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Author Topic: Period overdue and anxious again.  (Read 1623 times)


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Period overdue and anxious again.
« on: June 19, 2016, 10:35:51 AM »

My last period arrived, dead on time, on May 24th without having taken any Utro. I have been on a very regular 26 day cycle for the last few months, without having taken any Utro.

I started taking 100mg of Utro on June 1st, for 7 days and didn't seem to react to taking it. I didn't have a withdrawal bleed either after I stopped taking it, just a few mild period style cramps, but not even a tiny bit of spotting.

Because I was still very low and anxious, I spoke to Prof Studd's right hand man on June 7th and he advised me to increase to 4 pumps and since then have felt better and better each day. And for the last couple of days have felt extremely chilled out, rather like I used to feel when ovulating.

My boobs have stayed normal, but stomach has been bloated since Thursday. My period was due yesterday and I had quite a few, rather painful period type cramps. But no sign of my period and boobs still aren't tender either.

Then last night started to get twinges of anxiety/dread again. Going to bed it got worse. Woke too early today, feeling anxious/dread so got up and had breakfast. Felt better for a few hours, but anxiety/dread now back and still no sign of my period starting.

Feel devastated to be feeling like this again.



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Re: Period overdue and anxious again.
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2016, 04:18:14 PM »


Sorry to hear that things have dipped for you. It sounds like the gel and your own oestrogen gave you a perfect level for a fortnight, then your own hormones must have dropped causing the crash.  At least you know one thing now - it is all your hormones and not your anti-depressants starting to work which you've thought before.

I was going to say that I thought I'd heard of ladies taking 5 or 6 pumps before.

The other positive you can take from this is that you can tolerate the utrogestan too, so surely for you, you just need to keep a constant level to minimise the fluctuations and maybe a few extra pumps here and there.

Don't get disheartened, you've had a massive breakthrough over the last 2 weeks, it's just a matter of tweaking maybe.

Take care.


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Re: Period overdue and anxious again.
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 06:01:02 PM »

Thank you for being so mind. I think I have mixed you up with someone else re: moving to 4 pumps? Sorry about that.

Period is starting to start, so really hope my mood improved.

Glad your dip was just temporary.


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Re: Period overdue and anxious again.
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2016, 03:20:30 PM »

Hope you don't mind me asking but why do you only take 7 days of Utro? It seems a very small dose considering you're on four pumps of gel daily?
Is that a dosage that has been tailored to you? Just wondering if you're not taking enough progesterone to stimulate a bleed?


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Re: Period overdue and anxious again.
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2016, 09:10:06 PM »

100mg for 7 days is pretty standard for Studd's patients who are progesterone intolerant, regardless of how much estrogel you use, I think?

To be honest my periods have been getting lighter and lighter these last few months despite being on 2 sachets of sandrena, then 3 pumps and now 4.