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Author Topic: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.  (Read 13389 times)


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2017, 12:07:18 PM »

I've tried searching for the studies I'd found leading from menomale's links but haven't managed to find anything so far that doesn't add a link to a product i.e. direct advertising. 'Adrenal Fatigue' appears to be something of a fashionable condition at the moment with all and sundry trying to sell a product which will miraculously cure it!  >:( I'll keep on looking.

I'm trying to remember what I read but please take into consideration meno-brain and memory. The adrenal glands are affected by the decline in oestrogen in peri/meno and start having to work harder. They have to produce oestrone to replace the declining oestrogen from the ovaries. The greater 'stress' on the adrenals causes increased production of adrenaline which in addition to its fight or flight function is also released when blood sugar levels fall below a certain point. Cortisol is also created by the adrenal glands and plays an important role in the maintenance of blood sugar levels. Whilst normally blood sugars are low in the early hours of the morning, the added stress on the adrenals at this stage in our lives, makes it difficult to maintain cortisol levels. If blood sugars fall too low, the natural emergency routine is that adrenaline is produced and released to wake us and make us eat.

The overriding advice seems to point to keeping our bodies fit and healthy. As others have said, diet and exercise will assist with this but as we all know the maintenance of the ideal is 'difficult'. A family friend, a consultant psychologist, forwarded me a Ted Talk link a while ago about re-educating ourselves about stress. I had passed it onto my son who has a hugely demanding and stressful job. I posted it a while ago but can't remember where so I'll post here again. It's a little cheesy but very very informative and a bit of a revelation. She had said to me that everyone handles stress in different ways: some people naturally don't see stress as a negative whilst the majority do. And this makes a difference. Our attitude to stress seems to affect how stress affects us. As Hurdity said, if we can reduce our stress levels (and change our attitudes to stress) this can affect how our adrenals work, which may help to manage these errant adrenal surges.

Anything is worth a try ladies, as Sparkle says eating late at night is impossible for some of us. I don't tend to have a problem with digestive issues but there are some nights I simply can't eat my bedtime banana (no wonder I've put on weight!) and I will without fail wake with the surges and then really struggle to return to sleep. The talk doesn't last too long but do see it through to the end as the facts just keep on coming! Hope it helps
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 12:24:49 PM by Elizabethrose »


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2017, 01:31:03 PM »

That is AMAZING, Elizabethrose! Thank you so very much for sharing. This has helped me so much with other issues that I'm personally experiencing at the moment.😊😊

I like to think, in a small way, that reaching out on here helps with that helpful Oxytocin for most people BUT it's also made me realise how important it is to be mindful of how we reply to people who are seeking help. Forums can be good and bad. A good deal of them can actually perpetuate misery - either through hurtful comments or unhelpful, uneducated advice or encouraging people to feel hopeless (the misery loves company scenario that is too often present on 'support forums'). It's the nature of the internet - it's faceless and impersonal and is therefore no replacement really for interacting with real people who can offer real help and support.

I post very little these days - mainly because I'm dealing with a lot of personal issues, and because when you're stuck in a very negative mindset as I have been (and still slip into often to be honest) it's so easy to grasp on to the negative, therefore reinforcing my own negative beliefs. When you're feeling low, you only read what you want to read to reinforce feelings of fear and misery - whereas, when you reach out and allow others to help you in a holistic way the picture is much more balanced and you can be more objective.

I'm still learning........The reaching out for me hasn't been easy. ;)

And it's also good to know that by helping others, we can also effectively reduce our OWN stress. I'm sure this is why some cultures who have a close sense of family and community deal so much better with stressful life events than we do in the western world.

Thank you so much again for sharing! xxxx
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 01:32:34 PM by Tempest »


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2017, 01:42:17 PM »

You're very welcome Tempest. You keep up the fight girl, you'll get there xx


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2017, 01:59:28 PM »

Thank you so much, Elizabethrose! That really means a lot. xxxx :) :)


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2017, 04:23:49 PM »

What a fascinating post ladies...thanks for the info on Adrenals Elizabeth Rose.  For the last 2 weeks or so I have been a little under the weather and have started to experience some of the symptoms described, butterflies, feeling of dread and feeling a little faint. I have been on the same dose of Oestrodot for 6 months so figure it cannot be that as everything up to now has been fine with alternate day dosing of Utrogestan since sept. I am now wondering if the added stress from being under the weather has put strain on my adrenals and hence more production of adrenalin (butterflies, etc) and potentially low blood sugar (get tremendous thirst too). I have no ovaries so the patch is giving me a constant dose of E.  I guess I just need to ride it out.

As you say Tempest, really miss contributions from Menomale.



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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2017, 07:51:34 PM »

My son is being treated for 'Adrenal Fatigue'at the moment.  This is the second time he has developed it.
The first time was quite dramatic as he became so ill he developed a tremor in his left hand. This is what sent him to the doctors in the first place.

Luckily we have a very holistic, forward thinking GP who knows how to treat it, as it is not universally recognised as a condition.


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2017, 10:12:33 PM »


First of all Happy New Year!

When I was getting my funny turns last year I saw a naturopath who gave me hormone balancing herbs and supplements. I was getting what I think were low blood sugar dips as well as all sorts of weird stuff happening. I also started taking a supplement which contains Ashwagandha root which is Indian gingseng and magnesium, chamomile or lemon balm (depending on which brand you buy). Ashwagandha is an adaptogen which means that the body will only use what it needs and is a great adrenaline gland supporter. I came across it via a link on this site to an US forum and lots of ladies were saying how good it was. Anyway, I think it really helped along with the other herbs/supplements I was given.

Once the initial weirdness and anxiety left, every now and again I'd get an off day so I just started back on the Ashwagandha for a couple of days and that seemed to fix it.

Sparkle, have you just tried a few walnuts at night to stave off the low blood sugar dips? I don't think you need many but the additional protein before bed seemed to help me or if I woke with the weirdness during the night or first thing. Hopefully they wouldn't upset your hernia as they aren't carbs.

Now after all that's gone the flipping hot flushes are back. Had a couple of months of bad night sweats, luckily I'm now waking before the heat hits so can fling the duvet off but I'm now getting the odd one during the day....arghhhhhhh you can't win, maybe the HRT isn't working so well but reluctant to up the dose as have been on it 5 years. Fed up with hormones....



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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2017, 11:30:27 PM »

Hi Breeze,

I'm very sorry to read that about your son. I'd never heard of Adrenal Fatigue before today when I started looking for the links. I'd heard of Addison's. There appears to be a great many Doctors and companies in the US selling all sorts of books and treatment plans: it's almost impossible finding information aside from on direct sales sites. How brilliant that you have such a switched on GP, I'm hoping he is able to prescribe a suitable treatment plan.

I wish your boy well x
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 11:00:14 AM by Elizabethrose »


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2017, 10:49:43 AM »

Luckily he is not so bad this time.  The first time he was treated with a steroid drug, which was administered at the surgery, in two doses a week apart.  This shocks the adrenal glands into functioning properly.

This time the doctor decided against it as it can cause increased fatigue, for up to 2 weeks, before any improvement.  Also it can lower the immune system, which is not a good idea, this time of year.

Instead he advised increased physical activity (he will be swimming 3 times a week), as well as cutting out caffeine, sugar and alcohol (which he did the last time).  He was also prescribed a low dose AD, which he can take but only if he feels the need.  This is to help with the anxiety which is one of the symptoms.

He has another appointment, later in the month, to see how he is progressing.


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2017, 05:26:49 PM »

Is it the same as Addison's?  I used to support a child with this.

Taz x


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2017, 10:41:13 PM »

No Addison's  is a very serious illness that requires life long medication.  Adrenal Fatigue can happen to anyone and is generally brought on by stress and lifestyle.  The adrenal glands become so depleted they stop doing there job properly. Typical symptoms are severe stress, comfort eating, weight gain, fatigue and cravings for stimulants (caffeine, sugar, alcohol etc.,). Stimulants actually make the condition worse so a vicious cycle occurs.  Not very pleasant but recoverable.


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2017, 04:20:09 AM »

Hi Sparkle

Tum is ok thanks! The after effects have just been, can't eat too much at one time, which is good! I can only tolerate a small amount of creamy or rich things as I soon feel sick, which is good! I pretty much avoid oily or fatty stuff ...I ask for salads with no dressing or sauces etc on the side etc. l don't get an upset stomach if I eat a bit too much fat but I can tell...without tmi!!! I think having been on that diet for so long things are just an institution now but it's nice to be able to eat more without the threat of pain!! Although I could quite easily slip back into sugary things especially when feeling stressed or tired!

Wine is a bit of a no, no :( sometimes I'm fine and sometimes just one glass can disturb my nights but that is probably more of a hormonal thing but spirits are ok!!!  Although I don't want to drink much as I'm very aware of liver health now!

As for the flipping hot flushes, just reading the other thread of others experience of how they got worse a few years into post. It's almost like you've then reached another level, I'll have to see how they go as I've got to see the doc soon. She's happy to put it up but the patches are a jump from 50 to 100. As I've been on it 5 years just worried about the getting into a more risky you can't win against the lack of hormones!

I just wish they could do more research and studies into this whole meno thing and come up with something that there isn't a risk of the big c or giving you ad's. If flushes are an issue of the internal thermostat surely they could find some drug to fix it....please!!!


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2017, 10:25:13 AM »

It does! It's not happy at the moment as all bloated but then my hormones are out of whack at the moment, so back to some clean eating for a few days.

My hot flushes started years ago and then disappeared once on hrt with one at night which was perfectly manageable but now they have increased it's annoying. I wouldn't mind so much but I never had any period problems, pmt or any issues with any pills except one but certainly getting hit now! Maybe you might be lucky and not have to tick that box!


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Re: Let's Talk About 'Aura's'.
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2017, 12:10:22 AM »

THanks for this - I have experienced something that I think is very similar.   They used to really freak me out, and really panic me and they'd blow up into major panic attacks for me.   This was 3 years ago and I had cognitive behaviour therapy which really worked for me in the end.   It was hard work overcoming the panic, but I managed it and now I can ride through it pretty well.  It's still uncomfortable, but I don't go into a panic, I just let them wash over me and they go quite quickly thankfully. But if you are getting them for the first time, and do not really know what they are, then they are pretty scary.
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