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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Don't know if I am coming or going  (Read 5669 times)


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Don't know if I am coming or going
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:53:27 PM »

Hi,  I am new to this site and wanted to be able to talk and read about other people's experiences.   I am 43 years old and for the last year have been suffering with irregular periods, mood swings to name a few.   My Dr's thinks I am pre-menopausal.   I had a blood test done, but it didn't show reduce levels of hormones but she thinks I am in the early stages which will not necessarily pick up in a blood test; she has suggested I have another blood test in a couple of months.   I am feeling pretty down at the moment about everything as I never know if I am coming or going.   Thank you for letting me join your group.


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 12:03:24 AM »

Hiya Freckles.  I've really not got anything constructive to say, just wanted to acknowledge your joining the forum.  I seem to have sailed through the peri stages due to being on a mini pill - cerazette. It was only when I stopped this 2 years ago did I find I was post menopausal and all the symptoms kicked in (well apart from VA which I already knew about).

I'm sure some of the more e experienced ladies will be along to help you shortly.


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 05:57:22 AM »

Hi Freckles71 and welcome😄I like you have just joined and experiencing similar things to you. I'm not sure where I am in meno as still have periods although getting irregular, I haven't had blood test for over a year but last one apparently was normal whatever that means. However given the fact I am 55 and have lots of symptoms I must be at some stage of the dreaded change and probably have been for quite some time I just find it all so confusing because if my periods had stopped altogether it's not as difficult to accept that something major is happening.
I'm finding at the moment apart from being an emotional wreck that going grocery shopping or trying to decide what to cook for tea is like a huge thing and requires extra ordinary effort... Everything is hard work and my brain feels totally frazzled. I'm sure you will find lots of support here x


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2016, 09:32:05 AM »

Sounds like you have a GP who knows what she is talking about, hang onto her.  Many of them do not from things I have read.

Welcome to the forum, it's good to have you here.  Hope you enjoy it and find the support that is in these pages.  :welcomemm:


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2016, 02:23:34 PM »

Hi Freckles71

I'm 44 and have felt exactly the same as you.  I started with all this 2 years ago at 42.

I saw a female gynaecologist 10 days ago who recommended HRT for ladies who still have regular periods. She was a member of the British Menopause Society and she knew all her stuff.

Speaking from experience, I wouldn't delay trying HRT as it can help with lots of symptoms.


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2016, 03:43:44 PM »

Just wanted to say my blood tests always showed 'normal' results. My current GP says blood tests only really show when your ovaries have 'failed' and not when they are 'failing'. So please don't hold back from possible HRT if you feel you need it. I was told by many useless doctors for a few years I was not 'peri' and I really feel had I started HRT earlier I wouldn't have the awful bladder problems I have now >:(
Now on HRT (have tried BCP as well - I'm 42) and feeling the positive benefits anxiety wise, have to be patient but hopefully bladder will improve in time...xx


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2016, 05:12:38 PM »

Hello All, you have all been so kind and thank you for your thoughts.   I am going back to my GP on Tuesday as I have had 3 bleeds in 1 month.   I really feel like I can't take it anymore and it's making me so down and emotional.   It doesn't help when trying to bring up a family and working full time.    My son is 15 and is always clashing with his dad which just adds to my anxiety.   I try and put a brave face on in front of others, when all I really want to do is scream or curl up in bed and be left alone.     Unfortunately my very kind GP is on sick leave until after August so I am just hoping the other doctor will be as supportive.   My GP did talk about HRT but because I am only getting the occasional hot flush she didn't think it would help much.   She has given me some tablets to help with my mood swings.   I will broach the subject with the other GP and she want she says.   Thank you for your support, I am so pleased I can talk to others and read more about the subject.   Th


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2016, 05:42:25 PM »

Good luck with appointment, and also please note many women don't have hot flushes (including myself)....this was one of the reasons GP's felt I wasn't in Peri, despite my many other symptoms. They convinced me AD's were my best hope, but as my anxiety/emotional state was purely hormone related, nothing helped until the depleted hormones were replaced....that was my experience anyway xx


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2016, 05:53:15 PM »

Thank you Saffy123.  I will bear this in mind when I see the GP on Tuesday.   Did you have any blood tests?   If so did that show decrease in hormones?   


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2016, 06:17:46 PM »

Hello Freckles 71 and welcome to the forum.

I completely sympathise with wanting to curl up in bed and be left alone! I think all this hormonal turmoil takes a lot of energy and there are times when I just don't have the stamina for dealing with people.

I am post meno now and I have never had the sort of flushes that some unfortunate ladies have. A friend of mine said hers were like standing under a running tap. Other women report soaking bed sheets and having to sleep with the window wide open. When I flush it is a body sweat and although my face feels hot I don't  appear any different. In addition I don't have muscle aches and pains and although my 'bits' have definitely shrivelled, I haven't had the burning and pains others report. All this so far of course! My husband commented that he was surprised I'd missed out on anything and maybe I wasn't trying hard enough! Lol.

My problems have been things like mood changes, adrenaline surges, jittery, quivery sensations in my chest and stomach and panics etc but whenever I've spoken to medics I have included mention of flushes and night sweats as a sort of short hand  to reinforce the idea  that I am a woman of a certain age and my hormones are the cause of my difficulties.

I hope you have success with your GP and do let us know how you get on.

Take care.



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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2016, 06:49:26 PM »

Yes I did have a few blood tests, they all showed as normal hormone doctor even said 'see I told you so, you are not peri'. My list of symptoms at the time were extreme anxiety, feelings of not being able to cope, depression, dizziness, vaginal and bladder problems, shorter length in cycles (still regular), dry eyes and still she convinced me I needed AD's. I was so mentally unwell at the time, I just thought that I was having some sort of a break down.... I look back now and feel so angry that nobody was listening to me.
In the end I paid to see a private menopause GP and thankfully she listened and most importantly wanted to help....xx


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2016, 07:15:29 PM »

Hi Saffy
How long did it take for your HRT to kick in and sort out the anxiety and mood etc? I had the same symptoms as you mention but instead of bladder problems, I had digestion problems. 
What doseage are you on?


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2016, 08:17:03 PM »

 :welcomemm:  blood tests for hormone levels are reliably un-reliable!  My gynae won't do them, he goes on symptoms.  Keeping a mood/food diary might help to see if symptoms are cyclic.  If you are bleeding more often you could be anaemic which is 1 thing that will show on blood tests.

Also, intermittent alteration of bleeds becomes 'normal' for some ladies during 'the change'.  My periods came, went, disappeared, came, went ……… then nothing  :).  I haven't had hot flushes as such but did suffer vaginal atrophy which my GP noted B4 I did - it 'showed' by mimicking urine 'infection'-type symptoms.  >:(

Browse round.  Make notes.  Use the 'search' button.  Ask!


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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2016, 08:36:32 PM »

Hi Mis71mum, I was put on Estrogel to start with, using initially 1 pump then 2 pumps and then 2.5 pumps. Noticed some improvement after a few weeks, but saw the most benefit after a number of months once I reached 2.5 pumps. My bladder problems have not improved enough so I now plan to up the dose to 4 pumps, once again gradually over the next couple of months.
I have also tried the BCP, (an estrogen dominent one) which did help with anxiety, but made bladder worse :(
Really hope you find something that helps xx



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Re: Don't know if I am coming or going
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2016, 08:46:55 PM »

Maybe you need localised treatment for vaginal atrophy? inserted directly to plump up the tissues down there.
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