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Author Topic: Pelvic ultrasound results  (Read 8015 times)


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Pelvic ultrasound results
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:51:00 PM »

Just got these back and think they're ok will double check when see gynae on Thursday.  7 mm lining only had one proper bleed in 6 months.  1 small fibroid which I knew about and one ovary bigger than the other with the smaller one having a cyst that states small and simple.
Checked at doctor's for free using mediscan


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 03:59:20 PM »

Let us know how you get on ! and make sure that the cyst on the ovary is 'watched'. 


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2016, 05:31:23 PM »

Yes will do going to ask a bit more about it. 


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2016, 06:55:53 PM »

How long did it take for your results to come through Kate50? I'm having a pelvic ultrasound and transvaginal scan ten days before I go on holiday in May and I don't want to be worrying about it whilst I'm away. Two years ago when I had my last one they told me there and then that my lining was a little thick and needed a biopsy.
Were you told about the cyst in the day of the scan?


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2016, 07:24:30 PM »

Your lining could be a bit thinner how much and what progesterone are you using? Mine was 7mm as well @ one stage when I was using Utrogestan ever other month, when I went onto using it 12 days per mth it came down to 5mm then next scan to 3mm....the cysts are quite normal, if they appear simple fluid filled cysts on the scan however my gynae whenever spotting them always sends me for a blood test as well a CA 125 and another to see if they are benign so perhaps ask about that. You may find that if you go onto a regular progesterone they will also disappear.


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2016, 07:58:54 PM »

Linz57 the results came through in a week although when I had one before they told me there and then.
Cassie been reading up on cysts it seems they pretty normal. Yes using utrogestan just one 7 day round so far but didn't bleed much.  The bleed I did have back when trying out different hrt that contained progesterone made me bleed heavily as soon as I stopped it and I had only been taking it 3 days? ?


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2016, 08:12:41 PM »

Linz - could you ring for the results? or tell them at the Dept. that you are away ………. will you have access to e-Mail?


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2016, 08:16:00 PM »

Kate50 If you are taking cyclical HRT then the thickness of your uterus lining will depend where in your cycle the scan was done. If just after a bleed it will (if the prog has done its job) be low because the lining will just have been shed. Depending on the length of your cycle, just before the bleed it could be quite thick. So 7 mm just after a bleed may well be too thick - ie you need more prog as it could build up overall, but just before a bleed or mid cycle is probably fine? This is why it's important to monitor regularly if varying the standard HRT dosage.

linz57 - in my area the person doing the scan can tell me exactly what's there on the day - how thick the lining is, and what abnormalities she sees. I would have thought you could ask on the day because they have to measure it on the computer - I've seen them do it and you can say - what is that measurement - it's your body after all! Also ask if she can see any abnormalities or irregularities. Obviously you need the letter but hopefully you can be told verbally (informally) on the day.

Hurdity x


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2016, 08:19:45 PM »

Thank you ladies, yes I will ask on the day and then at least I will know before I go away. Hopefully all will be ok but you never know.....😬


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2016, 03:00:15 PM »

Been to see the Gynea guess what she does her training same place Studd does!  She was alarmed though in his 100mg  of Utrogestan x7 days she absolutely did not think it was enough? ?? I told her I want great on that but has advised to try it vaginally this time.  She showed me the official documentation for utrogestan usage it was every day if 100 or 15-28 days for 100 or 200 and 7 days x200.??
She said she is starting up a menopause clinic in accordance with the new nice guidelines and says she puts most of her ladies on the oestrogel  utrogestan testim regime.  She said there shouldn't be a need for internal check ups if you stick with the routine or blood tests.  And lastly you can only stay on a bleed cycle for up to 5 years . Lots to take in the best thing for me was the info she gave me as I didn't get any of this with Studd . And as she said if you given the info you can make a proper informed decision and stick with it.  Her opinion of Studd was he acts like a Paternal figure .
Opinions please

Mary G

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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2016, 05:19:20 PM »

Kate50, that's interesting but where does that leave you now?

I have never heard that you can't stay on a bleed cycle for more than 5 years.  What does this gynaecologist do when she has a patient who has to limit their Utrogestan intake after 5 years?  What kind of blood tests was she referring to?  I can't see how they would be a substitute for a proper ultrasound scan.

Re the Utrogestan dose she prescribes, as far as I am concerned, it is never going to happen because I categorically cannot take that much - I would have migraines 24 hours a day.  My gynaecologist would disagree with her regarding scans because she thinks all women should have a uterine scan every year - she says there is much more to worry about than just the lining, what about ovaries, fibroids etc?  Also, it's not just women on HRT that get lining build up, women who have never taken HRT can get it post menopause so they also need to be checked.  Someone I used to work with would probably be alive today if she had been given regular scans.

If a woman can tolerate Utrogestan well then fine, no problem with the recommended dose, but if they are intolerant (like me) and it is not possible to take the recommended dose then having a scan is the only other option and I think gynaecologists should be open to that idea.  I have cheated like mad and taken much less than the recommended dose yet my last scan showed a lining measurement of 2mm (immediately after a period) so it does show that one size very definitely does not fit all and if I took any more, I could end up with womb erosion. 

I think a flexible approach is needed and I can obviously take less Utrogestan so chances are many other women can too.  So if Utrogestan is making your life a misery and ruining your HRT regime, my advice is not to assume you need the maximum dose, find out. 

If anyone reading this has had lining build up with the 100mg 7 day Utrogestan Prof Studd regime, it would be good to hear from them. 


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2016, 06:45:27 PM »

Also never heard of 5 yrs only for bleed cycle, I wonder why.... ???
I know that some ladies in their 60s have been on the meds for quite a while and prefer a bleed, I would hate to take Utro each day.


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2016, 07:11:42 PM »

I'm glad of all the replies as if I get enough opinions I will show her.
She said that even after 3 years it's not good to be having a bleed due to risks as you wouldn't be doing normally. I asked her about the bleed and she said it's not about the shedding but about the build up so without the build up then no need to worry about the bleed. To be fair Studd said to not worry about the bleed.  She wanted to see the copy of e mail that Studd sent to my doctor about 7 days as she thought I had got it wrong she then told me to keep hold of it !?
She said it would be unlikely i would bleed properly on that amount anyway. I have never been on any hormones  bf starting hrt . I did have a big bleed bf all this bf when I tried a few days of patch that had both o&p in.
You know my lining was 7 mm which she didn't seem fussed about?
It leaves me same as before  trying a bit of everything as usual till I find a balance. Yes I think she was saying that you would all be cylical.
She said I didn't need blood tests.
I agree over the scans for other stuff abs the headaches I have only just got over mine. She seemd to think I won't get them vaginally? ?
She said the VA would be better on Progesterone which I do agree with because mine was for those 7 days.
Thought it would be a talking point.  See if Hurdity picks up on it. The up side was the support for the regime.  I was able to discuss stuff with her and would feel confident to question her.


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2016, 08:01:49 PM »

No. She said it was up to me if I wanted to take it cos of Studd recommendation .and advised me to try taking more or longer.  Going to take utrogestan from tonight so will see how I go.  Not had any for 5 weeks as it taken this long to get over last lot


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Re: Pelvic ultrasound results
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2016, 04:15:27 AM »

Been awake for an hour after just feeling like I've been dreaming all night.  Had taken 100 mg utrogestan vaginally.  Woke up with slight heady and slight nausea. Think I will document this month as last month had so many things after taking it especially aura migraines.  Maybe if it's in black and white someone might believe me.  Feeling pissed off with the whole lot of them at the moment they all seem to have their own contradictory views. 4 times have e mailed Studd and rang and still no response! 
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