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Author Topic: Bowel habits.  (Read 42027 times)

Ju Ju

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Bowel habits.
« on: June 16, 2016, 04:04:20 PM »

I had a follow up appointment today follow up appointment for my hysterectomy and back wall repair op, now over 6 months ago. Because of continuing problems re incomplete evacuation of bowels, l had a MRI done of my pelvic floor to see if there is anything to see, but as I only had it done on Tuesday, they didn't have the results.

The gynaecologist then proceeded to tell me that you could train your bowel to perform on a regular basis, say once every morning.  :-\  Oh how I wish! And how? Do I tell my bowels "No, it's not the right time!", as I have an urgent call ( l have had accidents in the past)  :o or "No, you have already been today" when I have had to go several times, like yesterday? And do I sit on the toilet on those days when I can't go insisting this when I should and want to go?  :o

 Now I know IBS is a somatic illness and most certainly affected by stress and emotions, but if mind over matter was the cure, then I would be top of the class! I am somewhat bemused!


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 04:06:47 PM »

Didn't you ask ?  ::).  He would make a fortune if this were true!

"Bemused from Surrey"  ;)


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2016, 04:25:51 PM »

Poor you Ju Ju! I know after my hysterectomy it took a while for things to settle, but not as long as yourself.

Are you allowed to make use of something like immodium/laxatives short term? I was given laxative pessaries for a while after mine until things settled.

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2016, 04:35:04 PM »

The problem was that he is very difficult to understand. I was warned before I first saw him that you couldn't understand him. He's actually usually nice, but seemed stressed today. My appointment was an hour late. And you never think of what to ask at the time. If it turns out that this a rectal problem, I'll be passed on to the bowel lot! My private gynaecologist thought it is caused by low oestrogen, though it hasn't improved with increased dose of oestrogen. We shall see. Meanwhile, I shall just get on with it without stressing.

Cubagirl, I think it's a functional problem. I manage to keep my stools soft with the use of fibogel, flaxseed, prunes, fibrous food and keeping hydrated. Lavitives seem to make it worse and Imodium can trigger off constipation. So I just go with it. But it can make life difficult if I need to keep to a time table., particularly early in the morning.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2016, 05:24:05 PM »

Sometimes constipation can be a lack of food in the gut therefore the bowel has nothing to pass.  For me if my bowel is 'slow' it feels full  >:( and that feeling can remain even after eventually passing stools. Which makes me reluctant to go far from a bath room  ::).


Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2016, 06:13:41 PM »

 ;D not in my case! I like to eat!


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2016, 06:19:45 PM »

Is it what you eat that slows the system?  I find if I don't take my evening dose of ADs and BBs then my bowel opens more easily during the next day.  If I exercise more, i.e. walking holidays, I don't need to 'go' because my body has used food as it is designed to: this was true of my dog too, the further we walked the more she ate the less she passed ……. there's probably a message there then  ;D


Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2016, 06:54:09 PM »

I don't take abs or bbs, only inhalers for asthma and HRT. I've had IBS since I was 14 following gastroenteritis at a time of trauma, which is recognised as a trigger, though why is not understood. My GP was concerned when I had severe food poisoning, but I didn't have worsening symptoms probably because I am not depressed, stressed or anxious. With the onset of menopause, as many have found, the symptoms worsened. About 4 years ago, I started having the symptom of incomplete evacuation, so was referred for a colonoscopy, but all was fine. Then last year, it was found that I had a prolapse and rectocele, so we made the assumption that was the cause, as it often is, but unfortunately the problem persists. The MRI may or may not show something. We'll see. As for my diet, I am very aware what I can and cannot eat. I've had a lot of support in that area, particularly when I developed intolerances. Why I sought help last year is because the problem was there, despite having softer stools. It feels like there is an obstruction, though that may be just a sensation. Whatever, it isn't stopping me do things and I'm not stressing. I just say I'm having IBS issues, then people are understanding.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2016, 08:04:00 PM »

The sensation sets up warnings though  ::).  It's managing the situation that takes time!

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2016, 08:04:04 AM »

I don't always have warnings. I might suddenly need to go or I go to have a wee and am surprised I need more than that. And it takes time that sometimes I can't give it. The op isn't responsible for altered sensation, as this was happening before. I suspect the rectocele was incidental and not the cause of my difficulties. But I'm celebrating the fact I had a hysterectomy, as it means I no longer need to take progesterone, which really made me feel ill.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2016, 08:49:11 AM »

My bowel has a mind of its own and if I argue with it I always lose so I just let it do what it needs to.  If I stress over it then things get more difficult.

I can go weeks going every morning regular and easy as clockwork then, for some reason it all bungs up and won't co operate.  I have a swig from the Lactulose bottle for a few days until normal service is resumed. I try to keep it happy otherwise my haemorrhoids flare up  :(

My bowel seems to respond to my emotional health.

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2016, 10:13:57 AM »

Yes, I think it does have a mind of its own! And my gut feeling is to go with the flow (all puns intentional) and not add stress. I think if your gut is behaving dysfunctionally, then comforming to a pattern is like telling someone with clinical depression to think positive thoughts and pull their socks up or telling someone in the midst of an asthma attack that they should be exercising more. It's theory, not real. I wonder whether the bowel consultant has a different view.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2016, 04:30:19 PM »

I wish it were as simple as your doctor seems to think Ju Ju.  I have IBS, and it's the diarrhoea element that I suffer from.  It's a nightmare, especially when trying to not to stress !!  Travelling has to be addressed   like a military operation and I could write a travel guide on location of toilets in my home town .  I do use Imodium for occasions when I have early appointments or travelling, just to get me from A to B without worrying where the toilet is.

Coincidently I was in Sainsburys and in the book section I saw a book called Gut,by Giulia Enders. "The inside story of our body's most under-rated organ ".  It's brilliantly written managing to combine humour with amazing informative research and information.  It was only about £4. I would highly recommend it.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2016, 07:03:00 PM »

When I gave birth 35 yrs ago I had a big breech baby naturally and had an episiotomy that went right through into my rectum :o. It was stiched up very nicely I was told but left my rectum resembling a big baggy sock >:(
From that day on I got leakage after bowel movements because any poo left in the rectum cannot be forced out as I have no muscle tone due to the baggy sock! 
Ibs on top is quite an interesting combination ;)
I did see a bowel surgeon who said unless I am unable to leave the house due to uncontrolled bowel leakage they will not operate as they reconstruction can cause much worse problems than I have.
Not something I feel I can discuss in polite society but on here where anything goes it feels good to be able to mention it. It also helps to know I am not alone with bowel problems.
I hope your bowel troubles settle down as I know just how much it impacts on life :-\

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2016, 07:26:28 PM »

Thank you Evelyn and countrybumkin,

I shall look into your book recommendation, Evelyn. You really need humour.

And countrybumkin, thankyou for your post. There is so much embassessment about bowel issues.

I am so scared of having an accident in public. I did go through a stage of having to plan any trip via the toilets. I didn't tell anyone at the time for ages, but when I mentioned it to the GP, he was great. When I developed food intolerances it had this effect. I have also had to deal with OCD issues with regards to faeces, but I do manage this quite well, mainly by working round it or accommodating  it rather than fighting it. Somehow that makes it less big. The gynaecologist did mention the possibility of surgery as well as other treatment, depending if or if anything is found. As I could hardly understand him I couldn't understand much, but if there is a problem I will be passed on to the 'bowel' team. I have met the consultant,.......who was absolutely gorgeous and very kind, and um quite young.......!  ;D
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