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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Premarin dizziness should I switch?  (Read 2774 times)


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Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:32:58 AM »


Just need advice from someone more knowledgeable please!

 I started HRT 3 years ago having not had period (or only light spotting once or twice) for one year prior. I'd previously been on the mini pill which had stopped my periods anyway prior to this but when I stopped the periods didn't return. Doc said I could go conti or sequential. I was 46 at time. I decided on conti. Intially I was on Premique which improved v bad symptoms; it was manageable and I had good days. Premique  was then discontinued so switched to Kliofem in Feb (randomly prescribed as a replacement without consultation, just sent to pharmacy but notably both components were different to Premique!)

I bit the bullet and tried Kliofem for 3  months. The bone ache went, no dizziness (my worst meno symptom along with chronic insomnia) and no sweats. However, I think the prog element did not suit as I had terrible bladder problems and it badly affected the quality and amount of sleep I was getting. I was only getting about 4-5 hours due to peeing all the timeand that was on a good night!

So I then tried patches and Utrogestan and had a horrible 3 weeks too long to go into. I was desperate to go back to tablet so thought I'd go for the Premarin/ Provera combi to try to replicate the Premique. The two docs I saw, one said 10mg Provera for 14 days, the other 5mg for 14 days?? Mmm, that was helpful!  I'd asked if I could take continual as I had in the combined Premique. The doctor said this would be way too much progesterone and not to do this. TBH, I think a withdrawal bleed would be good psychologically as I've not felt womanly since not having a period.

I have done one month on the Premarin and took 5mg of Provera for 14 days. I have not had a bleed since stopping the prog however! Does this mean I won't with another sequi preparation? Good news: no sweats, feel very calm and great sleep with and without the progesterone. Bad news however: feeling very spaced out and dizzy continually which is getting in the way of everday life. Am totally at a loss what to do.

I have a pack of Femoston 2/10 in the cupboard and am wondering whether to bounce this off now and try the Femoston instead. I wondered if the problem with Kliofem was the progesterone element rather than the estradiol. As Femoston is a different prog I wondered whether this might be a good plan?? I'm off work for 5 weeks so could be a good time to experiment. I have an intense job and worry about playing around with it when back at work.

Anyone else heard of dizziness on Premarin and does it settle?? And is it a different make up to the conjugated  estros in Premique?

Also (last question) should I go 'cold turkey' before trialling the Femoston to make sure the Premarin is causing dizziness? i do wonder if sometimes we blame the HRT when actually these things can be viral.

Any advice would be really appreciated.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 10:53:03 AM by shoppingqueen »


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2017, 04:47:52 AM »

SQ I can't help,you with it, but Premarin is an option for me. No problems on the pill. Now on the gel and Utrogestan and have night sweats.  My sleep has been terrible since starting this combo. This week the dizziness you mentioned with jelly legs and a headache and I'm the same wondering if it's viral or HRT.


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2017, 06:04:08 PM »

Hi Katia

I felt totally zonked out on the Utrogestan- strange how we all react so differently! It's a horrible sensation that jelly leg thing isn't it? One of my worst meno symptoms. I decided to skip my Premarin last two days to see if there was an improvement. Lightheaded/ dizziness lifted. It could be psychological. Honestly, sometimes I don't know what way is up with all this. A friend suggested I ride out the dizziness as other symptoms gone- great sleep, calmness, no fludhing, but I struggle to function feeling so weak and spaced out. Can't imagine going back to work feeling like that. Am thinking I'll give the femoston a go. How long have you been on gel/ Utro for??



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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2017, 06:26:09 PM »


I've been on the gel/utro for 6 weeks and it's been ups and downs. Definitely more downs. I'm flushing and hot at night. I'm noit sure the gel is working for me. This week I've been spaced out, with the jelly legs, but I hadn't had that until this week and then a bleed whole I'm taking the U.  Ive ordered some of the proper gel, not the estrodose to see if it's any different. The consultant mentioned Premarin and I think it's more potent than the gel so may be better for me. I'm wondering about femoston too as it has hair friendly progestegen. Wish we had Climodien in the UK like the rest of Europe Mits the progestegen from Qlaira and its friendly


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2017, 06:55:32 PM »

Hi Katia
It's strange isn't it? I couldn't manage with patches felt either wasn't absorbing as didn't stick or was getting too much estrogen! I trialled this with the Utro so can't really pin point what it was I just felt out of control. I know everyone says stick at it for three months but if it's making it impossible to function it's a natural self defence to stop whatever you think is causing the problem. I do believe in listening to your body. I got the femoston for same reason re the prog element. I do think Premarin much stronger have heard that- I did think to ask for lower dose to try as on 0.625 but I was in this level when on Premique and it worked well. Had no dizziness either- let me know what you decide to do I'd be interested to see how you get on xxx


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2017, 05:25:26 PM »

Shopping queen, I found some dose comparisons for Premarin to estradiol today and 0.625 is equal to 1mg estradiol. It's less than I thought.


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2017, 07:57:18 PM »

Hi Katia
Wow that is a surprise!! Much lower than I thought too! Interesting!!! Maybe I don't need the 2mg on Femoston?? I'm on the 2/10- I seem to be doing much better on the progesterone phase, struggled on the estrogen only but keeping a note so I can get a true picture. I would probably prefer continual ( so I can have prog daily)  so maybe the Femoston 1/5 might work for me? Hard to tell if too much estrogen throws you off. Thanks for this it's given me something to think about if I don't settle with this fully afte the 3 months. Hope things are still on the up for you? Xx


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2017, 08:16:27 PM »

Shopping queen, did ou try Premarin, provera?  I've asked my GP for provera to try as utro tends to build up, but he's on hols.  The Premarin is ok so far, but a few spots,mwhich is unusual for me and my mood seems lower, but that might be my cycle. I,blew it,like a balloon on femoston. I'd didn't react well to something in it


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2017, 09:47:09 PM »

I did try it with provera 5mg for 14 days of the total month I was on it, didn't get a bleed though so if I went on again I'd have the provera daily. All was great- slept super well, ultra calm, no flushing or tingling/ jitteriness. The only down side felt dizzy/ spaced, but in all honesty I had just had a period of severe stress which I'd reacted really badly to so am wondering if it was actually anxiety. My doc thinks I've been suffering from this. I'm very tempted to give it another try at some point if I don't settle with estradiol. I never had dizziness with Premique- in fact dizziness had been one of my worst meno symptoms and Premique banished it!
It's so strange how we react to things isn't it? I often wonder how one tablet with estradiol can cause problems for ladies on here so doc switch to another tablet also with estradiol say, and people settle. I know the progs can be different however but still, it's odd. I wonder if it's the packing agents causing the issues??
I only tried the utrogestan for two days😀( I know! No stickability) But that was with patches. I felt overly sedated and it made me feel like I was looking through mist. Couldn't focus on the tv screen for example. A very strange couple of days. I was due back in work and just couldn't take risk of looking so out of it. I'd had a difficult time though, Katia, so that whole period i felt weird I don't think anything would have felt right. Hence, jumping from one thing to another in a state of panic.
I've subsequently seen a private consultant gynaecologist/ meno specialist and he said I must try to persevere with the Femoston for 3 months. He said my hormones have gone into free fall with all the changes and I need to establish some consistency before we try something else. 
It's worth trying the provera. How long have you used the utro? I noticed you were using it with the gel first before the Premarin. Some on here suggest the vaginal route don't they as it supposed to have less side effects.   X
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 09:52:35 PM by shoppingqueen »


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Re: Premarin dizziness should I switch?
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2017, 04:58:22 PM »

Shoppingqueen, my meno specialist said I need to stick at things for 3 months. Not sure I agree with him. I tend to know whether something is reacting, or is worth sticking to see. I did two days on femoston. I blew it like a balloon. Strange. I did ok on the 2mg estradiol, 2mg dienogest in Qlaira, which is the same as the HRT Climodien on. The continent. I'm not sure if it's formulated the same.  If it wasn't for that p, I would think it's estradiol that didn't agree with me. The gel made me foggy, just like you describe the Utrogestan. I blamed the utro for it and it was the gel. It made me eyes so,puffy and unfocused. I took utro,for a while with no problems, but weight gain. Then went onto Premarin. I've no dizziness. I pound the utro makes me a bit tired in the mornings. It doesn't seem to do as well with an estrogen as on its own. I think some of the problems are finding balance. One amount of progesterone isn't suitable for all the different strengths of estrogens it's prescribed with. Im hoping provera won't make me as tired mI have wondered about taking low dose Premique and adding a 3mg Premarin to it.