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Author Topic: Just turned 42 and found out I'm menopausal. Seems very early - help.  (Read 5084 times)


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Up until I was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago, I have literally never had a conversation about the menopause.  It hit me like a brick wall and I feel like I've been grieving.  I feel like it's metaphorically put my on the scrap heap.  That said, it's also helped to make a lot of sense about why I've been feeling the way I have.  From being a pretty switched-on person, I found myself driving the wrong way down the road and couldn't work out why.  I have woken up and not known what day it is.  Like absolutely no clue.  I've been ageing on daily basis and put on a stone since the start of the year.  I've had no energy and feel as though I've been walking around in a bubble, when I not suffering anxiety.  Who'd be a woman???? :'( :'( :'(

A couple of weeks ago I was put on Elleste Solo which has been like a revolution for me.  That said, yesterday I started bleeding.  Is that normal?  I'm on the Merina coil (hence Solo), so should this happen? 


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Hi Lucy7890 & welcome from me too.

Sorry you are having to go through all this at your age, I was about 48/49 when I thought to myself "Hello what's going on here then", it was such a shock to go from the normal confident woman I had been to a depressed, sweating miserable old cow that ached & was soooo tired all the time.

Anyway I am surviving with a few adjustments to my lifestyle & lowering the bar a bit.

How long have you had your mirena fitted? The progesterone is licensed for 4 years in the UK but mine ran out before then & I started to bleed again - it's just a thought it could be that that is causing your bleed. Or it could be the introduction of Elleste Solo into your system, it could very well settle in time (may take a few months though).

Ask as many questions as you like, there is usually someone who can help & please let us know how you get on.



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Just wanted to say I am also only 42, so you are not alone. Was in total denial when I first realised that I was going through this so felt so unfair, I was so annoyed with my body for letting me down so really did come as a huge blow. Not having friends in a similar position also makes it harder to deal with. This site is great, I have spent hours reading through threads trying to get my head around the various treatments. Sometimes it just helps to know there are people with similar stories...Oh yes and from what I read we won't age any quicker!! xx


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Im 42 too and total shock to me too...unfortunately im not tolerating hrt v well and am sick as a dog!! Dont have a coil either but just wanted to say Hi.....


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I too want to say hello and  :welcomemm:  I am glad that some other young ladies have already touched base with you. 

Whatever our ages we all need support, advice and friendship and it is here in bucketloads.  Hope it helps you too.


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Just wanted to say Thank You to all of you that reached out.  Huge help to a) know I'm not alone and b) get some practical advice.  I think I'm going to check in with the doctor about the bleeding.  I'll let you know. xxxx



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Yes do keep us posted. Hope the doctor can give you some good advice xx


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Yes keep us posted and im so glad the oestrogen is working for you!


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Hi and welcome Lucy7890
Great to have the Mirena already in place and simply add in the oestrogen - great combo.  It is quite normal to get some bleeding/spotting when first adding in the oestrogen and this should settle over the next few weeks or even 3-6 months.  Only thing is, how old is your Mirena - has it been in longer that 4 years? - if so it may need changing as you really need to have the progesterone from the Mirena for keep the womb lining thin. Don't worry - I'm sure this combo is going to work well for you - just give it time.  Dg x


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Hi Lucy7890

I'm not young and I'm certainly no lady ( ;D) but just wanted to say  :welcomemm: from me too!!

As Dancinggirl said - I agree. If the Mirena is still within the licensed time (for HRT it is 1 year less than for contraception - which is 5 years), then it is the added oestrogen likely to be causing the bleeding and should settle.

Hurdity x


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Re: Just turned 42 and found out I'm menopausal. Seems very early - help.
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2016, 07:45:25 PM »

Hi Lucy, I'm another early starter, now 41, started getting symptoms at 35 though I wasn't diagnosed till 39.  Feeling shock and/or grief is normal (I remember shaking for the first couple of days!), especially when it happens early, but you do come to terms with it after a while.  And I know exactly what you mean by ageing and weight gain - there are times when I feel like a hybrid between a hippo and a giant prune  >:(  On the bright side, hopefully we should be over this by the time everyone else our age starts!  I've also found it's made me take stock of my life, eating habits, exercise etc - so in one way, it may even be a benefit, making changes earlier than I might otherwise have done.

Give yourself the time & space you need to adjust to this new situation.  And keep asking questions - the forum is full of very knowledgeable ladies who have helped me through some tough times. 

Miss K

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Re: Just turned 42 and found out I'm menopausal. Seems very early - help.
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2016, 08:44:14 PM »


I am also 42 and found out 3 months I was peri menopausal. I totally understand how you feel. It was a shock for me too.  :o
I have found this site really helpful. You realise that you are not alone.



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Re: Just turned 42 and found out I'm menopausal. Seems very early - help.
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2016, 08:54:28 PM »

Hiya, I'm 38 and just going through the same thing. I was really blasé about the whole thing whilst it was just a suspicion, but as soon as the blood tests came through I was dumbstruck! But it's starting to make sense of a lot of things, I've felt much dumber than usual of late. Not that I'm exactly Mensa material anyway, but my brain just hasn't been making the connections it should've! At least now there is a reason for it. The funny thing is, I remember rolling my eyes not so long ago at my mum's super emotional, scatty behaviour. Now it's me, seems we really do turn into our mothers!


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Re: Just turned 42 and found out I'm menopausal. Seems very early - help.
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2016, 09:23:40 AM »

Hi Lucy7890

I found out that I was peri-menopausal at 40 although I had been suffering symptoms since I was 38/39.  I went from being totally in control of my life too being like a child again.  I thought I was going insane and at times still do (then remind myself that its all down to hormones or lack of).  I have found it incredibly difficult to come to terms with these changes, but try to keep positive and continue to do the things I love.  I have been on patches since January with some improvement, and also have a coil and I get bleeds every 25-28 days.  I'm about to change to gel as the patches are not always reliable with there adhesion. 

I look forward to the day I wake up and feel like me again

Keep intouch, it's nice to have others around who are going through the same thing



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Re: Just turned 42 and found out I'm menopausal. Seems very early - help.
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2016, 01:10:59 PM »

18 months ago the muscles in my belly went lax over about 3 months so that my apron dropped.  That I can live with. It's the spare tyre roll below my breasts when sitting that is bothersome  >:( - I can't stand up all the while  ::)

 :welcomemm: browse round, make notes!