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Author Topic: Just wanted to say hello  (Read 1235 times)


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Just wanted to say hello
« on: May 14, 2016, 08:15:51 PM »

Hi all,
I'm 40 years old and have been told this week by my gp that I am going through  peri menopause. My mum and oldest sister both went through the menopause early (as I was informed a couple of weeks ago) I have a couple of health conditions (depression and chronic back pain caused by degenerative disc disease and arthritic facet joints) so am already on a whole host of medication. I first went to see my gp in February as I constantly felt exhausted even after day time naps and a full nights sleep. Initially the tiredness was put down to stress. I live with my partner, Daughter (partner is alcohol dependant and he and my daughter also suff with depression) granddaughter and have a grandson on the way (at 20 week anomaly scan they noticed a cyst in baby's abdomen that may require surgery) Then I started with the hot flushes and went to see gp on Tuesday  (10/5/2016) about a cough i have and my daughter mentioned my hot flushes, gp said based on the tiredness and flushes and the fact I haven't had a period since November 2015 that I am going through peri menopause,( it was only a quick visit as we were on our way to an antenatal app for my daughter) and that I should go home and look at the menopause matters website then make another app with her to discuss my treatment options.  At the moment the only real symptoms I appear to have is tiredness and flushes and given the amount of medication I am already on don't really want to have to take any more, so thinking I shall bare with it for a while and see how I go, there is also the fact that the next few weeks are going to be bedlam as Myself and my partner are moving into my daughters house (we are in a rented house at min and due to holes in roof we have damp, have tried to contact landlord with no luck so moving in with daughter plus it means we can help out with baby too) we were hoping to be in and sorted by the time baby arrived (due date is 6th June) however straight after my app with gp we went to my daughters antenatal app and as baby isn't putting enough weight on they have decided to induce her on Monday. So it has been a very busy and stressful week, trying to move the contents of 2 houses into 1in 5 days instead of the 3 Weeks we thought we had to do it. This means  we have ALL been stressed and 3 adults with depression being stressed leads to arguments and I am gutted that I  was only diagnosed 5 days ago and Already my partner has used the line "You're only being like this because you're Menopausal! " ( in fact its been used 3 times Today alone!) Of course he was then greeted by my reply of "No dear it has NOTHING to do with my Hormones!! You're just being a (Insert expletive of your choice )!!!!
I wouldn't mind so much but while having a wander through this site I came across the post Advice for partners/husbands and thought it was brilliant  (might have laughed too hard at some parts of it lol) and shared it to my Facebook wall and he apparently read it! I think what annoyed me more is that he is usually understanding, considerate and sensitive other people's emotions. I was so angry I had to stop myself from screaming " Remember the post i shared about avoiding the paring knife? Well if you don't shut up that paring knife won't fly past your ear, because I don'the plan on missing! " lol
Oh the other thing I should probably mention while introducing myself is that I can talk for England
*Those who don't know me THINK I am shy and quiet, those who do WISH I was*
Thank you for listening
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 08:21:20 PM by Fallen76 »


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Re: Just wanted to say hello
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2016, 09:21:03 PM »

At least you are keeping your sense of humour ;-).   :welcomemm: and well done your GP!

Do you mean that your partner is alcohol dependant or the daughter's partner  :-\.  What support has been considered to help the family deal with any fall-out?

This is your daughter's home so maybe sitting down and writing out coping strategies for living 2-gether.  It is important that you all have 'down' time ……. I think that the kitchen and bathroom areas are likely to be problematic, so deciding who is 'in charge' of the cooker for example should be talked about B4 it becomes a warring ground.  Who is going to do the cleaning?  Whole house or the parts that each family member uses ………

What age difference will be between the babies?  What Mums and Tots support is there local to access?  Are there nice Parks etc. to take the pram?

"Of course i'm hormonal and I know how to use them!"  ;).  A buzz word can help sometimes  ::).

A cough can be stressed related or due to the damp in your current home.  Did your GP listen to your chest?  If it doesn't improve after your move then maybe mention it again ?

Make sure that all medication is kept out of the way of little fingers!  It is easy to turn one's back on young children then fine they have experimented  ::).  A locked cabinet out of reach at all times? 

C. I'm rambling too  :-X


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Re: Just wanted to say hello
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2016, 10:31:13 PM »

Hi Fallen76

Taz x  :welcomemm: