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Author Topic: Does HRT always help with flushes?  (Read 2045 times)


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Does HRT always help with flushes?
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:33:30 PM »

Hi, sorry I'm new to this site and don't know where to post new questions, but I'm feeling a bit desperate...I started on Femoston 1/10 2 weeks ago and so far I haven't had any improvement in my hot sweats which I'm having every hour day and night, sometimes more frequently. I'm starting to panic that even HRT isn't going to work! I've read it can take a while, but I'd have thought I'd have seen some improvement at least, maybe in their intensity. I'm only 44 and single (had hoped to start dating again this year!) and I've been floored by this menopause business...feel like my life has been put on hold! Haven't had a period for 5 months, which was when sweats and widespread joint / bone pains started. Missed a couple of periods last year and had some day sweats, but nothing like this and they eased when my periods restarted. Does HRT always help with sweats or do some people not respond to treatment? Should I have seen some improvement by now? :'( :


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Re: Does HRT always help with flushes?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2016, 09:14:16 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM SweatyBetty71
2 weeks is still early days and if you haven't had a period for 5 months then your oestrogen levels may have really dropped. Femoston is a good to try first as the progesterone is kinder and well tolerated by many women.
I assume you had your thyroid function tested?? As you are starting on the lower dose (it is good to start low) then this can take a bit longer to show benefits.  If by the end of the first month things are not starting to improve then I'd give it another month and then ask fro the higher dose.  You are young to be menopausal so it is important to have HRT.  It can be trial and error till you find the HRT regime that works for you and sometimes HRT patches can be more effective.
I would try to be patient - I went back on HRT after a 8 week break and it took 4-6 weeks for my flushes etc to stop.  I'm sure things will improve fairly soon.  DG x


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Re: Does HRT always help with flushes?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2016, 10:35:39 PM »

Hi there & welcome.

Some ladies find it can take a while for HRT to kick in. For me I started noticing an improvement after about 3 weeks, but some ladies can be much longer, maybe 3 months. Early days for you yet. Try & stick with it a while longer. We're all different, what works for one doesn't work for another. I'm only on oestrogen, so not sure if that makes a difference to how quickly it worked for me.


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Re: Does HRT always help with flushes?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2016, 05:51:11 AM »

When I started on HRT I found that the hot flashes became worse, almost every half hour 😳 but then they stopped into the second week. Hardly get them at all during the day. However still get at least one night sweat each night usually about 3am (can almost set my watch by it), but it's minor in comparison to how I was before.  Need to persevere with it.

Have been on Hrt for just over 3 months and wouldn't be without it. Only thing I'm struggling with is very low mood which seems to be getting worse, not sure whether it's because of the hrt or my current life situation, or both.


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Re: Does HRT always help with flushes?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2016, 07:44:18 PM »

Thanks so much DG, Cubagirl and Kew for your replies! Really appreciate you all taking the time :) It's reassuring that for some women it takes longer and that doesn't mean it's not going to work. I've just started on Progesterone 14 days now. I'm not having any side effects...well slight cystitisy feeling? Just want the flushes to go away, so I can get on with life and yeah some days Kew I've though OMG they're getting worse, not better! I've had TFTs checked and other routine bloods and they were all ok. My mood was very low 2-3 weeks before starting HRT, but I feel "ok"now....fed up and frustrated, but not that terrible, hormonal black-fog. Really feel for women going through bad menopausal symptoms plus other life stresses cos I don't think I'd cope..this is enough on its own. Thanks again...I'll try to stay positive and hopeful. X