I was advised by a very good nutritionist to avoid or at least limit dairy products. I eat harder goats cheese in my cooking as apparently this is easier to process. My DD and GS are both allergic to dairy products, not just lactose, and the immediate reaction is very quick and explosive! (For my daughter dairy affects her breathing as well, so maybe her body is very efficient in rejecting a potentially dangerous allergen) So you may be right about cheese as well.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #133 on: July 27, 2016, 08:24:41 AM »

Probably hormone fuelled adrenaline surges = the runs.  It's the flight/fight response.  If you watch a bird when it flies away scared, it lets pooh go.  Sheep when startled often do a wee before running away [oh what a sad Life I lead  ;D] - puppies when scared will let go ……. however, knowing that this is a normal reaction has never stopped the awfulness of the physicality for me.

When I was menstruating regularly I would get 'the runs' 10 mins. B4 a bleed began, even if I wasn't due a period.  Definitely hormonally induced and it meant I couldn't book a trip around the 5-6 days that a bleed was due; particularly a road trip  :o.  Even now when travelling on the motorway my bowel is upset, in case the loo is a long way through the Service Station complex [which they usually are ] which = queasy stomach  :-[ which then spirals to worrying about spoiling the holiday  :'(

I have found cutting my 40mg BB in half for morning/evening use has helped get rid of the dull headaches.  I also know that if I don't take a dose my head gets 'strange' feelings, kind of woozy ……

I try to 'go' in the morning and now that we are eating Pakistani mangoes daily my bowels are really eager to empty, anytime from 6.30 a.m. so I need to sit quietly after to avoid going into panic mode.

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #134 on: July 27, 2016, 08:37:31 AM »

Do all mangoes have this effect or just Pakistani ones? Keen for tips to keep things flowing if you know what I mean!
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