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Author Topic: upset stomach again!  (Read 16038 times)


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Re: upset stomach again!
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2016, 07:59:06 PM »

Robot wars sounds like it could be gall bladder related, have you tried Buscopan for the cramps? Its an anti spasmodic and works on relaxing the smooth muscle of the bowel. I suffer from IBS and its the one medication that seems to help.  You can get it in any pharmacy, there are two different ones, make sure you get the one specifically for cramps and see if there is any improvement.  I think it might be worth looking at some of the private clinics in your area, and check out the gastroenterologists . You can then email the clinic and request an appointment.  It could also be a virus you have picked up, which needs eliminated from your system before you start to feel better.  This means no immodium as that prevents the bug being expelled and it just builds up in your system .  I sincerely hope you start to feel better soon, its so debilitating.


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Re: upset stomach again!
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2016, 09:18:23 AM »

I agree with Evelyn Robotwars that immodium is not always good as a first response. If there is a bug somewhere in your system then it prevents the body from expelling it and causes more problems. I use Buscopan at the first sign of the bowel getting "grumbly" and it does work fairly well.

I know how you feel though. Just want to say that being woken for a bowel movement is not considered typical of IBS but more of a food intolerance or a bug. This is the one symptom that defines the difference between IBS and other bowel conditions such as intolerance, allergy and IBD. I have had IBS symptoms for fifty years (started when I was twelve) but mine changed to night time problems and this is why I kept a food diary for a while to try to find the trigger. Peas is a big one! Also, anything with soya in it. Soya is a known allergen. You would be surprised at how many things contain soya from bread to gravy granules. Ice-cream is also a no-no nowadays but that's only been since I had a long course of antibiotics.

Have you mentioned to the doc that you are being woken by the need to empty your bowels? You should really be listened to on this one.

Taz x


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Re: upset stomach again!
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2016, 08:55:09 PM »

Thanks for your replies...... I have mentioned it to the doctors twice now, first time lady doctor said it was access acid, 2nd time a male doctor said he thinks I need to change my HRT, he thinks I need to change to a stronger one, so wants me to change from my patches to pill form, which im not sure about as I like the patches as it doesn't go through your liver, which I thought was better for the stomach! my husband thinks I should stop HRT for a few months and see if stomach settles... im just confused.
I don't think its a bug as its been going on for months now, and seems to be happening at the same time each month, it always happens during the 2 weeks of the oestrogen patches, my best week of the month is when I put the first progesterone patch on... not sure if its a coincidence or not!

I have been and bought some buscopan so will try that.
I have private health care with my hubbys' work, he thinks I should get a referral just not sure where too and whether it would do any good........
I have been watching my diet, just having plain food, nothing spicy or fatty, living on plain cod loins, plain coucous etc, keeping it simple.....


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Re: upset stomach again!
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2016, 05:15:16 PM »

I'm not sure, stomach hasn't been rumbling as much and no bowel problems.... but im on my first progesterone patch and that usually a good week......


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Re: upset stomach again!
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2016, 04:04:41 PM »

Can you not have a lower oestrogen patch or continuous progesterone?


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Re: upset stomach again!
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2016, 08:51:52 AM »

well just for a quick update, I have stuck to a plain diet for two weeks, been on the progesterone patches and also stopped my multi vitamin pills and galvescon and so far stomach has not been too bad, a few rumblings but no stomach cramps or diarohea. should have came on on Friday but still nothing.
Dancing girl - The doctor wants me to start femoston 2/10 now I have finished the month but so unsure if I want to take pills again, i like the patches as it doesn't go through your liver..... I asked about higher patches but he wants me to try this first.... he thinks I need more oestrogen.... so confused.........
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