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Author Topic: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month  (Read 7399 times)


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estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:16:12 PM »

Day 18- take my 4th dose of Utrogestan tonight.. On one pump estrogel a day and 200mg utro, 12 days- have developed strong metal taste in my mouth, tiny amount of bloody discharge  and wondering if I'm taking too much progesterone in ratio to estrogen- also bladder no better and signs of va appearing. Getting depressed, can't concentrate on my work,   grumpy with poor husband and anxious- don't no if I should stick with everything or increase estrogel to 2 pumps or decrease utro  or try to get estrogen cream or Vagifem from doc to back up the one pump of gel I'm taking.. Pretty lost at mo in all this. Had been feeling positive but the bladder va signs are sending me into panic mode and loosing conviction that my doses are correct.
Sorry for moaning but don't have friends that will talk about menopause matters..either not got there yet or coping fine with it and won't discuss.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 09:26:46 PM by Callisto »


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 08:05:13 AM »

Utrogestan can have very strong side effects.  While it is deemed one of the kinder progesterones it can and does make many women feel sedated, dizzy, low mood etc. It does have some effect on the vaginal secretions and flora balance as well but this should pass.  Do drink plenty of water and also try some vaginal moisturiser e.g. Sylk
It can be worth trying a slightly higher dose of oestrogen as I believe some women feel that the side effects of the Utro are balanced out more on a higher dose - this will vary from women to women - however I would stick with what you are using for now as the oestrogen levels will still be building over the next 2-3 months. Rushing into using more oestrogen can bring other side effects, especially if you are still peri meno. The benefits of oestrogen can and does take 3-6 months to take full effect. 
Utro does tend to make one pee more - a common side effect I'm afraid - don't use it vaginally if you have bladder issues.
The slight bleed you got is nothing to worry about - this will just be your body reacting to the Utro I expect but if you continue to get spotting or problematic bleeding all the time then you will need to have this checked.  The first 3-6 months on any HRt will bring some strange symptoms but the benefits should outweigh the side effects.
Some Vagifem will probably be a good idea if vaginal dryness and UTI type symptoms persist.
It's early days - things should settle so try to relax. DG x


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 09:57:08 AM »

Hey just to say I have started this regime same time as u bit have others before. I was tempted to up the oestrogen but am sticking to one for at least a month cuz sometimes less is more. Can't comment on progesterone cuz I am being naughty amd not taking it yet cuz I cant cope with any more side effects atm but maybe we can do this together.  Xxx give it time have u seen any positive effects at all??


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2016, 10:14:35 PM »

Dear DancingGirl. Thank you so very much- you deserve a  :medal: . It is extremely reassuring to hear that I need to just stay on my track (and quite hard not to add another pump to boost oestrogen further in an attempt to whack the cystitus like pain by hopefully building oestrogen levels back up down there). Having had such a bad sustained attack tonight that have been hopping around bent double with a hot water bottle between my legs- husband backed away in fear.. Found boiling shower aimed at the correct point helped a bit, drinking tons( water not wine) and taking paracetamol. Will maybe go to doc to see if I actually have an infection- have assumed its meno related but mayb anti B's ( despite today's news) are the way I must go...
Tinker bell, yes I think everything is helping, but hard to tell at mo as so extremely all over the place and hardly know my ass from my elbow.. Are you managing to concentrate and go to work?
Before I even left house today I applied blusher instead of concealer under my eye!

Let's keep in touch and see what happens next!

Thank you both again, you made me feel so much better.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 10:18:18 PM by Callisto »


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2016, 07:51:56 AM »

Hi Callisto
I would definitely pop to the GP a.s.a.p. as it could well be an infection if you are in that much pain.
Do make sure you don't use anything scented around your ‘lady bits' - especially shampoo - we often wash our hair while in the shower and then the shampoo will come into contact with our delicate bits.
I use Sylk and Multi Gyn Actigel to moisturise and maintain a healthy flora in the vagina.  I really know how miserable this burning and discomfort is.  Do try putting your feet up for an hour early afternoon as this can help.
I do think some Vagifem will help things as well. Dg x


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2016, 09:00:36 AM »

I had to take last week off cuz I had such really bad vertigo but I am suspecting that I am going to have to go sick for a while as my anxiety is getting so bad and I have no patience at all.  I am also soooooo tired and sore. Hopefully eother the hrt or antidepressants start to work soon :-\


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2016, 04:29:55 PM »

Hi Callisto

I agree with Dancinggirl  - definitely local oestrogen is often needed as well as systemic HRT so if you do still have VA/bladder type symptoms as your main problem then yes ask for Vagifem/estriol cream asap.

Hurdity x


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2016, 09:30:28 PM »

Thank you Dancing Girl and Hurdity for your advice.. I have been holding off going to docs as feel like I'm in and out of there like a yoyo and they think Im some kind of hysterical hypochondriac( never went for years before now).
Have been hoping that the 1 pump of oestrogel would stop the bladder symptoms-only on day 21 but things not any better if not much worse so maybe it is an actual infection brewing since January. Loathe as I am to ask for anti biotics I think I will do it as well as requesting prescription for estriol cream.

At mo really having to stop myself increasing to two pumps of gel especially when taking 200 mg of progesterone (figuring that I'm nearly 48 and there is a suggestion you should use more oestrogen when you're younger ) and feel as if my body is coping with it well- no more bloat and no breast tenderness so far thankfully.

Hurdity, :tulips2:

I never properly thanked you for previous post in response to offering advice in the face of my doc's entire lack of knowledge about bioidentical estrogel and utro..
I am still to tackle him armed with your information.. Truth is I haven't had the energy as still too busy dealing with the psychological and physical manifest issues of my meno brain and body.
Tinkerbell I hope the hormones kick in soon. The progesterone does help me sleep and anxiety has been coming and going for me- Think we all have a lot to deal with at this point in life without needing our bodies clapping out on us in weird ways.. :bat:



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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2016, 09:39:36 PM »

I had to take last week off cuz I had such really bad vertigo but I am suspecting that I am going to have to go sick for a while as my anxiety is getting so bad and I have no patience at all.  I am also soooooo tired and sore. Hopefully eother the hrt or antidepressants start to work soon :-\


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Re: estrogel/ utro panic mode first month
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2016, 07:39:42 AM »

Callisto - At 48 it may well be worth increasing to 2 pumps per day if you want.  200mg Utro for 12 days each month will be sufficient and the extra oestrogen could help things. It is still early days for the bladder to improve - this takes time.
I really think you need to have your urine tested to see if there is still infection present.  DG x