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Author Topic: Don't know where to turn  (Read 4265 times)


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Don't know where to turn
« on: May 25, 2016, 07:12:39 PM »

Hi there,

I'm not sure but I think I may be in perimenopause however, because I'm only 39, none of my friends are experiencing any symptoms so I don't know where to turn.

My Aunt was only 34 when it began for her and my Mother was about my age so it does run early in our family.

This is what I am experiencing, can anyone tell me if they've felt the same at all? And if it sounds like perimenopause?

I have experienced just one night sweat so far although am noticeably hotter than normal.

I have moments where I go really hot and it feels like I'm going to either be sick or pass out. I have had episodes of dizziness and at the moment, I feel nauseous and like I'm about to go dizzy quite frequently.

I feel like I have PMT pretty much all month every month - I feel like I have no control over my emotions, like I'm tearful or angry. It almost feels like I'm outside myself because I don't feel like me. It's so strange.

I've also had difficulty sleeping and have noticed I am very anxious. More than I've ever been - and in situations where previously I've been fine, for example presenting at work.

Now I'm getting nervous that I'll get nervous! I've had more headaches and fatigue too and my patience is not what it was.

It feels like I'm losing myself sometimes! I've noticed I need the toilet more too.

My periods are still regular at the moment apart from this month when mid-cycle when I've read it is ovulation time, for the first time I had two days (forgive me for being graphic) of minor spotting and when I wiped after going to the toilet, I noticed a bit of almost end of period (if that makes sense) brown on the paper.

This has scared me as obviously you google it and panic (not good for an already anxious person!) and the two older people I've spoken to didn't have this.

I'm now anxious about that and obviously constantly anxious that I'm going to go hot and dizzy or feel off balance and the nausea is horrible!

I've also had palpitations a bit too.

Has anyone else experienced any of this? Does it sound like the perimenopause?

Please help if you can :-(


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2016, 07:16:31 PM »

Yes, I've had all of these symptoms.  It definitely sounds like perimenopause.   If it is, at your age especially, HRT would probably be recommended.


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2016, 07:20:48 PM »

Forgot to mention, I can definitely relate to the dizziness.  I had to avoid escalators and stairs in shopping centres as I got so dizzy!


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2016, 08:13:00 PM »

Thank you so much for replying Liz, I really appreciate it - you have no idea how reassuring that is in a crazy way to hear you've had the same experiences (although sorry you had this too).

Yes the dizziness is quite bad and I've had similar on stairs!

So nice of you to take the time to reply.


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2016, 09:23:33 PM »

Hi starla76,
Yep,sounds like peri to me. I have experienced all those symptoms too. X


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2016, 03:40:24 AM »

Yes, yes, and yes to all that. When I googled the ovulation spotting, the results told me it was a good sign of fertility. Ha! Dr. Google was way off the mark! That was probably two or three years ago, now I'm 39 and definitely dealing with menopause. Even if your gp doesn't want to address it right away, as you are young and having regular periods, I would go on and speak to him/her about it so they are aware that you're having symptoms.


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2016, 05:45:04 AM »

Exactly the same for me, lots of anxiety, palpitations, dizziness, bladder problems. I thought I was going mad. I was around the same age too, so you are not alone. It is hard going through this young as friends are not. The mid cycle brown staining was the same for me as well so don't worry. I'm 42 now and the BCP has helped a lot of the symptoms, however my bladder frequency is still my biggest issue, it's a battle, but I'm determined to get it sorted.
Big hugs xx


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2016, 06:07:34 AM »

Thank you so much for replying Liz, I really appreciate it - you have no idea how reassuring that is in a crazy way to hear you've had the same experiences (although sorry you had this too).

Yes the dizziness is quite bad and I've had similar on stairs!

So nice of you to take the time to reply.

You're welcome, Starla.    We're all going through similar here, it's a great support network.  Post more when you feel like it and keep in touch.


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2016, 03:17:57 PM »

I've not put it to the test but I reckon, due to the oestrogen upsurges in perimenopause (or premenopause if peri strictly means the year before menopause), that it is a highly fertile time as I've read it's the ovaries last ditch attempt to get us pregnant!

So don't assume you don't need contraception as you may find you need it even more so!


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2016, 05:04:35 PM »

Yes, yes and yes, I don't have the full on hot flushes or dizziness, but I am very hot at night (didn't have the winter duvet on at all this year!!), that feeling of being outside and the emotions all over the place and anger - that is right on the spot for me.  It's like watching yourself have some kind of nervous breakdown.  I have that very much under control now but it still comes out from time to time if I am not careful.

You're definitely in the right place here for support and advice, and go and see your GP too.

all the  best xx

Miss Lemon

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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2016, 08:04:36 AM »

Yes from me too. I've experienced all of the above and I felt like I was going mad too.

I'm sorry you're going through this too Starla76 but it definitely does sound like peri. Have you got an understnading, clued up GP? I have been having these problems for 6 years and have only recently started seeing a lady GP who understands meno. It has made a huge difference so my advice is ask if your surgery has a meno 'specialist'. Don't just bumble on like I did.

Keep talking to us. Xx


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Re: Don't know where to turn
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2016, 08:40:02 AM »

starla76, going back to the title you gave your thread, I hope by now you can see that this forum could be the way that you turn, at least for support although it cannot give you actual medical advice but can advise you where to look for it and equip you with necessary information about lots of meno related things.