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Author Topic: 3 months in on BHRT  (Read 3686 times)


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3 months in on BHRT
« on: September 14, 2016, 11:26:52 AM »

OK, so  I'm now 3 months in to using BHRT via Prof Studd.  I *think* it's working but the anxiety is still there dammit.  I noticed in a few weeks of starting (originally it was 3 pumps per day) that my hair went from straw (been like it since my teens) to glossy and silky.  Bonus.  Then I got really bad anxiety again so upped it to 4 pumps per day on estrogel.  That week the anxiety didn't seem to hang onto me as long as previously but was still there until I had my hypnotherapy session (she's on 2 weeks break at the moment which is a pain so I can't see her again until the 27th September).

I took Utrogestan for the 7 days vaginally (no side effects, only sleepy which was fab and made me sleep like a baby for 5 days, then had 2 nights full of nightmares).

Now 3 days ago I started the "skanty" bleed which has actually been quite heavy (not as heavy as it has been - last time I was getting through 1 tampon every 2 hours with a pad but now it's 1 tampon per 6 hours or so with pad just in case) but I did bleed so heavily last night it went all over the damn sheets.

Now anxiety is still there, perhaps not *quite* as bad as it has been and has been in a shorter amount of time (I'm not twitching awake like I was previously which is a blessing as that I HATE so much as I jerk myself out of bed with it).  But I still don't know if it's going to level out or not. I know 3 months isn't very long at all, but when should it start to deal with the other stuff like anxiety? I mean does it get worse before it gets better?

Prof told me off for going up to 4 pumps but I think it's made me feel a little better anyway, or is that just how it goes? It's the not knowing that is doing my head in.  Will this get better in the next 3 months because I'm just hanging on to that hope right now just to get me through. Prof has since prescribed me enough for 4 pumps per day.

How long do these damn hormones take to regulate? Am I expecting too much too soon??

Jackie x
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 12:38:27 PM by puddlesmum »


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2016, 01:19:00 PM »

Unfortunately for some hrt on its own doesnt help/sort out anxiety,palps,etc,it didnt with me .
You may have to look for other solutions for these issues I afraid ,hrt can only do so much and it's usually the physical issues it deals with very effectively. Good luck in finding what suit you ,hope that you feel better soon.


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2016, 01:28:24 PM »

I'm already on Seroxat (although I think they gave me that as they thought I had depression/anxiety over my Dad dying) but I think it was hormonal all the way through. Had my hypnotherapist go through that with me and I remembered how I was already having issues with my hormones before he died (in fact the week before he died I was going through hell with my PMS) just blocked it out.

I don't have depression now according to my therapist just the damn anxiety.  Wondering whether or not to ask for Propranolol (I have moderately high blood pressure anyway so will effectively help with that too) to take the edge off the anxiety?  Hmm.


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2016, 03:19:20 PM »

Lots find that propranol helps with anxiety,palps,etc try discussion with your gp  ;)


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2016, 05:31:16 PM »

Well I've emailed him (can't get an appointment for love nor money in the next 3 months) to see, so I'll follow it up on Friday.

As long as that's dealt with I'm pretty much sorted.


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2016, 07:50:46 PM »

Sorry to hear you are not feeling better yet puddlesmum. Personally I would not want to take all these medications - like Seroxat - as you say you are not depressed, and certainly not anything like Propanolol which is a medication for heart problems and lowers blood pressure. if you can possibly do so i would try to cope in other ways - using mental  techniques if you can/meditation etc (I know very little about these though - but I know others on here do!). Also better to lower your blood pressure through other means if it is not very high.

Re the HRT - I can't remember where you are in menopause? If you are still very much early peri and were having fairly regular periods before starting the HRT, then it is no wonder your bleeds are still heavy as  your own oestrogen will be coming into play - unless of course you have suppressed your cycle through the high dose of oestrogen? I presume you will be having regular scans to ensure all your lining is shed as you are on a low dose of progesterone? Yes I haven't heard of anyone who has the "scanty" bleed! I can't see that's possible with two pumps of oestrogel let alone 3 or 4!

So hopefully you will begin to feel a lot better soon - have your flushes and sweats gone? That is usually the major aspect that drives women to start HRT in the first place and initially the most debilitating. Sorting the others out - the emotional symptoms - often takes more time.

Hurdity x


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2016, 01:07:56 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Well I sat down with the OH the other day and we worked out that I've had symptoms from around 10 years ago (when the debilitating anxiety started) and it's been kind of under control apart from the odd blip (which now we realise was hormonal as it would always be on the run up to a period). The hot sweats started about 3 years ago and were horrendous. Yep the Estrogel and others has put pay to those thankfully although I get a mini one just before my period.

My mum started her Peri at 34 so I imagine that I have followed in her footsteps although I haven't had a hyster (she had to have one due to endo). 

I've been having therapy for around 3 months now and my hypnotherapist is utterly wonderful. She seems to have got rid of the depression for me and sometimes works wonders on the anxiety, then I hit a bad few days and I'm back to square one again (I now have to wait 2 weeks to see her as she's away on a break).

Well I've tried lowering my salt intake, losing the weight again, and starting eating mostly fresh and natural foods rather than anything processed (it's how I originally lost the 8 stone) so I've gone back to that way of eating.  I just can't shift this dreadful anxiety - it gets hold of me and then thoughts spiral out of control (even though I tell myself it's all hormones and I'll be ok - therapist has tried to give me coping strategies but it's early days still).  I just can't stop the anxiety for about 2 weeks, then for a week I'm over the moon, happy go lucky raring to go, then it's back again bloody thing.  I just thought as I already have high blood pressure (non medicated as they "believe" I have white coat) that it might help that as well as take away the racing heartbeat that makes my head pound and takes my breath away.

I am drinking copious amounts of green tea and camomile tea - I hate them both with a vengeance (actually more than that as the smell of them makes me want to be sick) but green tea does at least give me a little energy and "sort of" stops the excessive thoughts.  I've knocked soft drinks and chocolate on the head too.  Trying so damn hard to fight this and although I've seen little changes (less hot sweats, higher sex drive, silky smooth head of hair (never seen since I was a youngster)) but just this bloody anxiety. If that would just do one I'd be fine. 

My sister keeps telling me to ask for Xanax but I really don't want to move ADs if I can help it as the withdrawal is horrendous and I'm not very good at remembering to take them at the same time each day. I'm just stuck and I don't know what to do now.  As long as the anxiety goes I'm fine with all the other symptoms as I can cope with them as they are. 

I'm also using mindful meditation with my therapy (she provides a night hypnosis) and I have another app which I use on my phone but I just can't shift it.  I just want that to go, and although it's not as bad as it was right at the start (I couldn't move as I was frozen to the spot back then with lots of depersonalisation) it's annoying me simply because it won't go.  You know, like a niggly toothache. 

I am sleeping a bit better these days (another bonus I guess) and I'm finding it easier to get to sleep using a yoga technique of breathing through each nostril before I hit the pillow and 1 Sweetest Dream tablet.  So I'm sleeping (albeit up a few times a night to pee) but I'm still getting the morning nerves which don't bugger off until the evening then I'm anyones ;)

Periods are now about 25 days apart, have come down from 35 days apart 5 years ago with 2 x 3 month absents in those 5 years.  I've always had trouble with irregular periods anyway due to having PCOS but this is ridiculous.  And I'm now day 4 of a "skanty" bleed which is still bloody heavy (was no-where last night though) - that's annoying me too as I'm in pain with that as it feels like my ovary is screaming at me (I always have problems with the left ovary for some reason too).  Ugh.  Fed up.  Just want a break from it.  Had 2 weeks where I felt amazing since I first joined the site and I know it's going to get better but while I'm going through it I'm convinced it's forever and I'm never coming out of it.  Even my therapist asked me a few weeks back if I had evidence that I don't come out of it and of course I don't so that made me feel loads better but in the throws it's going on forever! 

I upped the dose to 4 pumps myself and although Prof said no, I still did it. It did make me feel better but yep periods were semi regular before so probably making the periods worse (to be honest, I don't give a monkeys about the period, I can cope as been through many years flooding and flooding) but it's just the anxiety!  Arrrggghhh!

Sorry for the long post.  I have verbal diarrhoea today I think.... another bloody symptom...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 01:11:37 PM by puddlesmum »


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2016, 09:08:54 AM »

Puddlesmum, just be aware that too much Estrogen can actually cause anxiety too or increase existing anxiety.

If Professor Studd advised not to increase your dose, I would do as he has advised.

Sending you hugs, as anxiety truly is a beast! xxxx


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2016, 12:03:59 PM »

Yeah I've knocked the 4 on the head this morning and gone back to 3 again.  I've upped my Vitamin D3 though to 5000iu to see if that makes any difference as I've only been taking 2000iu (or 1000iu if I forget how many I'm supposed to take).  I'll do that for 3 months and then go back to 2000iu. 

It's definitely happening "around" the period though as today as I seem to be finishing my "skanty" bleed (yeah right... skanty... phhh) and it's easing a "little".  Head is still pounding though but I don't have such a nervous tummy today like I did yesterday.


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Re: 3 months in on BHRT
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2016, 04:09:39 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Just wanted to say that even though I 4 pumps I only get a very scanty bleed. I only need to use a few panty liners over 2-3 days. And that's even with still having my own hormones in play.

Prof Studd told me I was just one of the lucky ones. And the GP I saw today, who specialises in Menopause said it was perfectly fine to only have a very light bleed on 4 pumps.

I am surprised, as I always assumed that high oestrogen = heavy flow.