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Author Topic: Bloating from Oestrogel?  (Read 9450 times)


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Bloating from Oestrogel?
« on: May 08, 2016, 03:48:09 PM »

So... I've just switched from Ethynl Estradiol (in combined pill) to Estradiol (in Oestogel) but stayed with the same progesterone.

I've become very water bloated and can barely get my rings on.

Does anyone know if this sounds like too much Oestrogel or too little? I'm just using 1 pump once a day at the moment.



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Re: Bloating from Oestrogel?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2016, 07:00:27 PM »

Yes that could be it - what dose of oestrogen/progestogen was in the CCP and what now? It will take your body a while to re-adjust. Bloating would not occur with too little - it can be a side effect of increased oestrogen and/or progestogens. Side effects of oestrogen due to sudden increase - tend to settle, but many women experience bloating all the time they are on progestogens.

Hurdity x


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Re: Bloating from Oestrogel?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2016, 07:55:59 PM »

Thanks yes I'm sure you're right and it's about ratios.

I was on 20-35mcg of the synthetic oestrogen and 500-1000mcg of Norethisterone (used to swap between 2 pills when own oestrogen went too high). Didn't have any bloating then.

Now on 1 pump of Oestrogel and 350mcg of Norethisterone, so quite a drop in progesterone (and had some spotting last 2 days). I'm not sure how to convert the oestrogen doses as I heard the synthetic is stronger but the natural may be more potent so just doing trial and error as can take up to 3 of the prog pills so it's all flexible.

As hadn't had the bloating before I thought I'd check in case you guys had had it with the natural oestrogen, to give me an idea of which to tweak first. It's probably the drop in hormones so I'll give it longer to settle for now.


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Re: Bloating from Oestrogel?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2016, 05:03:59 PM »

dangermouse - yes the synthetic oestrogens are way stronger than estradiol so the doses are not comparable. I still can't understand why you are experiencing bloating because your oestrogen dose is definitely lower at 1 pump - but presumably the mode of action is slightly different which may account for it. As you say the norethisterone dose is also lower.

That dose of norethisterone is lower than the licensed amount for HRT, but I presume you are peri so will be ovulating and producing some of your own? Also that as you are on one pump only maybe you will be OK with less? However the minimum norethisterone in the cyclical HRT is 1 mg even for low doses of oral oestrogen, although for continuous progestogen it is 0.5 mg. Are you taking it continuously?

Hurdity x


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Re: Bloating from Oestrogel?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2016, 07:41:58 PM »

I've also got a lot of inflammation in my joints today so been on paracetamol all day. My jaw is absolutely killing me! I had the same TMJ pain a couple of weeks ago when my own hormones were doing goodness knows what. I thought it was because they were too low so had 2 pumps this morning but the pain and bloating is even worse. I'm thinking of waiting a couple of days and then just trying half a pump. I thought the oestrogen in the pill was much stronger - perhaps its because the Oestrogel is more natural so having more effect hitting the right receptors?

Yes, I'm taking the Micronor mini-pill (0.35mg) continuously but, yes, I understand if I then have too much oestrogen the progesterone won't be strong enough to protect the womb but can take 2 pills. I was having periods every month though before I started the continuous pill regime - just terrible oestrogen surges causing extreme nausea and adrenaline rushes. I know when women are on the Mirena they can have Oestrogel to rebalance the hormones so was trying to achieve something similar with the mini-pill and the Oestrogel. Happy to try it with the Utrogestan at some point, just thought as I seem to do ok with Norethisterone that I should stick with it for now.

I'll report back in a few days to say whether the bloating/TMJ pain was helped by lowering the Oestrogel dose, thanks.


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Re: Bloating from Oestrogel?
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2016, 01:02:42 PM »

Very interesting to read this I have got a Mirena in place and have started using Oestragel for the last month. At first I started on 1pump but was still having symptoms (sweats, joint pain...) so upped to 2pumps split morning and evening which suited me better and seemed to rid me of symptoms....but then I don't know if my own oestrogen booted up again (I am still Peri Menopause)....and I started to bloat up....I actually look like Im 4/5 months pregnant....It all just seems to be around the waistline..... >:( >:(......which is so annoying as I finally hoped I got it for the last few days have used slightly less and its made me start spotting and crampy  ??? am a bit confused now.....I suppose its all trial and error and hopefully by the time I am a few months in I will get it right

M x


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Re: Bloating from Oestrogel?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2016, 04:17:33 PM »

I had to switch back to the combined pill yesterday as the pain I've been in since Sunday has been eye watering :'(. Its facial neuralgia pain in the left side gums and teeth, like a constant throbbing which radiates over my cheek and under the chin. I think its nerves rather than joints or tendons like with TMJ, and I don't think its a facial migraine as lights aren't bothering me and I don't have sudden stabbing pains like with TN or any auras. Feels more like really bad toothache, plus cold drinks make it worse, but the dentist already checked me over recently when I had this for a few days at beginning of cycle. It vanished last time after about Day 4 when natural oestrogen started climbing.

I think because I am still having oestrogen surges up and down, the 1 pump of Oestrogel was too weak, so I had the surge downwards which this and the bloating may be symptoms of, so lower than it is post menopause. I should probably have gone straight to 3 pumps as think that is closer to the pill, but I am off to Spain next week so don't want to risk being in pain then (as paracetamol is barely touching it and I can't take NSAIDs), so will maybe try the Oestrogel at a higher dose another time.

doingmyheadin - I think a lot of peri ladies on here have had more volatile reactions to the milder hormones in HRT like Oestrogel, which is almost certainly to do with our own fluctuations. Hope it settles for you, do let us know how you get on, as I would like to try again at a higher dose later on.

I can also feel the adrenaline rushes starting to break through but am relieved the nausea didn't come back as I'd forgotten how intense my symptoms were pre-pill!