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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Health Anxiety  (Read 14584 times)


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2016, 06:12:26 AM »

I'll join you here as well....had to take myself off to the docs this morning.

Had been doing really well after the op have felt good this last week but the last couple of days have been a bit stressy and overwhelming with people keep asking me to do stuff which is not on my already long to do list!

Was woken by the alarm this morning whilst coming out of a big dream which always startles me. Shut it off, shut my eyes again and then maybe I dropped off again but when I came to, opened my eyes and whoa...everything was wavy like when you are a bit tipsy. Then felt sick so wondered if it was low blood sugar or pressure, had some water and a bit of museli bar. Tried to raise myself but still woosey and laid down again. After a while that had passed which is just as well as I felt my stomach twinge and had to go and had an upset tum.

On top of this I could feel an adrenalin surge, jittery, shaky and very cold. I was concerned with the woosey head as worried about keeling over when I had to get up. I'm on my own at the moment which of course then I panic which makes things worse!

Got up and was okay but still felt very sick, made appointment with docs and luckily by the time I had to go out was feeling better but still feeling a bit sick and jittery.

Tested blood pressure which was a little up, tum, ears, temp and listened to heart and all okay. Concluded it was a touch of vertigo (which I've never had before) along with our faithful old adrenalin surges. She said I did the right things and although I'm feeling better I still feel wiped out today. She said maybe I wasn't 100% back to normal and the couple of stressy days tipped me over?

No doubt is probably hormone related as well but any ideas why vertigo should start out of the blue?


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2016, 12:45:23 PM »

Hi Wombat - could you have lain on your neck awkwardly during the night?  I suffered a few bouts years ago and it was horrible and it was from a trapped nerve in my neck.  If you are a bit rundown it could be that also - who knows with these things!  Sometimes meno likes to chuck us everything all at once  >:( x


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2016, 10:06:48 PM »

It might have been that or I think I may not have moved in bed for a while, woke up in the same position I went to sleep in. Because of the op I spent a few weeks not moving or very carefully repositioning myself because I couldn't twist and haven't got back to knowing I can move!

I think it was things getting on top of me as well which would explain the adrenalin rush, I get them when I've been worried or stressed for a few days prior.

Anyway, all okay this morning although nose was very bunged up and still had to rush to the loo but taking a day out yesterday was good!

I do get a bit nervy when I'm on my own as in what happened yesterday and when I had the gallstone attacks! I'm getting better but then something like yesterday happens and I'm back to square one! Never used to be like this, I hate this that things that never bothered me now do.  I used to go to remote places and not worry if there was medical facilities near by, things like that and now the first thing you check is the local hospital! annoying!


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2016, 10:31:31 PM »

I know what you mean Wombat. Mr ethyl is going away end of next week for few nights and even before all of this I wouldn't stay at home alone so would just go away. Still going , but the hotel I've picked is pretty close to the infirmary!!!

I've got vertigo at minute and it is horrid. Really sets the anxiety off. Mine is some sort of ear thing but I know that my tense neck is making it worse as are the flushes. Trouble is they are all just niggly things on their own but the cumulative effect puts a lot of stress on you.


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2016, 07:32:07 AM »

I woke calm. Long may it continue. I think mine is health anxiety, but also general .....if you know what i mean. It doesnt take much for me to freak out....that is the only way i can describe who i feel sometimes, also i get very depressed like a feeling of dread. But today is good  :)


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2016, 08:18:23 AM »

The days when I awake without that overwhelming and gut wrenching anxiety - feels like I can actually breath & even better when I can keep negative thoughts/feelings at bay... Feels like I have been given a reprieve - unfortunately tho it tends to rear its ugly head and I go thru the cycle and hell again.. I have had to get used to living alone after my divorce several years ago, and with the anx and depression - does not feel like much of a life at times.. Grrrrrrrrr - gotta keep exercising and getting back up that hill


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2016, 11:27:16 AM »

I know that morning dread feeling.  It's an awful way to start the day but nothing seems to shift it at the moment.  I wake at around 5:00am just not feeling right and then get anxious because of that, even though it might be the anxiety itself - never sure.  Just fed up with it now.  It takes till the afternoon most days to feel remotely normal and able to do stuff even though I drag myself into work, it's hard.

Booboo, it must be very hard to get used to being on your own again.  Some people love it but for others it can take years.  Divorce is like a bereavement in a way so you have to get used to being alone like someone who has lost someone who has died. x


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2016, 02:09:41 PM »

Justjules - don't think I will ever really get used to it & like you say some people love/like it ...I personally miss living with and having a  husband/partner - the companionship & continuity etc.. According to the media tho - there are more people living alone after 50 than ever - due to divorce etc and its set to rise ....Sign of the times I guess, but I think its a shame and sad too



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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2016, 10:56:06 AM »

I never spent many nights on my own until the last few years when Hubs started working away, it coincided with all this meno lark which has done things to my brain and makes me think of things I don't want to think about! I think I'd have to get a house mate if I was on my own again.

Anyway, had the worst night ever during the week. Was a bit stressed during the day as a lot to do but went to bed quite happy. Woke up after a dream (not a bad one) with heart pounding, went to the loo but then once back in bed omg...couldn't get calm, brain in over drive, feeling sick, then I'd get calm and drop off but woke up again all panicky, and this cycle continued all night. Fortunately the yucky feelings wore off once up and had breakfast. However, joined hubby and was so exhausted last night I had the best sleep in a long, long time, 7 hours non-stop!!!

I had a phase like this some years ago when going through a stressy time, I think that's when meno stuff started at the same time. It eventually subsided once I settled down but I really need to address this being alone at night stuff. I had got a lot better until that thing last week waking up with vertigo and all those bad dreams. I've got to see the doc next week so I'll see what she says. In the meantime I've started back on a Vit b stress formula which helped last time.

Arghhh....feel for you all going through this xxxx!


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Re: Health Anxiety
« Reply #39 on: June 03, 2016, 08:57:44 PM »

I knew when I opened my eyes that I had vertigo and didn't dare move  :-\

Group  :hug:
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