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Author Topic: Had enough of HRT!!  (Read 9103 times)


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Had enough of HRT!!
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:31:59 AM »

I have been taking HRT since December last year.  At first I was put on Prempak but it made me bloated so I came off that and went on to Climagest and the weight has gone on even more!!   I feel better mentally and the hot flushes have gone but I have put on a stone in weight, I look pregnant actually and keep being offered seats on the train!!   I just can't deal with being a size 14 when I used to be a size 8.

Has anyone else had problems with the weight gain?   I'm going to try some alternative remedies so if anyone has had success with any of these, could you recommend some supplements, thanks.


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 10:53:03 AM »

I have gone from 8lb 5 to 9lb 2 in 6 months & that's a lot on a 5ft frame. Off hrt at the moment but using Vagifem. Considering going back.  Waiting for one more scan but the weight gain does put me off. I'm 50


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 11:06:46 AM »

Hi Englishrose, thanks for your message - so not just me then!!   I'm 5ft too also.  Weighed 7st 8lb 6 months ago and now 8st 9!!!!!   I would prefer to endure the symptoms and treat it another way then drag all this extra weight around with me.  I'm 49.  :)


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 11:16:32 AM »

I've put on a stone better now taking oestrogel


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2016, 03:14:53 PM »

Lol! How many extra babies are you carrying Teresa?


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 03:19:22 PM »

Unfortunately weight gain is part of the menopause and whilst some women feel a little more plumped up on HRT, it isn't usually the main reason we put on weight. I actually gain more weight around my tummy and mid drift when not on HRT - when I'm on HRT I have more energy so can take more exercise and maintain my figure slightly better. I get so tired and headachy when not on HRT I reach for the carbs too much.
The truth is, whether we use HRT or not, we need to cut down the amount we eat by about one third when we hit the meno, make sure we get enough exercise and also good relaxation - so a good balanced lifestyle.
It's really tough trying to keep the weight under control as we get older.  DG xxx


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2016, 03:26:51 PM »

I didn't put on weight I lost it I have only put it on since going on hrt


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2016, 03:39:37 PM »

How embarrasing :)


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2016, 03:46:02 PM »

My weight has more or less maintained within my normal 10 lb range. But I have grown. I'm not sure how because I've grown a belly, my butt seems wider, and I'm a little more squishy all over. But I don't seem to have lost anything anywhere. I'm not complaining though. I'll take a little extra size for my sanity as long as it doesn't start to feel cumbersome to be active. I still have time, but I will prefer to go into my senior years a little plump rather than tiny and frail.


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2016, 04:40:30 PM »

I've had a constant battle with my weight since starting peri - all my clothes are uncomfortable and I can't get in to some.  I've cut out treats completely, and am always hungry but I still can't shift the weight.   :'(


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2016, 06:34:56 PM »

I've been a size 8-10 all my life.  I went on hrt for 6 months and someone commented on my weight.  I had started to wear looser fitting clothes but was shocked when I went on the scales and weighed over 12stone! Came off the hrt for other reasons and lost the weight.  Now I'm on evorel conti patches and lost all the bloating! 


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2016, 08:58:04 PM »

I've been on a Conti hrt patch for 15 months and have piled on two stones in that time. I haven't changed my eating habits and I still walk a lot so I'm putting it down to the patch. I hate the extra weight,  but the thought of leaving off the hrt and feeling awful again leaves me nervous


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2016, 01:17:28 AM »

I have been the same weight all my life. I. Fat now. Look terribly overweight. Exercise hasn't helped so have come off it. Can't help thinking it's not good. My gp said my blood pressure has dropped also. It's 87/60 very low. Can hardly walk without fainting. I hate hrt.


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2016, 01:57:37 AM »

I'm going to try some alternative remedies so if anyone has had success with any of these, could you recommend some supplements, thanks.

I did the "alternate" route of supplements, and lots of pills and potions. I even went to a naturopath to make sure I was getting the right stuff. It cost a fortune and it only made my symptoms worse. TBH I would rather deal with some weight gain than having to deal with meno symptoms, but that's just me.


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Re: Had enough of HRT!!
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2016, 05:39:00 AM »

I think for some it's not a little weight gain but a lot to go from 8 to 12 in 3 - 6 months is difficult on top of menopause symptoms
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