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Author Topic: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support  (Read 4795 times)


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Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« on: June 03, 2016, 03:54:37 PM »

Hi Ladies,
Have suffered hot flushes for around 6 years now...never had HRT. Am I right in thinking everyone is different regarding how long these flushes go on for...cannot remember the last time I had a good nights sleep and feel dreadful most of the time. Also getting up and having to go to the loo happens every night also. I recently posted in another area of the forum that I also keep getting random stabbing pains in one place in one of my boobs...worry, worry, worry..with health anxiety is all I seem to do these days....all this on top of hip and back arthritis


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2016, 04:37:43 PM »

I really do sympathise, it feels as if we have a very very long list of health problems and every week a new one adds on the bottom.

Have you discussed the flushes and boob pain with your Dr?  I cannot use hrt but I know there are other drugs that can help hot flushes for those unable to use hrt.  The boob pain is most likely to be referred pain from your back problems - I get this,  with me it usually lasts for a few days to a week then goes away but it would be sensible to get it checked out if its new to you.  I know its scary but getting it checked out and finding out nothing is wrong with your boob would make it easier to cope with.

I have fallen to bits since being post meno ( 5yrs). At present I am almost wheelchair bound due to a spinal disc collapsing, always have had very dodgy discs from head to toe but this is now beyond dodgy!!  I had bursitis in my shoulder all last summer as well, this was caused by the radiographer yanking my arm over the mammogram machine.  As i say the list just goes on and on >:(   You really are not alone


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2016, 11:17:01 PM »

Hi lovie, it's worth trying a ladycare, for hot flushes and night sweats. I have worn one for 3 years and night sweats have banished. They have there own web site that you can read up on it, I wouldn't be without mine, it works for me, here's hoping you find something that works for you xx


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2016, 07:21:49 AM »

Hi angilee

Sorry to hear about your flushes - where are you in menopause and how old are you? There is no need to suffer such symptoms if they are negatively affecting your quality of life and sleep! yes everyone is different - some women get them for years. Unless there is a medical reason why not do please consider HRT which is the only thing which will actually get rid of the flushes and sweats by replacing the oestrogen that your body is lacking. Please don't bother with gimmicky things like magnets - they are simply placebo or coincidence - (but glad you are feeling better anyway Dennylou48!).

If you would like us to help you decide do please ask again.

Hurdity x


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2016, 09:43:29 AM »

Nowt wrong with the placebo effect!

 :welcomemm:  browse round, make notes.  Ask, ask, ask …….

I had flushes after my evening bath for about 4-5 months, it could have been hormonal but it might have been the medication I was taking  ::) [which I still take] and my skin would itch ……….. as oestrogen levels drop off the body dries up, muscles become lax ……. oh JOYS! not.

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Mary G

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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2016, 02:17:01 PM »

HRT really is the only way to rid yourself of these horrendous problems.  You could go on like that for years and it will gradually erode your quality of life.  HRT has moved on tremendously in recent years and please don't listen to the out of date scaremongering about the supposed risks, this was a flawed study using outdated forms of HRT.  Most of the risk is attached to NOT taking HRT and the endless health problems that you may encounter in later life that are caused by years of oestrogen deprivation. 

I am on the Oestrogel/Utrogestan regime and it is brilliant.  I am 55 and feel completely back to normal with no menopause symptoms whatsoever.  Needless to say, I will be taking it for life.

You do have a choice, please reconsider HRT. 


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2016, 05:08:28 PM »

Never a truer word spoken Mary G. I listened to the scaremongering and suffered for years. I feel I've lost the best years of my life thinking I was doing the right thing by not taking HRT. My anxiety stopped me doing things like going on holiday or enjoying nights out with friends. I thought I was through my menopause being two years without a period but the night sweats, pains in my legs and dryness down below was getting worse. So with the guidance of my doctor who told me to come to menopause maters and have a good read about HRT I'm now taking it and three weeks in I'm getting my life back. Night sweats have almost gone leg pains have got loads better I'm still waiting for my libido to come back which I'm sure it will.
So anyone reading this please reasses your situation and give HRT a try because life is to short to miss these great years we should be having.


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2016, 06:17:33 PM »

To put your mind at rest maybe you should get the boob pain checked out,  but hopefully I can help calm your fears by telling you that I also suffered from that at one time. It went on for weeks and I got really scared. I ended up contacting the breast nurses at my local hospital and they fit me in for a mammogram and ultrasound the next day. All was fine and it turned out to be referred pain from my arthritic back.
Yes it seems as though the minute we sort one problem out, two more appear to take its place, so exhausting.


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2016, 07:02:36 PM »

Angilee sorry to hear you're suffering. Do have a good look over the site, there's loads of ladies' varying experiences, and see whether there's anything that might help.
There might be good reasons why you don't want hrt, but please don't see it as giving in. I agree which Mary G about its worth.  I delayed taking due to guilt - I have a different regime and a lower dose but I'm so glad I've persevered. And it has helped me in a range of aspects. 

I'm also pleased to hear that the lady care magnet works dennylou. I couldn't care less if it's conincidnce or placebo - if it does everything you want then that's great. I did try it and it didn't work for me but I don't regret trying and I'll try again if I ever come off hrt.
I also agree that you might want to think about getting your boob checked.
All The best


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2016, 07:44:02 PM »


we take paracetomol for pain, insulin for diabetes , antihistamines for allergies , I could go on, and we do not see that as giving in , so why do we feel that about HRT? It is just a type of medicine that can alleviate symptoms. I couldn't function without it. I have noticed many positive effects emotionally and physically. My Hoo Ha has improved no end , along with my anxiety. But it is up to the individual. It is often fear that prevents us from doing things. It took a while to get the right dose and type , and I intend to take it for many many years to come .  We all need support and advice especially through these difficult peri/ menopausal years.

Pepperminty x


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2016, 10:52:09 PM »

Social attitude probably! as well as reluctant GPs in offering advice and prescriptions?

I had to accept that I will need to take anti-depressant medication for Life ………. if I needed HRT I wouldn't hesitate to trawl round Surgeries until I found a GP who would prescribe!

Is it telling others that you are taking various medications for various ailments?  Why tell?  Who is really on the 'need to know' list?  My GP, my husband and I, that's who  ;).


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2016, 12:42:53 AM »

Why are doctors so reluctant to give out hrt, they prescribe birth control pills all the time and they're full of hormones...I personally don't see the problem they also have risk factors but docs supply and loads of woman take them 😕 Xx


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Re: Sick and tired of this!! Need some support
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2016, 06:04:50 AM »

Why are doctors so reluctant to give out hrt, they prescribe birth control pills all the time and they're full of hormones...I personally don't see the problem they also have risk factors but docs supply and loads of woman take them 😕 Xx

Yes it's quite a mystery isn't it? IMO there are far more risks with the BC pill than HRT, yet no one blinks twice over the pill.

The only reason I can think of is that it's society's attitude to aging itself. The pill is fine because if you are taking it it means you are a young and fertile female - everything society loves.

However, if you need to take HRT you are an "old and infertile" female - something that society wishes was invisible because we are longer useful. Even women can be our own worst enemies. So many women don't like admitting they have menopausal problems, because that means they're "old". I have friends like that. They always proclaim loudly that they've never needed HRT, yet they constantly complain about lack of sleep and general aches and pains.