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Author Topic: Day 10  (Read 3272 times)


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Day 10
« on: May 09, 2016, 01:14:08 PM »

Day 10 of Estrogel, (one pump) today and thought I'd comment on how it's going... Seem to be sleeping a bit better, better energy and wellbeing, experiencing a bit less bladder urgency, may be wishful thinking but my skin looks better, breasts fuller but not sore, also seem to be 'liquidating'. Brain still not improved but very early days.
Last week I experienced  intense itching and soreness 'down below' having not had that before. This seems to have subsided.  Wondering if it could be my nether regions awakening to the repopulation of my system to estrogen as opposed to it's dearth or perhaps it's psychosomatic.

The unwelcome side effect I do have is that despite drinking lots of water I have pretty bad abdominal bloating which makes me uncomfortable and actually stops me eating much as feel so full. Do you think that this will right itself once my body gets used to the extra estrogen? Not even started the Utrogestan yet - if tummy gets any more full it may burst!

If there is anyone else out there who has just started on HRT or remembers how their body responded when they begun? I would be interested to know how it's going.
Oh and unsure where I should post this so just submitting under New Members..
Callisto 🐾


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Re: Day 10
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2016, 03:14:34 PM »

Hi Callisto.
Can I ask if you have used any other form of HRT before or if your GP prescribed Estrogel straight away and are you postmenopause or perri etc? I have just started to use Evorel conti patches and have been very up and down on it. Just when I think im improving I come crashing down again so my next move is to go down the route you are taking. Ive experienced severe wind, bloating, IBS symptoms, headaches, no appitite followed by immense hunger and cravings. I had the running to the loo for a wee for a couple of days but that has now stopped. Had the cramping pains but again thats stopped. Sleeping better the last 2 nights and less anxiety but still abit jittery. The GPs all say give it time but why stay on something that makes you feel so bad!!


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Re: Day 10
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2016, 04:38:01 PM »

Hi Clare,
( I am 47, peri and had last period 3.5 months ago)
Thanks for responding with your experiences. Poor you, that doesn't sound great but maybe is your system just re jigging must be a shock for our bodies to have this hormone being 'helicoptered in'!
Forgive me if I'm wrong but you don't say how old you are, when your last period was or how long you been taking this type of HRT but I am expecting to wait at least 3 months to see how my body settles and optimistic and sure of my choice (only big concern is how my body may react to the Utro) . I am no expert but I would've thought we should give it at least this amount of time and not change too swiftly to another type for that may just confound your body...

I was initially prescribed Elleste duet by my NHS doc but even looking at the piece of paper it was written on I knew that I was just not happy about beginning it. I wanted to give HRT my best shot and having read a lot decided upon seeking out Oestrogel and Utrogestan.  I finally achieved these after a two and a half month pursuit which led to a private prescription with no NHS availability in my area for these bio identical preps. 
Having read on this site it seems rare for an NHS GP to prescribe bioIdenticals..
Hope you feel better soon and our collective bloat disappears quite swiftly!


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Re: Day 10
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2016, 05:20:03 PM »

Hi Callisto

All I can remember about starting HRT in late peri - very rare periods) was feeling better - no bloating or anything. The first type I tried ( Evorel sequi) gave me headaches ( the norethisterone part) but generally was better and better.

I am sure the bloating will settle. Some women absorb the gel very well - there is quite a lot of variation in this - so you may well be getting quite a high dose even on one pump.  Hopefully as time goes on and it begins to take effect you will also continue to feel better!

I'm sure it is not rare for GPs to prescribe bio-identical HRT - especially as most of the preparations now contain estradiol - although many still have not heard of utrogestan. Little by little we will change things from the bottom - as long as women read up on the different types and know why they want the preparation they choose - the doc should not argue - well in theory!

Usually once you have introduced yourself you post in other areas/boards - in your case either All Things Menopause or Personal Experiences - and then it won't get missed. Some of us only look at certain of the boards especially when busy!

Hurdity x


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Re: Day 10
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2016, 06:49:36 PM »

hi callisto, im 49 and 5yrs since last natural period. had a go on hrt 4yrs ago (in tablet form)and it sent me crazy within a week. tried again 9mths later on a combi tablet, cant remember the names of either, and bled very heavily and painfully for the 6 months i was on it and ended up a wreck again. ive been great for last 18months with no hrt then out of the blue all the symptoms came back with a vengeance!trying the patches now and at first i was hopeful but am getting very tearful again and hot flushes back. aftér the first 2 attemps i was very nervous trying again. it doesnt help that my daughter is getting married next month and i so want to feel better for the big day so not ive sort of got it in my head that if its not working now will i get worse on it!!do i try having anti depressant with it or do i just try a more natural hrt!!


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Re: Day 10
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2016, 09:22:41 AM »

Thank you for the reassurance  and description of you own experience Hurdity - I am positive and certain I've done the right thing beginning E and U and looking forward to my brain clearing up a bit, already sleeping much better. Also thanks for advise on where I should post on MM- think Estrogel/Utrogestan support group is incredibly useful.

 On topic of bioidenticals I was perhaps clumsy in saying NHS didn't seem keen on them for I was talking specifically about  Estrogel and Utrogestan-  I tried and failed to get a prescription from my GP even with referral from a gynaecologist..(I have since paid for private prescription like many others). I received a letter from my well meaning and extremely helpful G.P who had written to the prescribing team for my area and to gain advise on my behalf regarding my request for Estro/Utro..

He wrote to tell me that,

'Estrogel is apparently not available in the UK. ....and Utrogestan is not recommended'...

My energy has diverted at the moment but will get back to my GP when I'm clearer what I should say.

Clare, I feel so sorry for you but can't really advise you as I don't know nearly enough but hope you manage to find something that suits you better and that you can have a fantastic time at your daughter's wedding. Maybe you should start a new, 'help' thread as many women here are extremely knowledgeable.


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Re: Day 10
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2016, 04:44:54 PM »

OK your GP is talking absolute rubbish. He needs a good talking to! All any GP needs to do is look at this website - or their prescribing bible - I think though the commercial preparation is spelt oestrogel - like oestrogen. Many medics seem to have adopted the American spelling and dropped the "o". In any case there is Sandrena gel available too which also contains estradiol (formerly oestradiol). There is no excuse to give you such false information.

Here are all the licensed products in UK:

Scroll down and you will find the gels. The docs know where to look.

Ditto Utrogestan - they are presumably referring to U when used as a fertility treatment which is how it was originally available in UK (and still is). Their ignorance is no excuse.

They cannot refuse to prescribe you this as it is the only licensed "bioidentical" progestogen available as part of HRT on NHS in UK so if your principles are that you do not want to take synthetic progestogens , and you want to take transdermal oestrogen - then a patch or gel are the only options.


Hurdity x